Я пытаюсь добавить ячейки из Excel (диапазон c3: c14 в листе Testimonial_HTML) в html-файл и сохранить файл в формате HTML.
Код (эффективно) вставляет текст в файл HTML в строке 92, и это именно то место, где я хочу.
Код выполняется, однако он не сохраняется в формате HTML. Это удаляет некоторое форматирование из исходного файла HTML. Например, он удаляет запятые.
Public Sub FiletoAppend()
Dim inFilePath As String
Dim outFilePath As String
Dim inFile As Integer
Dim outFile As Integer
Dim lineCount As Long
Dim fileLine As String
inFilePath = "C:\Users\user\Documents\Websites\Clients\AJAYS_WebDesign\joesland\testimonia
ls.html" ' directory of file to append
outFilePath = "C:\Users\user\Documents\Websites\Clients\AJAYS_WebDesign\joesland\" &
"\MyHTML.html" 'fileName2 = Environ("temp file") & "\MyHTML.html"
inFile = FreeFile
Open inFilePath For Input As #inFile
outFile = FreeFile
Open outFilePath For Output As #outFile
lineCount = 0
Do Until EOF(inFile)
Line Input #inFile, fileLine
lineCount = lineCount + 1
If lineCount < 400 Or lineCount > 401 Then
Print #outFile, fileLine
End If
Close #inFile
Close #outFile
End Sub
Sub UpdateHTMLFile()
' inserts new Testimonial to testimonials.html file at line 92 *** see
below to change line number
Dim line12 As String
Dim line11 As String
Dim line10 As String
Dim line9 As String
Dim line8 As String
Dim line7 As String
Dim line6 As String
Dim line5 As String
Dim line4 As String
Dim line3 As String
Dim line2 As String
Dim line1 As String
Dim MyString As String
Dim fileName As String, fileName2 As String
Dim filenum As Long, filenum2 As Long
Dim i As Long
fileName2 = "C:\Users\user\Documents\Websites\Clients\AJAYS_WebDesign\joesland\testimonia
ls.html" ' directory of file to append
fileName =
"C:\Users\user\Documents\Websites\Clients\AJAYS_WebDesign\joesland\" &
"\MyHTML.html" 'fileName2 = Environ("temp") & "\MyHTML.html"
line1 = Range("c3:c3") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line2 = Range("c4:c4") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line3 = Range("c5:c5") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line4 = Range("c6:c6") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line5 = Range("c7:c7") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line6 = Range("c8:c8") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line7 = Range("c9:c9") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line8 = Range("c10:c10") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line9 = Range("c11:c11") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line10 = Range("c12:c12") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line11 = Range("c13:c13") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
line12 = Range("c14:c14") ' the cell that all new jobs are appended to and code copied from
filenum2 = FreeFile()
Open fileName2 For Output As #filenum2
filenum = FreeFile()
Open fileName For Input As #filenum
Do While Not EOF(filenum)
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
k = k + 1
l = l + 1
m = m + 1
n = n + 1
o = o + 1
p = p + 1
q = q + 1
r = r + 1
s = s + 1
t = t + 1
Input #filenum, MyString
Print #filenum2, MyString
If i = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line1 ' i = the line number in html file
If j = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line2 ' j = the line number in html file
If k = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line3 ' k = the line number in html file
If l = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line4 ' l = the line number in html file
If m = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line5 ' m = the line number in html file
If n = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line6 ' n = the line number in html file
If o = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line7 ' o = the line number in html file
If p = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line8 ' p = the line number in html file
If q = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line9 ' q = the line number in html file
If r = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line10 ' r = the line number in html file
If s = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line11 ' s = the line number in html file
If t = 92 Then Print #filenum2, line12 ' t = the line number in html file
Close #filenum
Close #filenum2
FileCopy fileName2, fileName
Kill fileName
End Sub
Как уже упоминалось, вышеупомянутые модули работают, однако полученный файл не в формате HTML, без запятых и некоторых других незначительных форматов.