Я получаю ответ 403 PERMISSION_DENIED от GCP при запуске менеджера развертывания для создания развертывания, которое создает проект, две учетные записи службы и устанавливает для него политику IAM с помощью API администратора облачных ресурсов.
location: /deployments/test-deployment/resources/dm-test-project
message: '{"ResourceType":"cloudresourcemanager.v1.project","ResourceErrorCode":"403","ResourceErrorMessage":{"code":403,"message":"The
caller does not have permission","status":"PERMISSION_DENIED","statusMessage":"Forbidden","requestPath":"https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/dm-test-project","httpMethod":"GET"}}'
Ранее я создал проект «Создание проекта DM», включил некоторые API, назначил ему учетную запись для выставления счетов и затем создал учетную запись службы.У меня уже был создан узел организации, поэтому я добавил созданную учетную запись службы в узел org и назначил следующие роли IAM: - Создатель проекта - Пользователь платежной учетной записи
Я фактически следовал этим примерам из Google Cloud Platform:https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/deploymentmanager-samples/tree/master/examples/v2/project_creation
Я запускаю следующую команду для проверки подлинности с помощью учетной записи службы:
gcloud auth activate-service-account dm-project-creation@dm-creation-project-0.iam.gserviceaccount.com --key-file=/Users/famedina/Downloads/dm-creation-project-0-f1f92dd070ce.json
Затем запускайте менеджер развертыванияпередача файла конфигурации: gcloud deployment-manager deployments create test-deployment --config config.yaml
- path: project.py
# The "name" property below will be the ID of the new project
# If you want your project to have a different name, use the "project-name"
# property.
- name: dm-test-project
type: project.py
# Change this to your organization ID.
organization-id: "<MY_ORG_ID"
# You can also create the project in a folder.
# If both organization-id and parent-folder-id are provided,
# the project will be created in parent-folder-id.
#parent-folder-id: "FOLDER_ID"
# Change the following to your organization's billing account
billing-account-name: billingAccounts/<MY_BILLING_ACC_ID>
# The apis to enable in the new project.
# To see the possible APIs, use: gcloud services list --available
- compute.googleapis.com
- deploymentmanager.googleapis.com
- pubsub.googleapis.com
- storage-component.googleapis.com
- monitoring.googleapis.com
- logging.googleapis.com
# The service accounts you want to create in the project
- my-service-account-1
- my-service-account-2
create-bucket: true
# If using an already existing bucket, specify this
# bucket: <my bucket name>
# Makes the service account that Deployment Manager would use in the
# generated project when making deployments in this new project a
# project owner.
set-dm-service-account-as-owner: true
# The patches to apply to the project's IAM policy. Note that these are
# always applied as a patch to the project's current IAM policy, not as a
# diff with the existing properties stored in DM. This means that removing
# a binding from the 'add' section will not remove the binding on the
# project during the next update. Instead it must be added to the 'remove'
# section.
# These are the bindings to add.
- role: roles/owner
# NOTE: The DM service account that is creating this project will
# automatically be added as an owner.
- serviceAccount:98765432100@cloudservices.gserviceaccount.com
- role: roles/viewer
- user:iamtester@deployment-manager.net
# The bindings to remove. Note that these are idempotent, in the sense
# that any binding here that is not actually on the project is considered
# to have been removed successfully.
- role: roles/owner
# This is already not on the project, but in case it shows up, let's
# remove it.
- serviceAccount:1234567890@cloudservices.gserviceaccount.com```