Попытка найти максимальное количество страниц на сайте.
Я следовал коду / учебнику по: https://www.datacamp.com/community/tutorials/r-web-scraping-rvest
url <-'https://www.reconciliation.org.au/reconciliation-action-plans/who-has-a-rap/' get_last_page <- function(html){ pages_data <- html %>% # The '.' indicates the class html_nodes('.pagination-max-pages') %>% # Extract the raw text as a list html_text() #The second to last of the buttons is the one pages_data[(length(pages_data)-1)] %>% # Take the raw string unname() %>% # Convert to number as.numeric() } first_page <- read_html(url) (latest_page_number <- get_last_page(first_page))
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