Это адаптация для аналогичного рабочего процесса, который я должен был использовать в прошлом. Не забудьте по-настоящему оштрафовать себя за запуск сумасшедшего количества моделей. Я добавил пару столбцов предикторов в ваш фрейм данных. Удачи !!
Решение :
# Creating pedictor and outcome vectors
ivs_vec <- names(df)[c(2:6, 10)]
dvs_vec <- names(df)[7:9]
# Creating formulas and running the models
ivs <- paste0(" ~ ", ivs_vec)
dvs_ivs <- unlist(lapply(ivs, function(x) paste0(dvs_vec, x)))
formulas <- lapply(dvs_ivs, formula)
lm_results <- lapply(formulas, function(x) {
lm(x, data = df)
# Creating / combining results
tidy_results <- lapply(lm_results, broom::tidy)
dv_list <- lapply(as.list(stringi::stri_extract_first_words(dvs_ivs)), rep, 2)
tidy_results <- Map(cbind, dv_list, tidy_results)
standardized_results <- lapply(lm_results, function(x) coef(lm.beta::lm.beta(x)))
combined_results <- Map(cbind, tidy_results, standardized_results)
# Cleaning up final results
names(combined_results) <- dvs_ivs
combined_results <- lapply(combined_results, function(x) {row.names(x) <- c(NULL); x})
new_names <- c("Outcome", "Term", "Estimate", "Std. Error", "Statistic", "P-value", "Standardized Estimate")
combined_results <- lapply(combined_results, setNames, new_names)
$`testscore_1 ~ age`
Outcome Term Estimate Std. Error Statistic P-value
Standardized Estimate
1 testscore_1 (Intercept) 18.06027731 12.3493569 1.4624468 0.1776424 0.00000000
2 testscore_1 age 0.05835152 0.2031295 0.2872627 0.7804155 0.09531823
$`testscore_2 ~ age`
Outcome Term Estimate Std. Error Statistic P-value Standardized Estimate
1 testscore_2 (Intercept) 3.63788676 4.39014570 0.8286483 0.4287311 0.0000000
2 testscore_2 age 0.01367313 0.07221171 0.1893478 0.8540216 0.0629906
$`testscore_3 ~ age`
Outcome Term Estimate Std. Error Statistic P-value Standardized Estimate
1 testscore_3 (Intercept) 6.1215175 6.698083 0.9139208 0.3845886 0.0000000
2 testscore_3 age 0.1943125 0.110174 1.7636870 0.1116119 0.5068026
$`testscore_1 ~ sex`
Outcome Term Estimate Std. Error Statistic P-value Standardized Estimate
1 testscore_1 (Intercept) 22.5 3.099283 7.2597435 4.766069e-05 0.0000000
2 testscore_1 sex -2.1 4.596980 -0.4568217 6.586248e-01 -0.1505386
$`testscore_2 ~ sex`
Outcome Term Estimate Std. Error Statistic P-value Standardized Estimate
1 testscore_2 (Intercept) 3.666667 1.041129 3.521816 0.006496884 0.0000000
2 testscore_2 sex 1.733333 1.544245 1.122447 0.290723029 0.3504247
df <- data.frame(ID = c(1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006,1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011),
age = as.numeric(c('56', '43','59','74','61','62','69','80','40','55','58')),
sex = as.numeric(c('0','1','0','0','1','1','0','1','0','1','0')),
pred1 = sample(1:11, 11),
pred2 = sample(1:11, 11),
pred3 = sample(1:11, 11),
testscore_1 = as.numeric(c('23','28','30','15','7','18','29','27','14','22','24')),
testscore_2 = as.numeric(c('1','3','2','5','8','2','5','6','7','8','2')),
testscore_3 = as.numeric(c('18','20','19','15','20','23','19','25','10','14','12')),
education = as.numeric(c('5','4','3','5','2', '1','4','4','3','5','2')))