Код для умножения 2 массивов и создания нового одномерного массива
Публичная функция APortfolioReturns (AReturns () как двойной, веса () как двойной) как двойной ()
При ошибке GoTo errHandler
Dim arrData() As Double
Dim TotRows As Long
Dim TotCols As Integer
Dim RowCtr As Long
Dim Colctr As Integer
Dim dblSum As Double
TotRows = UBound(AReturns, 1) - LBound(AReturns, 1) + 1
TotCols = UBound(Weights) - LBound(Weights) + 1
ReDim arrData(1 To TotRows)
For RowCtr = 1 To TotRows
dblSum = 0
For Colctr = 1 To TotCols
dblSum = dblSum + (AReturns(RowCtr, Colctr) * Weights(Colctr))
arrData(RowCtr) = dblSum
APortfolioReturns = arrData()
Exit Function
MsgBox "An error has occurred." & vbCrLf & Err.Description & vbCrLf & CStr(Err.Number)
End Function
I have this 2 arrays and i want to create a new 1 d array as follows:
11 20 45
12 21 48
13 22 48.5
15 23 50
18 27 52
The new array would be as follows:
first row = (11*0.5) + (20*0.3) + (45*0.2)
Second row = (12*0.5) + (21*0.3) + (48*0.2)
third row = (13**0.5) + (22*0.3) + (48.5*0.2) and so on..
But i am not getting the intended result.
Please help me on this multiplication.
код работает нормально. это не дает никакой ошибки.
я получаю результат как 0 во всех строках нового массива.
пожалуйста, помогите мне.