Используя аддитивную загрузку в проекте Unity, загрузите уровень по умолчанию (Game manager), затем запустите метод, чтобы выбрать и активировать аддитивные уровни (Lighting / Map).В игре есть раунды, и в конце каждого раунда я запускаю метод, предназначенный для выгрузки аддитивных уровней (Lighting / Map), однако он также удаляет уровень по умолчанию.
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Section for loading in level:
private IEnumerator RoundStarting ()
//Calling method meant to load in additive levels. Seems to work...
// As soon as the round starts reset the tanks and make sure they can't move.
ResetAllTanks ();
DisableTankControl ();
// Snap the camera's zoom and position to something appropriate for the reset tanks.
m_CameraControl.SetStartPositionAndSize ();
// Increment the round number and display text showing the players what round it is.
m_MessageText.text = "ROUND " + m_RoundNumber;
// Wait for the specified length of time until yielding control back to the game loop.
yield return m_StartWait;
//Method meant to load in additive levels.
private void LoadMapForRound()
int LevelIndex = Random.Range(2, 4);
SceneManager.LoadScene(1, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
SceneManager.LoadScene(LevelIndex, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
Section for unloading level:
private IEnumerator RoundEnding ()
// Stop tanks from moving.
// Clear the winner from the previous round.
m_RoundWinner = null;
// See if there is a winner now the round is over.
m_RoundWinner = GetRoundWinner();
// If there is a winner, increment their score.
if (m_RoundWinner != null)
// Now the winner's score has been incremented, see if someone has one the game.
m_GameWinner = GetGameWinner();
// Get a message based on the scores and whether or not there is a game winner and display it.
string message = EndMessage();
m_MessageText.text = message;
// Wait for the specified length of time until yielding control back to the game loop.
yield return m_EndWait;
//calling ethod meant to unload levels, but ends up unloading default level as well.
//Method meant to unload levels
private void DestroyRoundMap()
Unload additive levels (Light/Map) at rounds end, keep default level (0), instead the default level gets unloaded
и вылетает игра.