Мой отладчик (gdb) говорит, что у меня ошибка Segfault, но не могу сказать, где она, говорит ?? () Для функции.
Я начал получать сообщение об ошибке в очень специфической ситуации, когда я щелкаю по элементу типа оружия, а затем щелкаю по другому пригодному для использования элементу, где моя программа дает сбой. Я удалил большинство указателей из своего кода, потому что сначала думал, что это проблема, но это ничего не изменило. Я не смог найти подобную ошибку в сети, и отладка оказалась не очень полезной, потому что она не может сказать мне, откуда именно эта ошибка.
Relavant Player.h
class Player{
int HP; //player's Health Points
int SP; //player's Special Points
int maxHP; //maximum value for the player's health points
int maxSP; //maximum value for the player's special points
uint32_t money; //how much money the player has
float speed; //speed the player will move at (pixels per frame)
bool menuOpen; //boolean which is true when the inventory Menu is open
sf::Vector2f pos; //player's position
//tests if the player is colliding with any items
//in the room, accepts the memory address of the room
bool checkForItems(Room* r);
std::vector<int> ItemInventory; //the player's inventory of items.
std::vector<TextButton> itemButtons; //vector of TextButtons that correspond with each unique item in the player's inventory
std::map<std::string, int> ItemsList; //map that stores each unique item's name and it's quantity
Control openMenu; //control to open the menu
void ItemAttributes(int id); //makes the items do something depending on what was passed
bool removeItem(int id); //removes an item from the player's inventory
void useItem(Item it); //takes an Item* and passes it's ID to ItemAttributes
void updateButtons(); //updates the buttons based on the player's inventory
Item* EquipedWeapon; //stores the player's currently equipped weapon
//enum to store the player's direction for rotations
enum direction {
} currentDirection;
void setRotation();
//constructor for the player, initializes maxHP, maxSP, and their position:
Player(int maxhp, int maxsp, sf::Vector2f position);
int ItemButtonsTextSearchC(const std::wstring& text); //returns the index in itemButtons for a TextButton which *contains* the text parameter
int ItemButtonsTextSearch(const std::wstring& text); //returns the index in itemButtons for a TextButton which equals the text parameter
void setMoney(int amount); //sets the money variable
void setHP(int hp); //sets the HP variable
void setSP(int sp); //sets the SP variable
void menu(); //inventory menu, handles all things related to the player's inventory
void draw(); //draws the player to the screen
Методы в Player.cpp, которые вызывают проблему:
void Player::menu(){
//iterate through all the items listed in itemsList:
for(auto& p : ItemsList){
//get a pointer to the item by it's name:
Item item = *Materials::getItemFromName(p.first);
//convert the item's name to a wstring for easier use in parameters:
std::wstring wItemName = std::wstring(p.first.begin(), p.first.end());
//get the index of the item's corresponding button
//by searching the itemButtons vector for a button
//whose text matches this item's name:
int bIndex = ItemButtonsTextSearch(wItemName);
if(bIndex != -1){
//store the button's position:
sf::Vector2f buttonPosition = itemButtons.at(bIndex).getPosition();
//default the Y values to 150, we need a separate Y for each one
//because there are 4 columns of buttons for each type of item
float weaponY = 150, usableY = 150, collectibleY = 150, moneyY = 150;
//switch statement to determine the position of the button:
case Item::Weapon:
buttonPosition.x = 100;
buttonPosition.y = weaponY;
//increment by 20 to give space between buttons:
weaponY += 20.0f;
case Item::Usable:
buttonPosition.x = 375;
buttonPosition.y = usableY;
//increment by 20 to give space between buttons:
usableY += 20.0f;
case Item::Collectible:
buttonPosition.x = 650;
buttonPosition.y = collectibleY;
//increment by 20 to give space between buttons:
collectibleY += 20.0f;
case Item::Money:
buttonPosition.x = 925;
buttonPosition.y = moneyY;
//increment by 20 to give space between buttons:
moneyY += 20.0f;
//set the button's position now that it's X has been determined:
* below we will set the button's text to represent
* it's corresponding item's name as well as it's
* quantity then draw the button to the screen so
* that the client can see how many of each item
* they have, but then we change it back so that it
* doesn't break any comparisons with the button's
* Text (ItemButtonsTextSearch for example):
//text representing item's quantity to append to the end of the the item's name:
std::string QuantityText = "\tx" + std::to_string(p.second);
//wide string that will be the button's text:
std::wstring wQText = wItemName + std::wstring(QuantityText.begin(), QuantityText.end());
//set the button's text (it takes wchar_t* so we call .c_str() on wQText):
//draw the button with the temporary text to the screen:
//poll if the button was clicked, and if it was,
//we will call useItem on it's corresponding Item:
//change the button's text back to what it was, note: there
//is a possibility of the button being removed after calling
//useItem() because when an item's quantity hits 0, the
//button corresponding with that item is removed, therefore
//we need a check after the useItem() call to make sure that
//we don't get an index out of bounds error:
if(ItemButtonsTextSearchC(wQText) != -1)
void Player::useItem(Item it){
int itemID = it.getItemID();
void Player::ItemAttributes(int id){
case 0: //sword
//EquipedWeapon = Materials::getItem(id);
case 1: //ultra potion of healing
bool Player::removeItem(int id){
//this will be set to true as soon as we find the item:
bool found = false;
//loop through ItemInventory and remove the first occurance of id
//if it exists, otherwise found will remain false:
for(int i = 0; i < ItemInventory.size(); i++){
if(ItemInventory.at(i) == id){
ItemInventory.erase(ItemInventory.begin() + i);
found = true;
//if the item was not found in the inventory, there is no need to
//continue, we can just return false because we know that it isn't
//in the player's inventory so it can't be removed in the first place:
return false;
//get an iterator for the item ID's corresponding name in itemsList:
auto itr = ItemsList.find(Materials::itemNames[id]);
//check to make sure the item is actually listed; it will be
//but this is a safeguard in case something breaks:
if(itr != ItemsList.end()){
//decrement the item's quantity:
//if there are none remaining, we remove it from the itemsList entirely:
if(itr->second <= 0)
//update the buttons based on the new changes:
//return true because if it got to this point,
//the item was found and removed:
return true;
int Player::ItemButtonsTextSearchC(const std::wstring& text){
if(itemButtons.size() > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < itemButtons.size(); i++){
std::wstring bTxt = itemButtons.at(i).getText();
if(bTxt.find(text) != std::string::npos)
return i;
return -1;
int Player::ItemButtonsTextSearch(const std::wstring& text){
if(itemButtons.size() > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < itemButtons.size(); i++){
std::wstring bTxt = itemButtons.at(i).getText();
if(bTxt == text)
return i;
return -1;
void Player::updateButtons(){
//first we clear the vector of itemButton:
//loop to go through each unique item in ItemsList map
//and make a button for each one:
for(auto& p : ItemsList){
//convert the item's name into a wstring (textbutton constructor takes wchar_t*, wstring is easier to work with):
std::wstring wName = std::wstring(p.first.begin(), p.first.end());
//add the new button to itemButtons
TextButton btn(sf::Vector2f(0, 0), sf::Color::Magenta, sf::Color::White, wName.c_str(), 18);
//make sure button presses only register once
//add the button to the itemButtons vector:
bool Player::checkForItems(Room* r){
//itemIndex will == the ID of any item we collided with, if there
//was no item it returns -1
int itemIndex = r->checkForItemCollision(player.getGlobalBounds());
if(itemIndex >= 0){
//get item ID from the item we just collided with:
int itemID = r->getItem(itemIndex).collect();
//remove the item from the room and add it's ID to ItemInventory:
//get the item's name and add it to itemsList if it doesn't exist.
std::string itemName = Materials::itemNames[itemID];
//if the item's name is listed in itemsList, we increment it's
//quantity, else we add it and initialize it's quantity to 1:
if(ItemsList.count(itemName) != 0){
} else {
ItemsList.insert(std::make_pair(itemName, 1));
//update the buttons in case a new item was obtained:
//return true because item was found:
return true;
//return false, item wasn't found:
return false;
Когда я нажимаю кнопку, она должна удалить первое вхождение числового идентификатора этого элемента из itemInventory, затем в itemsList она должна уменьшить количество (значение карты), а если оно <= 0, оно должно полностью его удалить. UpdateButtons очищает весь вектор кнопок и создает новые из itemsList, по одной кнопке для каждой клавиши. Класс Item имеет перечисление для какого типа предмета, меч (ID предмета 0) - это оружие, зелье (ID предмета 1) - предмет, который можно использовать, когда я нажимаю на меч (в настоящее время ничего не делает), затем добавьте полезный предмет (зелье) и нажмите на новую кнопку, которая была создана для использования, есть ошибка. Этого не произойдет, если я сначала не нажму кнопку меча, ни в одном другом случае не произойдет ошибка, когда я использую все предметы, затем добавлю больше в свой инвентарь и использую их все снова. Я подозреваю, что это ошибка с тем, как я обновляю кнопки и удаляю ключи, но я не могу найти это. Все типы элементов находятся в одном и том же векторе кнопок, и тип элемента в значительной степени определяет только то, где будет расположена кнопка. </p>