def validate_user_input(prompt, type_=None, min_=None, max_=None, range_=None):
if min_ is not None and max_ is not None and max_ < min_:
raise ValueError("min_ must be less than or equal to max_.")
while True:
ui = input(prompt)
if type_ is not None:
ui = type_(ui)
except ValueError:
print("Input type must be {0}.".format(type_.__name__))
if max_ is not None and ui > max_:
print("Input must be less than or equal to {0}.".format(max_))
elif min_ is not None and ui < min_:
print("Input must be greater than or equal to {0}.".format(min_))
elif range_ is not None and ui not in range_:
if isinstance(range_, range):
template = "Input must be between {0.start} and {0.stop}."
template = "Input must be {0}."
if len(range_) == 1:
print(template.format(" or ".join((", ".join(map(str,
return ui
def bmr(gender, age, height, weight):
if gender == "f":
bmr = 655 + weight*9.6 + height*1.6 + age*4.7
bmr = 66 + weight*13.8 + height*5 + age*6.8
return bmr
def tee (gender, age, height, weight, amount_of_exersice):
y = bmr(gender, age, height, weight)
if amount_of_exersice == 0:
x = 1.2
elif 1<= amount_of_exersice <= 2:
x = 1.375
elif 3 <= amount_of_exersice <= 5:
x = 1.55
x = 1.725
z = x * y
return z
## user info ##
gender = validate_user_input("Please enter your gender (F -Female / M- Male): ", str.lower, range_=("f","m"))
age = validate_user_input("Please enter your age: ", int, 1, 110)
height = validate_user_input("Please enter your height in cm: ", int, 130, 230)
weight = validate_user_input("Please enter your weight in kg: ", float, 20, 400)
amount_of_exersice = validate_user_input("Please enter the amount of days you engage in physical activity per week: ", int, 0, 7)
calc_bmr = bmr(gender, age, height, weight)
calc_tee = tee(gender, age, height, weight, amount_of_exersice)
print("Your Basal Metabolic Rate is ", calc_bmr)
print("Your daily calories burn is ", calc_tee)