Я делюсь кодом, который я написал.Это может быть полезно для других, если кто-то заинтересован в подобных проблемах.Это не код оптимизации.По мере уменьшения значения шага сетки время вычисления увеличивается.Также зависит от количества треугольников сетки.Любые предложения по оптимизации или улучшению кода приветствуются.Спасибо
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection
import numpy as np
#from mayavi import mlab
verts # numpy array of vertex (triangulated mesh)
faces # numpy array of faces (triangulated mesh)
%This function is taken from here
def ray_intersect_triangle(p0, p1, triangle):
# Tests if a ray starting at point p0, in the direction
# p1 - p0, will intersect with the triangle.
# arguments:
# p0, p1: numpy.ndarray, both with shape (3,) for x, y, z.
# triangle: numpy.ndarray, shaped (3,3), with each row
# representing a vertex and three columns for x, y, z.
# returns:
# 0.0 if ray does not intersect triangle,
# 1.0 if it will intersect the triangle,
# 2.0 if starting point lies in the triangle.
v0, v1, v2 = triangle
u = v1 - v0
v = v2 - v0
normal = np.cross(u, v)
b = np.inner(normal, p1 - p0)
a = np.inner(normal, v0 - p0)
# Here is the main difference with the code in the link.
# Instead of returning if the ray is in the plane of the
# triangle, we set rI, the parameter at which the ray
# intersects the plane of the triangle, to zero so that
# we can later check if the starting point of the ray
# lies on the triangle. This is important for checking
# if a point is inside a polygon or not.
if (b == 0.0):
# ray is parallel to the plane
if a != 0.0:
# ray is outside but parallel to the plane
return 0
# ray is parallel and lies in the plane
rI = 0.0
rI = a / b
if rI < 0.0:
return 0
w = p0 + rI * (p1 - p0) - v0
denom = np.inner(u, v) * np.inner(u, v) - \
np.inner(u, u) * np.inner(v, v)
si = (np.inner(u, v) * np.inner(w, v) - \
np.inner(v, v) * np.inner(w, u)) / denom
if (si < 0.0) | (si > 1.0):
return 0
ti = (np.inner(u, v) * np.inner(w, u) - \
np.inner(u, u) * np.inner(w, v)) / denom
if (ti < 0.0) | (si + ti > 1.0):
return 0
if (rI == 0.0):
# point 0 lies ON the triangle. If checking for
# point inside polygon, return 2 so that the loop
# over triangles can stop, because it is on the
# polygon, thus inside.
return 2
return 1
def bounding_box_of_mesh(triangle):
return [np.min(triangle[:,0]), np.max(triangle[:,0]), np.min(triangle[:,1]), np.max(triangle[:,1]), np.min(triangle[:,2]), np.max(triangle[:,2])]
def boundingboxoftriangle(triangle,x,y,z):
localbox= [np.min(triangle[:,0]), np.max(triangle[:,0]), np.min(triangle[:,1]), np.max(triangle[:,1]), np.min(triangle[:,2]), np.max(triangle[:,2])]
#print 'local', localbox
for i in range(1,len(x)):
if (x[i-1] <= localbox[0] < x[i]):
if (x[i-1] < localbox[1] <= x[i]):
for i in range(1,len(y)):
if (y[i-1] <= localbox[2] < y[i]):
if (y[i-1] < localbox[3] <= y[i]):
for i in range(1,len(z)):
if (z[i-1] <= localbox[4] < z[i]):
if (z[i-1] < localbox[5] <= z[i]):
return [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max]
spacing=5 # grid spacing
print boundary
print Grid.shape
# actual number of grid is very high so checking every grid is
# inside or outside is inefficient. So, I am looking for only
# those grid which is near to mesh boundary. This will reduce
#the time and later on internal grid can be interpolate easily.
for i in range(len(data)):
#print '\n', data[i]
AABB=boundingboxoftriangle(data[i],x,y,z) ## axis aligned bounding box
#print AABB
for gx in range(AABB[0],AABB[1]+1):
if gx not in xarr:
for gy in range(AABB[2],AABB[3]+1):
if gy not in yarr:
for gz in range(AABB[4],AABB[5]+1):
if gz not in zarr:
print len(xarr),len(yarr),len(zarr)
center=np.array([np.mean(verts[:,0]), np.mean(verts[:,1]), np.mean(verts[:,2])])
print center
p1=center #np.array([0,0,0])
for i in range(len(xarr)):
for j in range(len(yarr)):
for k in range(len(zarr)):
for go in range(len(data)):
value=ray_intersect_triangle(p0, p1, data[go])
if value>0:
print i
#If the grid value is greater than 0 then it is inside the triangulated mesh.
#I am writing the value of only confusing grid near boundary.
#Deeper inside grid of mesh can be interpolate easily with above information.
#If grid spacing is very small then generating random points inside the
#mesh is equivalent to choosing the random grid.