TI показывает, что маркеры и нумерация в iWork являются частью расширенного текстового формата, к которому у AppleScript нет прямого доступа. Тем не менее, вы можете сделать это с помощью GUI-сценариев, приложив немного усилий, например:
tell application "Keynote"
tell front document
tell current slide
set theTextItem to its second text item
end tell
-- this selects the text item
set selection to theTextItem
end tell
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Keynote"
tell first window
-- this makes sure the panel is set to the 'Text' tab
tell first radio group's radio button "Text"
if its value = 0 then
end if
end tell
tell scroll area 1
-- this finds the correct button, then clicks it to open the popover
set popoverButton to (first button whose help is "Choose a list style.")
tell popoverButton
tell first pop over's first scroll area's first table
-- this finds the table row in the popover for creating a numbered list
-- and selects it. You can substitute in 'Bullet', 'Image',
-- 'Lettered' or any other label in the popover.
select (first row whose first UI element's first text field's value contains "Numbered")
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
Это не красиво, но оно выполняет свою работу.