При попытке зарегистрировать новую учетную запись в моей программе через LocalDB я получаю сообщение об ошибке:
ExecuteNonQuery требует открытого и доступного соединения. Текущее состояние соединения закрыто
Но, как вы видите, я уже открываю соединение
Я уже пытался установить строку подключения в нескольких местах, но безрезультатно
// The methods which will be called if the user tries to log in or register
private void LoginRegisterClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// The following lines of code will execute if the user tries to register
if (lblView.Text == "Register")
// If all the textboxes have passed validation, the details from the textboxes are retrieved and stored
if (ucRegister1.AllFieldsValidated() == true)
string[] details = ucRegister1.ReturnRegisterDetails();
// (cmdCountUsernames) Checks to see if new username is unique
SqlCommand cmdCU = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM LoginsTable WHERE Login = '" + details[6] + "'", Helper.ConnectionToDB());
int count = (int)cmdCU.ExecuteScalar();
//int count = Convert.ToInt32(cmdCU.ExecuteScalar());
// If the new username is unique, the record is added into MainParentTable
if (count == 0)
// Order of the details:
// details[(0)Firstname, (1)Surname, (2)DOB, (3)HomeTel, (4)MobileTel, (5)Address, (6)Username, (7)Password, (8)Email]
// (cmdCNL) Creates a new record in the LoginsTable
SqlCommand cmdCNL = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO LoginsTable (Login, Password) VALUES (@login, @password)", Helper.ConnectionToDB());
cmdCNL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@login", details[6]);
cmdCNL.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", details[7]);
// (cmdFindUserID) Finds the UserID of the new acccount which was just created above.
SqlCommand cmdFUID = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT * FROM LoginsTable WHERE Login = @login", Helper.ConnectionToDB());
cmdFUID.Parameters.AddWithValue("@login", details[6]);
var da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdFUID);
var dt = new DataTable();
globalVariables.userIDSelected = dt.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
// (cmdInsertMainParentTable) Adds to the MainParentTable, a new parent using the UserID from the code above.
SqlCommand cmdIMPT = new SqlCommand(@"INSERT INTO MainParentTable (UserID, FirstName, Surname, DOB, Address, HomeTelephone, MobileTelephone, Email) VALUES (@userid, @firstname, @surname, @dob, @address, @hometelephone, @mobiletelephone, @email)", globalVariables.conDB);
cmdIMPT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", globalVariables.userIDSelected);
cmdIMPT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@firstname", details[0]);
cmdIMPT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@surname", details[1]);
cmdIMPT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dob", Convert.ToDateTime(details[2]));
cmdIMPT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@address", details[5]);
cmdIMPT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@hometelephone", details[3]);
cmdIMPT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mobiletelephone", details[4]);
cmdIMPT.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", details[8]);
catch (Exception msg2)
MessageBox.Show("Error Message 2: " + msg2);
catch (Exception msg)
MessageBox.Show("Error Message: " + msg);
// Helper.ConnectionToDB().Close();
// Populates and brings ucLogIn to the front of the form
ucLogIn1.PopulateLogins(details[6], details[7]);
lblView.Text = "Log In";
lblView.Location = new Point(293, 30);
Количество должно быть установлено на 0 или 1 в зависимости от результата запроса
GlobalVariables.Con просто делает это
public static SqlConnection conDB = Helper.ConnectionToDB();
Мой вспомогательный класс выглядит следующим образом:
public static class Helper
public static SqlConnection ConnectionToDB()
return new SqlConnection (@"Data Source = (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB; AttachDbFilename = G:\myDatabase.mdf; Integrated Security = True"); }