Как исправить HTTP-код состояния 401 при попытке получить доступ к Yahoo Weather RSS Feed в MATLAB - PullRequest
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/ 04 мая 2019

Я пытаюсь перевести исходный код Java для получения актуальной информации о погоде из RSS-канала погоды Yahoo в MATLAB.

Исходный источник Java, предоставленный Yahoo, можно найти, перейдя по этой ссылке:


Я попытался аккуратно перевести весь исходный код Java в MATLAB с помощью страниц документации MATLAB и Oracles, где я использовал функции в MATLAB, которые наиболее похожи на функции в Java.

Вот код MATLAB, предназначенный для перевода исходного кода Java:

import matlab.net.*

import matlab.net.http.*

parametersList ==



1. sort method in matlab does not work the same as Java's Sort Method

2. Get rid of the 'oauth_nonce' string in parametersList

% This function downloads Weather API information

app_id = "aWfYyT5c"

consumer_key = "dj0yJmk9bW9XRk02ejM5azZNJnM9Y29uc3VtZXJzZWNyZXQmc3Y9MCZ4PTM4"

client_secret = "060782ac21ac35e2ef234316e01f9251b2dfe070"

url = "https://weather-ydn-yql.media.yahoo.com/forecastrss"

t = datetime('now') % gives correct date and time

p = round(posixtime(t)/1000,0)

timestamp = p

%nonce = uint8(32)

nonce = ""

for i=1:1:7

    nonce(i) = char(randi(127))
    if isletter( nonce(i) ) == 0
    nonce(i) = char(65)


get_rid_of = ""+ char(92) + char(92) + char(87) %char(34) + char(34) + char(92)
new_str = ""
newStr = replace(nonce,get_rid_of,new_str)

oauthNonce = ""

for i=1:1:7
    oauthNonce = strcat(oauthNonce,char(newStr(i)))

parameters_0 = "oauth_consumer_key=" + consumer_key

parameters_1 = "oauth_nonce=" + oauthNonce

parameters_2 = "oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1"

parameters_3 = "oauth_timestamp="+timestamp

parameters_4 = "oauth_version=1.0"

parameters_5 = "location="+native2unicode("lubbock,tx",'UTF-8')

parameters_6 = "format=xml" % Masen recommends xml

parameters = [parameters_0,parameters_1,parameters_2,parameters_3,parameters_4,parameters_5,parameters_6] 


parametersList ==



1. sort method in matlab does not work the same as Java's Sort Method

2. Conjoin oauthNonce into one large string: Use strcat repeatedly! to
append each char to one large string

parametersList = ""

parametersList = parameters_6 + "&" + parameters_5 + "&" + parameters_0 + "&" + parameters_1 + "&" + parameters_2 + "&" + parameters_3 + "&" + parameters_4

signatureString = "GET&" + native2unicode(url,'UTF-8') + "&" + native2unicode(parametersList,'UTF-8')

%Try catch goes here


secret = client_secret + "&"
signature = HMAC_M(secret, 'SHA-1', 'base64')

signature = base64encode(signature)

fprintf("Unable to append signature\n")


    Message Authentication code here


% char(34) represents ASCII character:"

The following is a generated format of how the authorizationLine should

look like, based on the Java code:

OAuth oauth_consumer_key="your-consumer-key", oauth_nonce="BdsF26e", oauth_timestamp="1556986567", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_signature="LLqHYOA/3LWCdNtYUa9z89Z3aV0=", oauth_version="1.0"

authorizationLine = "";

authorizationLine = authorizationLine + "OAuth " + "oauth_consumer_key=" + char(34) + consumer_key + char(34) + ", " + "oauth_nonce=" + char(34) + oauthNonce + char(34) + ", " + "oauth_timestamp=" + char(34) + timestamp + char(34) + ", " + "oauth_signature_method=" + char(34) + "HMAC-SHA1" + char(34) + ", " + "oauth_signature=" + char(34) + signature + char(34) + ", " + "oauth_version=" + char(34) + "1.0" + char(34) + ""


%authorizationLine = strcat(authorizationLine,temp)

Author = "";

Author = Author + "oauth_nonce=" + char(34) + oauthNonce + char(34) + ", "+ "oauth_timestamp=" + char(34) + timestamp + char(34) +", "+ "oauth_signature_method=" + char(34) + "HMAC-SHA1" + char(34) + ", "+ "oauth_signature=" + char(34) + signatureString + char(34) + ", "+ "oauth_version=" + char(34) + "1.0" + char(34) + ""

authorizationLine = authorizationLine + "oauth_nonce=" + char(34) + oauthNonce + char(34) + ", "

authorizationLine = authorizationLine + "oauth_timestamp=" + char(34) + timestamp + char(34) +", "

authorizationLine = authorizationLine + "oauth_signature_method=" + char(34) + "HMAC-SHA1" + char(34) + ", "

authorizationLine = authorizationLine + "oauth_signature=" + char(34) + signatureString + char(34) + ", "

authorizationLine = authorizationLine + "oauth_version=" + char(34) + "1.0" + char(34) + ""


uri = matlab.net.URI(url + "?location=lubbock,tx&format=xml");

obj1 = matlab.net.http.HeaderField("Authorization",authorizationLine)

%obj1 = matlab.net.http.field.GenericField("Authorization", authorizationLine(1) )

obj2 = matlab.net.http.HeaderField("X-Yahoo-App-Id",app_id)

%obj2 = matlab.net.http.field.GenericField("X-Yahoo-App-Id" , app_id);

obj3 = matlab.net.http.field.ContentTypeField("application/xml")

%obj3 = matlab.net.http.field.GenericField("Content-Type", "application/xml");

%change all xml to xml or we will not be able to decode the info

%[response,completerequest,history] = send(r,url)

r = RequestMessage

resp = send(r,uri)

status = resp.StatusCode

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Для HMAC_M используется специальная внешняя функция. Я получил исходный код для HMAC_M по следующей ссылке:


Код для HMAC_M был слишком велик, чтобы вставить его сюда.

На данный момент выдается следующее сообщение StatusCode:

resp = 

  ResponseMessage with properties:

    StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'
    StatusCode: Unauthorized
        Header: [1×15 matlab.net.http.HeaderField]
          Body: [1×1 matlab.net.http.MessageBody]
     Completed: 0

status = 

StatusCode enumeration


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