пытается сделать playbook:
- hosts: win
gather_facts: no
- update_win
update_win mail.yml:
- name: Create Auto_deploy_temp folder on remoter host
path: {{ disk }}\Auto_deploy_temp
state: directory
и переменные в файле групповых переменных win.yml:
disk: 'c:'
но выходит:
ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
did not find expected key
The error appears to be in '/etc/ansible/roles/update_win/tasks/main.yml': line 3, column 19, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
path: {{ disk }}\Auto_deploy_temp
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as:
- "{{ foo }}"
can u help me with this issue?
P.S .: ранее я запустил некоторый подобный код, но в начале выражения пути не было переменных, только в конце