Я новичок в машинописи и пытаюсь преобразовать приложение реагировать на использование машинописи.
При использовании функции createStore из 'redux' в моем файле index.tsx я получаю следующую ошибку.
Type '{}' is missing the following properties from type '{ customersLoading: boolean; customersLoadError: boolean; customers: {}; editCustomerInProgress: boolean; editCustomerSuccess: boolean; editCustomerFail: boolean; addCustomerInProgress: boolean; ... 6 more ...; searchResults: {}; }': customersLoading, customersLoadError, customers, editCustomerInProgress, and 10 more. TS2345
Кажется, что состояние определяется как тип {}, но я определил интерфейс для объекта состояния.
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import {createStore, applyMiddleware, compose} from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import reducer from './store/reducer';
import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
const composeEnhancers = compose;
const rootReducer = reducer;
const store = createStore(rootReducer, composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(thunk)));
const app = (
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
ReactDOM.render(app, document.getElementById('root'));
// If you want your app to work offline and load faster, you can change
// unregister() to register() below. Note this comes with some pitfalls.
import {stateShape, actionShape} from '../types/index';
const initialState = {
customersLoading: false,
customersLoadError: false,
customers: {},
editCustomerInProgress: false,
editCustomerSuccess: false,
editCustomerFail: false,
addCustomerInProgress: false,
addCustomerSuccess: false,
addCustomerFail: false,
deleteCustomerInProgress: false,
deleteCustomerSuccess: false,
deleteCustomerFail: false,
searchMode: false,
searchResults: {}
const updateObject = (oldObject: {}, updatedProperties: {}) => {
return {
const editCustomer = (state: stateShape, action: actionShape) => {
let updatedState = {
editCustomerInProgress: false,
editCustomerFail: false,
editCustomerSuccess: true,
customers: {
[action.payload.customerId]: action.payload.customerDetails
searchResults: {...state.searchResults}
if (state.searchMode){
updatedState = {
searchResults: {
[action.payload.customerId]: action.payload.customerDetails
return updateObject(state, updatedState);
const addCustomer = (state: stateShape, action: actionShape) => {
const updatedState = {
addCustomerInProgress: false,
addCustomerFail: false,
addCustomerSuccess: true,
customers: {
[action.payload.customerId]: action.payload.customerData
return updateObject(state, updatedState);
const deleteCustomer = (state: stateShape, action: actionShape) => {
const updatedState = {
deleteCustomerInProgress: false,
deleteCustomerFail: false,
deleteCustomerSuccess: true,
customers: {
[action.payload.customerId]: null
return updateObject(state, updatedState);
const searchCustomers = (state: stateShape, action: actionShape) => {
interface arrayInterface {
[key: number]: any
//filter matching customers from list of customers by search term
const matchingCustomers = Object.entries(state.customers).filter((current: arrayInterface) => {
let firstname = current[1].firstName.toLowerCase();
let lastname = current[1].lastName.toLowerCase();
let searchTerm = action.payload.searchTerm.toLowerCase();
return firstname === searchTerm || lastname === searchTerm;
let matchingCustomersObject;
matchingCustomers.forEach((current: arrayInterface) => {
matchingCustomersObject[current[0]] = current[1];
const updatedState = {
searchMode: true,
searchResults: matchingCustomersObject
return updateObject(state, updatedState);
let reducer = (state = initialState, action: actionShape) => {
switch (action.type){
case actionTypes.LOAD_CUSTOMERS_START:
return updateObject(state, {customersLoading: true});
case actionTypes.LOAD_CUSTOMERS_FAIL:
return updateObject(state, {customersLoading: false, customersLoadError: true});
return updateObject(state, {customersLoading: false, customers: action.payload.customers});
case actionTypes.EDIT_CUSTOMER_START:
return updateObject(state, {editCustomerInProgress: true, editCustomerSuccess: false});
case actionTypes.EDIT_CUSTOMER_FAIL:
return updateObject(state, {editCustomerInProgress: false, editCustomerFail: true});
return editCustomer(state, action)
case actionTypes.ADD_CUSTOMER_START:
return updateObject(state, {addCustomerInProgress: true});
case actionTypes.ADD_CUSTOMER_FAIL:
return updateObject(state, {addCustomerInProgress: false, addCustomerFail: true});
case actionTypes.ADD_CUSTOMER_SUCCESS:
return addCustomer(state, action);
return updateObject(state, {deleteCustomerInProgress: true});
case actionTypes.DELETE_CUSTOMER_FAIL:
return updateObject(state, {deleteCustomerInProgress: false, deleteCustomerFail: true});
return deleteCustomer(state, action);
return searchCustomers(state, action)
case actionTypes.SEARCH_CUSTOMER_END:
return updateObject(state, {searchMode: false, searchResults: []})
return state;
export default reducer;
Формы действий и состояний, импортируемые reducer.tsx
customersLoading: boolean,
customersLoadError: boolean,
customers: {},
editCustomerInProgress: boolean,
editCustomerSuccess: boolean,
editCustomerFail: boolean,
addCustomerInProgress: boolean,
addCustomerSuccess: boolean,
addCustomerFail: boolean,
deleteCustomerInProgress: boolean,
deleteCustomerSuccess: boolean,
deleteCustomerFail: boolean,
searchMode: boolean,
searchResults: {}
export interface actionShape {
type: string,
payload: {
customerId: string,
customerData: Object,
customerDetails: Object,
customers: Object,
searchTerm: string
Кто-нибудь может указать мне правильное направление, чтобы решить эту проблему?