Я использую скрипт, который я немного изменил для резервного копирования файлов пользовательских библиотек. По какой-то причине он может создавать резервные копии всех библиотек, но не может создавать резервные копии любых файлов рабочего стола.
Я пробовал запускать это для разных пользователей и на разных машинах, но с одинаковым результатом.
Это последняя версия Powershell для Windows 10. Возможно, код изменился со времен Windows 7? Заранее спасибо за любую помощь.
Set-StrictMode -Off
#create directories for backup if needed
$TARGETDIR1 = "c:\temp"
if(!(Test-Path -Path $TARGETDIR1 )){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TARGETDIR1
$TARGETDIR2 = "c:\temp\backup"
if(!(Test-Path -Path $TARGETDIR2 )){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TARGETDIR2
$TARGETDIR3 = "c:\temp\backup\Download"
if(!(Test-Path -Path $TARGETDIR3 )){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TARGETDIR3
$TARGETDIR4 = "c:\temp\backup\Staging"
if(!(Test-Path -Path $TARGETDIR4 )){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TARGETDIR4
#Variables, only Change here
$Destination="c:\temp\backup" #Copy the Files to this Location
$ClearStaging=$true # When $true, Staging Dir will be cleared
$Versions="5" #How many of the last Backups you want to keep
$BackupDirs="$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop", "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents", "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads", "$env:USERPROFILE\Favorites", "$env:USERPROFILE\Pictures", "$env:USERPROFILE\Videos", "$env:USERPROFILE\OneDrive", "$env:USERPROFILE\Links"#What Folders you want to backup
#commented out for now --tom
$ExcludeDirs="C:\Users\seimi\OneDrive - Seidl Michael\0-Temp\Dir1","C:\Users\seimi\OneDrive - Seidl Michael\0-Temp\Dir2" #This list of Directories will not be copied
$LogName="Log.txt" #Log Name
$LoggingLevel="3" #LoggingLevel only for Output in Powershell Window, 1=smart, 3=Heavy
$Zip=$false #Zip the Backup Destination
$Use7ZIP=$false #Make sure it is installed
$RemoveBackupDestination=$false #Remove copied files after Zip, only if $Zip is true
$UseStaging=$true #only if you use ZIP, than we copy file to Staging, zip it and copy the ZIP to destination, like Staging, and to save NetworkBandwith
#Send Mail Settings
# $SendEmail = $false # = $true if you want to enable send report to e-mail (SMTP send)
# $EmailTo = 'test@domain.com' #user@domain.something (for multiple users use "User01 <user01@example.com>" ,"User02 <user02@example.com>" )
# $EmailFrom = 'from@domain.com' #matthew@domain
# $EmailSMTP = 'smtp.domain.com' #smtp server adress, DNS hostname.
#STOP-no changes from here
#STOP-no changes from here
#Settings - do not change anything from here
#[string[]]$excludedArray = $ExcludeDirs -split ","
foreach ($Entry in $ExcludeDirs)
[RegEx]$exclude = $ExcludeString
if ($UseStaging -and $Zip)
#Logging "INFO" "Use Temp Backup Dir"
$Backupdir=$Staging +"\Backup-"+ (Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd)+"-"+(Get-Random -Maximum 100000)+"\"
#Logging "INFO" "Use orig Backup Dir"
$Backupdir=$Destination +"\Backup-"+ (Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd)+"-"+(Get-Random -Maximum 100000)+"\"
#$BackupdirTemp=$Temp +"\Backup-"+ (Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd)+"-"+(Get-Random -Maximum 100000)+"\"
$StartDate=Get-Date #-format dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm:ss
Function Logging ($State, $Message) {
$Datum=Get-Date -format dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm:ss
if (!(Test-Path -Path $Log)) {
New-Item -Path $Log -ItemType File | Out-Null
$Text="$Datum - $State"+":"+" $Message"
if ($LoggingLevel -eq "1" -and $Message -notmatch "was copied") {Write-Host $Text}
elseif ($LoggingLevel -eq "3") {Write-Host $Text}
add-Content -Path $Log -Value $Text
#Create Backupdir
Function Create-Backupdir {
New-Item -Path $Backupdir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
sleep -Seconds 5
Logging "INFO" "Create Backupdir $Backupdir"
#Delete Backupdir
Function Delete-Backupdir {
$Folder=Get-ChildItem $Destination | where {$_.Attributes -eq "Directory"} | Sort-Object -Property CreationTime -Descending:$false | Select-Object -First 1
Logging "INFO" "Remove Dir: $Folder"
$Folder.FullName | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
#Delete Zip
Function Delete-Zip {
$Zip=Get-ChildItem $Destination | where {$_.Attributes -eq "Archive" -and $_.Extension -eq ".zip"} | Sort-Object -Property CreationTime -Descending:$false | Select-Object -First 1
Logging "INFO" "Remove Zip: $Zip"
$Zip.FullName | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
#Check if Backupdirs and Destination is available
function Check-Dir {
Logging "INFO" "Check if BackupDir and Destination exists"
if (!(Test-Path $BackupDirs)) {
return $false
Logging "Error" "$BackupDirs does not exist"
if (!(Test-Path $Destination)) {
return $false
Logging "Error" "$Destination does not exist"
#Save all the Files
# note - if the folders are empty that are being copied you will see errors
# this shouldn't affect the backup --Tom
Function Make-Backup {
Logging "INFO" "Started the Backup"
Logging "INFO" "Count all files and create the Top Level Directories"
foreach ($Backup in $BackupDirs) {
$colItems = (Get-ChildItem $Backup -Recurse -File | Where-Object {$_.mode -notmatch "h"} | Measure-Object -property length -sum)
$FilesCount += Get-ChildItem $Backup -Recurse -File | Where-Object {$_.mode -notmatch "h"}
Copy-Item -Path $Backup -Destination $Backupdir -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$TotalMB="{0:N2}" -f ($SumMB / 1MB) + " MB of Files"
Logging "INFO" "There are $SumItems Files with $TotalMB to copy"
foreach ($Backup in $BackupDirs) {
$Files = Get-ChildItem $Backup -Recurse | select * | Where-Object {$_.mode -notmatch "h" -and $_.fullname -notmatch $exclude} | select fullname #$_.mode -notmatch "h" -and
foreach ($File in $Files) {
$restpath = $file.fullname.replace($SplitBackup,"")
try {
Copy-Item $file.fullname $($Backupdir+$restpath) -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Out-Null
Logging "INFO" "$file was copied"
catch {
Logging "ERROR" "$file returned an error an was not copied"
$Items += (Get-item $file.fullname).Length
$status = "Copy file {0} of {1} and copied {3} MB of {4} MB: {2}" -f $count,$SumItems,$file.Name,("{0:N2}" -f ($Items / 1MB)).ToString(),("{0:N2}" -f ($SumMB / 1MB)).ToString()
$Text="Copy data Location {0} of {1}" -f $Index ,$BackupDirs.Count
Write-Progress -Activity $Text $status -PercentComplete ($Items / $SumMB*100)
if ($File.Attributes -ne "Directory") {$count++}
$SumTotalMB="{0:N2}" -f ($Items / 1MB) + " MB of Files"
Logging "INFO" "----------------------"
Logging "INFO" "Copied $SumCount files with $SumTotalMB"
Logging "INFO" "$ErrorCount Files could not be copied"
# Send e-mail with reports as attachments
if ($SendEmail -eq $true) {
$EmailSubject = "Backup Email $(get-date -format MM.yyyy)"
$EmailBody = "Backup Script $(get-date -format MM.yyyy) (last Month).`nYours sincerely `Matthew - SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR"
Logging "INFO" "Sending e-mail to $EmailTo from $EmailFrom (SMTPServer = $EmailSMTP) "
### the attachment is $log
Send-MailMessage -To $EmailTo -From $EmailFrom -Subject $EmailSubject -Body $EmailBody -SmtpServer $EmailSMTP -attachment $Log
#create Backup Dir
Logging "INFO" "----------------------"
Logging "INFO" "Start the Script"
#Check if Backupdir needs to be cleaned and create Backupdir
$Count=(Get-ChildItem $Destination | where {$_.Attributes -eq "Directory"}).count
Logging "INFO" "Check if there are more than $Versions Directories in the Backupdir"
if ($count -gt $Versions)
$CountZip=(Get-ChildItem $Destination | where {$_.Attributes -eq "Archive" -and $_.Extension -eq ".zip"}).count
Logging "INFO" "Check if there are more than $Versions Zip in the Backupdir"
if ($CountZip -gt $Versions) {
#Check if all Dir are existing and do the Backup
if ($CheckDir -eq $false) {
Logging "ERROR" "One of the Directory are not available, Script has stopped"
} else {
$Enddate=Get-Date #-format dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm:ss
$span = $EndDate - $StartDate
Logging "INFO" "Backupduration $Minutes Minutes and $Seconds Seconds"
Logging "INFO" "----------------------"
Logging "INFO" "----------------------"
if ($Zip)
Logging "INFO" "Compress the Backup Destination"
if ($Use7ZIP)
Logging "INFO" "Use 7ZIP"
if (-not (test-path "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe")) {Logging "WARNING" "7Zip not found"}
set-alias sz "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"
#sz a -t7z "$directory\$zipfile" "$directory\$name"
if ($UseStaging -and $Zip)
sz a -t7z $Zip $Backupdir
Logging "INFO" "Move Zip to Destination"
Move-Item -Path $Zip -Destination $Destination
if ($ClearStaging)
Logging "INFO" "Clear Staging"
Get-ChildItem -Path $Staging -Recurse -Force | remove-item -Confirm:$false -Recurse
sz a -t7z ($Destination+("\"+$Backupdir.Replace($Destination,'').Replace('\','')+".zip")) $Backupdir
Logging "INFO" "Use Powershell Compress-Archive"
Compress-Archive -Path $Backupdir -DestinationPath ($Destination+("\"+$Backupdir.Replace($Destination,'').Replace('\','')+".zip")) -CompressionLevel Optimal -Force
If ($RemoveBackupDestination)
Logging "INFO" "Backupduration $Minutes Minutes and $Seconds Seconds"
#Remove-Item -Path $BackupDir -Force -Recurse
get-childitem -Path $BackupDir -recurse -Force | remove-item -Confirm:$false -Recurse
get-item -Path $BackupDir | remove-item -Confirm:$false -Recurse
Write-Host "Press any key to close ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
Вывод файла журнала показывает ошибку здесь:
03.05.2019-15: 01: 04 - ОШИБКА: @ {FullName = C: \ Users \ REDACTED \ Desktop \ Microsoft Edge.lnk} вернула ошибку, но не была скопирована
03.05.2019-15: 01: 04 - ОШИБКА: @ {FullName = C: \ Users \ REDACTED \ Desktop \ Microsoft Teams.lnk} вернула ошибку, но не была скопирована
03.05.2019-15: 01: 04 - ОШИБКА: @ {FullName = C: \ Users \ REDACTED \ Desktop \ PRMS Multi-Session.lnk} вернула ошибку и не была скопирована
03.05.2019-15: 01: 04 - ОШИБКА: @ {FullName = C: \ Users \ REDACTED \ Desktop \ PRMS.lnk} вернула ошибку, но не была скопирована
Вот вывод, который показывает Powershell
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - ERROR: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Desktop\desktop.ini} returned an error an was not copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - ERROR: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Desktop\REDACTED Logos & Documents.lnk} returned an error an was not copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - ERROR: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Desktop\REDACTED VPN - Shortcut.lnk} returned an error an was not copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - ERROR: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Desktop\REDACTED_DigitalNET (J) - Shortcut.lnk} returned an error an was not copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - ERROR: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Desktop\REDACTED_Sales (S) - Shortcut.lnk} returned an error an was not copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - ERROR: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Desktop\Slack.lnk} returned an error an was not copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - ERROR: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Desktop\REDACTED (U) - Shortcut.lnk} returned an error an was not copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - ERROR: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Desktop\Visual Studio 2019.lnk} returned an error an was not copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - INFO: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Documents\ConnectWiseControl} was copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - INFO: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Documents\OneNote Notebooks} was copied
03.05.2019-15:36:07 - INFO: @{FullName=C:\Users\REDACTED\Documents\Visual Studio 2019} was copied