Я пытаюсь заставить моего бота Python Slack автоматически отвечать в теме, если я отправляю ему команды в одной. Однако, независимо от того, где я отправляю свои команды - в ветке или иным образом, он все равно отвечает как общее сообщение.
Я хочу получить ответ в теме. Вот мой код (для краткости я усек большую часть кода инициализации и запуска):
import os, time, re, inspect, functools
from slackclient import SlackClient
class Bot(object):
def __init__(self, token):
def startup(self):
def parse_bot_commands(self, slack_events):
Parses a list of events coming from the Slack RTM API to find bot commands.
If a bot command is found, this function returns a tuple of command and channel.
If its not found, then this function returns None, None.
for event in slack_events:
if event["type"] == "message" and not "subtype" in event:
user_id, message = self.parse_direct_mention(event["text"])
if user_id == self.starterbot_id:
return message, event["channel"]
return None, None
def parse_direct_mention(self, message_text):
Finds a direct mention (a mention that is at the beginning) in message text
and returns the user ID which was mentioned. If there is no direct mention, returns None
matches = re.search(self.MENTION_REGEX, message_text)
# the first group contains the username, the second group contains the remaining message
return (matches.group(1), matches.group(2).strip()) if matches else (None, None)
def handle_command(self, command, channel):
Executes bot command if the command is known
# Default response is help text for the user
default_response = "Not sure what you mean. Try *{}*.".format(self.EXAMPLE_COMMAND)
# Finds and executes the given command, filling in response
response = None
# NOTE: This is where you start to implement more commands!
if command.lower().startswith("roll"):
response = 'Rock and Roll!"
# Sends the response back to the channel
self.slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=response or default_response)
#Initialize the token (when installing the app)
bot = Bot('xxx-xxx')