Отображение списка данных при нажатии кнопки - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 05 мая 2019

У меня есть 2 разных JSON, и я хочу отобразить список данных, когда изображение из коллекционного вида нажимается на моем другом контроллере представления.

Эти данные также должны быть активными.

Это будет одно SkillsName (TSCSkillName) для многих Тренировок (TSCTtopicName)


    "TSCskillID": 1,
    "TSCProficiency": "Product",
    "TSCLevel": "Fundamental",
    "TSCSkillName": "Product Usability",
    "TSCskillLOGO": "images\/TSCskillLogo\/Product Usability.jpg",
    "TSCskillDescription": "SKILLS Test Description"

Для второго JSON

    "TSCProficiency": "Product",
    "TSCSkillName": "Product Usability",
    "TSCskillDescription": "SKILLS Test Description",
    "TSCLevel": "Fundamental",
    "TSCskillLOGO": "images\/TSCskillLogo\/Product Usability.jpg",
    "TSCTtopicID": 1,
    "TSCTtopicName": "Trend Micro Security",
    "TSCTtopicDescription": "TOPIC Test Description",
    "Status": "Done",
    "TSCTMemorabilia": "images\/Memorabilia"   
    "TSCProficiency": "Product",
    "TSCSkillName": "Product Usability",
    "TSCskillDescription": "SKILLS Test Description",
    "TSCLevel": "Fundamental",
    "TSCskillLOGO": "images\/TSCskillLogo\/Product Usability.jpg",
    "TSCTtopicID": 2,
    "TSCTtopicName": "Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac",
    "TSCTtopicDescription": "TOPIC Test Description",
    "Status": "Done",
    "TSCTMemorabilia": "images\/Memorabilia"  
// I used this data to display the images to my collectionview

struct getSkills: Codable {
    let TSCProficiency, TSCSkillName, TSCskillDescription, TSCLevel: String
    let TSCskillLOGO: String
    let TSCTtopicID: Int?
    let TSCTtopicName, TSCTtopicDescription, status, TSCTMemorabilia: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case TSCProficiency = "TSCProficiency"
        case TSCSkillName = "TSCSkillName"
        case TSCskillDescription = "TSCskillDescription"
        case TSCLevel = "TSCLevel"
        case TSCskillLOGO = "TSCskillLOGO"
        case TSCTtopicID = "TSCTtopicID"
        case TSCTtopicName = "TSCTtopicName"
        case TSCTtopicDescription = "TSCTtopicDescription"
        case status = "Status"
        case TSCTMemorabilia = "TSCTMemorabilia"

struct skills {
    static var TSCskillLOGO : String = "Photo Location"
    static var TSCskillID: String = "1"
    static var TSCProficiency: String = "Skill Proficiency"
    static var TSCSkillName: String = "Skill Name"
    static var TSCskillDescription: String = "Skill Description"
    static var TSCLevel: String = "Skill Level"
    static var TSCTtopicID: String = "Trainings ID"
    static var TSCTtopicName: String = "Training Name"
    static var TSCTtopicDescription: String = "Training Description"
    static var Status: String = "Status"
    static var TSCTMemorabilia: String = "Memorabilia"

struct testSkills: Codable {
    let TSCskillID: Int
    let TSCProficiency, TSCLevel,TSCSkillName, TSCskillLOGO: String
    let TSCskillDescription: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case TSCskillID = "TSCskillID"
        case TSCProficiency = "TSCProficiency"
        case TSCLevel = "TSCLevel"
        case TSCSkillName = "TSCSkillName"
        case TSCskillLOGO = "TSCskillLOGO"
        case TSCskillDescription = "TSCskillDescription"

class SkillsTreeViewController: UIViewController, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var skillsCollectionView: UICollectionView!
    @IBOutlet weak var skillsCatLbl: UILabel!

 var getSkillsInfo = [getSkills]()
    var testSkillsInfo = [testSkills]()
    var badges: [UIImage] = []
    var isBadgeLoaded = false
    var retryTimes = 0

// You may check my code below

  override func viewDidLoad() {

        skillsCollectionView.layer.cornerRadius = 10
        skillsCollectionView.layer.masksToBounds = true
        skillsCatLbl.text = "Network"


    func loadData() {
        handleCollectionViewLayout(collectionView: skillsCollectionView)
        getTestSkillsList {
            self.addValuesToVariables {
                self.handleLoading(view: self.skillsCollectionView, isDoneLoading: !self.isBadgeLoaded)
        //        getSkillsDetails {}
  func addValuesToVariables(completed: @escaping () -> ()) {

        skills.TSCskillLOGO = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCskillLOGO
        skills.TSCProficiency = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCProficiency
        skills.TSCSkillName = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCSkillName
       skills.TSCskillDescription = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCskillDescription
        skills.TSCLevel = testSkillsInfo[0].TSCLevel
       skills.TSCskillID = String(testSkillsInfo[0].TSCskillID)


    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
       // return getSkillsInfo.count
        return testSkillsInfo.count

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
        let collectionviewcell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "collectionviewcell", for: indexPath) as! FAMECell

        collectionviewcell.skillsBadgePic?.addImageShadow(shadowOffset: CGSize(width: 0, height: 0), shadowColor: UIColor.black.cgColor, shadowRadius: 0.5, shadowOpacity: 5.0)
        collectionviewcell.skillsBadgePic?.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit

        if isBadgeLoaded {
          collectionviewcell.skillsBadgePic?.image = badges[indexPath.item]
        return collectionviewcell
        //collectionviewcell.skillsBadgePic?.image = getSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].image
    //    print(getSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].image!)

    func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        print("User Tapped: \(indexPath.item)")

        let selectedCell = skillsCollectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath) as! FAMECell
        let mainStoryboard:UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard (name: "Main", bundle:nil)
        let desVC = mainStoryboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SkillsTreePopUpViewController") as! SkillsTreePopUpViewController

        desVC.badgeTitle = testSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].TSCSkillName
        desVC.badgeImage = selectedCell.skillsBadgePic?.image
        desVC.badgeDescription = testSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].TSCskillDescription
        desVC.skillID = testSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].TSCskillID
        desVC.trainingsBtn = getSkillsInfo[indexPath.item].TSCTtopicName //getting an error on this line [array is nil]

        self.present(desVC, animated: true, completion: nil)

func getTestSkillsList(completed: @escaping () -> ()) {

        let fcat = self.skillsCatLbl.text

        let siebelid = engineerProfileInfo.siebelID
        let rootLink = "https://skills.dasq.com/iOS/testskills.php?"
        let url = URL (string: rootLink + "id=" + siebelid + "&fcat=" + fcat!)

        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) {(data, response, error) in
            if error == nil {
                do {
                    self.testSkillsInfo = try JSONDecoder().decode([testSkills].self, from: data!)
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                } catch {
                    print("JSON Error: Skills Tree")
            } else {

    func getSkillsDetails(completed: @escaping () -> ()) {

        let tid = skills.TSCskillID
        let siebelid = engineerProfileInfo.siebelID
        let rootLink = "https://skills.dasq.com/iOS/getskillspage.php"
       let url = URL (string: rootLink + "sid=" + siebelid + "&tid=" + tid )

        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) {(data, response, error) in
            if error == nil { // getting an error here that array is nil
                do { 
                    self.getSkillsInfo = try JSONDecoder().decode([getSkills].self, from: data!)
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                } catch {
                    print("JSON Error: Trainings Details")
                    print (error)
            } else {

    func loadImages(){
        for index in 1...testSkillsInfo.count {
            let badgeTitle = testSkillsInfo[index-1].TSCSkillName
            let completeLink = "https://skills.dasq.com/" + "images/TSCskillLogo/\(badgeTitle).jpg"
        let imageUrlString = completeLink.addingPercentEncoding( withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)
        let url = URL(string: imageUrlString!)
        let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url!)
        let coloredPic = UIImage(data: data!)

            isBadgeLoaded = !isBadgeLoaded

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 05 мая 2019

Пожалуйста, проверьте вашу декодируемую структуру. Я создал один для вас. Ошибка показывает, что

Текст JSON не начинался с массива.

Итак, попробуйте декодировать "TopicName", который является массивом "TopicNameElement"


struct SkillName: Codable {
    let tsCskillID: Int
    let tscProficiency, tscLevel, tscSkillName, tsCskillLOGO: String
    let tsCskillDescription: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case tsCskillID = "TSCskillID"
        case tscProficiency = "TSCProficiency"
        case tscLevel = "TSCLevel"
        case tscSkillName = "TSCSkillName"
        case tsCskillLOGO = "TSCskillLOGO"
        case tsCskillDescription = "TSCskillDescription"


typealias TopicName = [TopicNameElement]

struct TopicNameElement: Codable {
    let tscProficiency, tscSkillName, tsCskillDescription, tscLevel: String
    let tsCskillLOGO: String
    let tscTtopicID: Int
    let tscTtopicName, tscTtopicDescription, status, tsctMemorabilia: String

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case tscProficiency = "TSCProficiency"
        case tscSkillName = "TSCSkillName"
        case tsCskillDescription = "TSCskillDescription"
        case tscLevel = "TSCLevel"
        case tsCskillLOGO = "TSCskillLOGO"
        case tscTtopicID = "TSCTtopicID"
        case tscTtopicName = "TSCTtopicName"
        case tscTtopicDescription = "TSCTtopicDescription"
        case status = "Status"
        case tsctMemorabilia = "TSCTMemorabilia"
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