Один из способов сделать это - посмотреть, сколько строк между предыдущим и следующим не 100 результатами.Чтобы получить длины полос:
with s as (
select s.*,
row_number() over (partition by player_id order by time) as seqnum,
count(*) over (partition by player_id) as cnt
from scores s
select s.*,
coalesce(next_seqnum, cnt + 1) - coalesce(prev_seqnum, 0) - 1 as length
from (select s.*,
max(seqnum) filter (where score <> 100) over (partition by player_id order by time) as prev_seqnum,
max(seqnum) filter (where score <> 100) over (partition by player_id order by time) as next_seqnum
from s
) s
where score = 100;
Затем вы можете включить другие условия:
with s as (
select s.*,
row_number() over (partition by player_id order by time) as seqnum,
count(*) over (partition by player_id) as cnt
from scores s
streaks as (
select s.*,
coalesce(next_seqnum - prev_seqnum) over (partition by player_id) as length,
max(next_seqnum - prev_seqnum) over (partition by player_id) as max_length,
max(next_seqnum) over (partition by player_id) as max_next_seqnum
from (select s.*,
coalesce(max(seqnum) filter (where score <> 100) over (partition by player_id order by time), 0) as prev_seqnum,
coalesce(max(seqnum) filter (where score <> 100) over (partition by player_id order by time), cnt + 1) as next_seqnum
from s
) s
where score = 100
select s.*
from streaks s
where length = max_length and
next_seqnum = max_next_seqnum;