Я хочу объединить два графика анализа стабильных изотопов: один со стандартной ошибкой эллипса (по siar) и один со средним и стандартным отклонением (по simmr). Было бы неплохо сделать это с помощью ggplot.
Вот что у меня так далеко:
Стандартная ошибка elipse:
DataFrame -> Анатомия https://www.dropbox.com/s/240z8mz9qzozb5f/Anatomy1.csv?dl=0
Anatomy<-Anatomy[!(is.na(Anatomy$d_15N.14N) | Anatomy$d_15N.14N==""), ] ##### Delete all empty rows ###
Anatomy<-Anatomy[!(is.na(Anatomy$d_13C.12C) | Anatomy$d_13C.12C==""), ]
#first you need to subset your data manually by each species (or whatever group you're using)
A.p. <- subset(Anatomy, Anatomy$Species =="A._polymorpha", use = "complete.obs")
P.ae. <- subset(Anatomy, Anatomy$Species =="P._aequipapillae", use = "complete.obs")
P.c. <- subset(Anatomy, Anatomy$Species =="P._charcoti", use = "complete.obs")
P.t. <- subset(Anatomy, Anatomy$Species =="P._turqueti", use = "complete.obs")
#next calculate standard.ellipse for each subset
SE1 <- standard.ellipse(A.p.$d_13C.12C, A.p.$d_15N.14N)
SE2 <- standard.ellipse(P.ae.$d_13C.12C, P.ae.$d_15N.14N)
SE3 <- standard.ellipse(P.c.$d_13C.12C, P.c.$d_15N.14N)
SE4 <- standard.ellipse(P.t.$d_13C.12C, P.t.$d_15N.14N)
#create name variable for each group (so ggplot2 knows how to colour it)
#the name needs to be the same as your original data frame that contains your isotopic data
A.p._ <- rep("A._polymorpha", length(SE1$xSEAc))
P.ae._ <- rep("P._aequipapillae", length(SE2$xSEAc))
P.c._ <- rep("P._charcoti", length(SE3$xSEAc))
P.t._ <- rep("P._turqueti", length(SE4$xSEAc))
#create new data frame with your names and ellipse outputs
species <- c(A.p._,P.ae._,P.c._,P.t._)
x <- c(SE1$xSEAc,SE2$xSEAc,SE3$xSEAc,SE4$xSEAc)
y <- c(SE1$ySEAc,SE2$ySEAc,SE3$ySEAc,SE4$ySEAc)
df_SE <- data.frame(x,y,species)
plot(df_SE$x, df_SE$y)
#When you plot SE1$xSEAc vs SE1$ySEAc you should see the ellipse(s) form as a series of points
#This gives you your SEAc (sample size corrected area)
#If you also want hull total area (TA), implement the next bit too
#I got the find_hull function from the stack overflow page linked below
find_hull <- function(df_SE) Anatomy[chull(df_SE$x, df_SE$y), ]
hulls <- ddply(df_SE, "species", find_hull)
#Plot your data. Example below, customise as necessary
plot <- ggplot(Anatomy, aes(x=d_13C.12C, y=d_15N.14N, color=Species)) +
#scale_shape_manual(values = c(3:7)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.text = element_text(face = "italic")) +
scale_fill_discrete(labels = c(expression(italic("A. polymorpha"), italic("P. aequipapillae"), italic("P. charcoti"), italic("P. turqueti")))) +
geom_point(size=2) +
ylab(expression(paste(delta^{15}, "N (\u2030)"))) +
xlab(expression(paste(delta^{13}, "C (\u2030)"))) +
ggtitle("Stable Isotope Signatures & standard elipse error")+
geom_path(data=df_SE, aes(x=x, y=y, color=species), linetype=1, size=1)
Стандартная ошибка эллипса
А для среднего и сд я использовал это:
df<-Anatomy %>%
select(Species,d_13C.12C, d_15N.14N)
df<-df %>% drop_na()
df<-df %>%
s_means<- df %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
s_sds <- df %>%
group_by(Species) %>%
summarise_each(funs(sd), d_13C.12C,d_15N.14N)
s_means[1] = NULL
s_sds[1] = NULL
s_names<-c("A. polymorpha","P. aequipapillae","P. charcoti","P. turqueti")
mix<-matrix(c(-25,9), nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
simmr_in = simmr_load(mixtures=mix,
Стандартное отклонение и среднее значение