Имейте эту ошибку и не знаете почему. Когда я пытаюсь ввести данные в форму и отправить их, я получаю сообщение об ошибке TypeError: UnboundField не вызывается. Я перепробовал все, что мог придумать, и до сих пор не получил результат, который работает правильно. Вот мой код:
# Add appointment form class
class CreateAppointment(Form):
today_date = date.today()
tomorrow_date = today_date + timedelta(days=1)
patient_name = StringField('Patient Name', validators=[DataRequired(), validators.Length(min=1, max=50)], render_kw={"placeholder": "Enter Patient Name"})
appointment_date = DateField('Appointment Date', format='%Y-%m-%d', default= tomorrow_date, validators=[DateField(min=tomorrow_date, message="Please select a date after today"), DataRequired()])
appointment_time = SelectField('Appointment Time', choices=[('09:00', '09:00'), ('09:30', '09:30'), ('10:00', '10:00'), ('10:30', '10:30'), ('11:00', '11:00'), ('11:30', '11:30'), ('12:00', '12:00'), ('12:30', '12:30'), ('13:00', '13:00'), ('13:30', '13:30'), ('14:00', '14:00'), ('14:30', '14:30'), ('15:00', '15:00'), ('15:30', '15:30'), ('16:00', '16:00'), ('16:30', '16:30')], validators=[DataRequired()])
# Add an appointment
@app.route('/addappointment', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def addappointment():
form = CreateAppointment(request.form)
if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate():
appointment_date = form.appointment_date.data
appointment_time = form.appointment_time.data
patient_name = form.patient_name.data
doctor_username = session.get('username', None)
# Create cursor
cur = mysql.connection.cursor()
# Get patient_id, doctor_id and centre_id from relevant tables
appointment_patient_id = cur.execute("SELECT patient_id FROM patients WHERE concat(patient_first_name, ' ', patient_last_name) =%s", [patient_name])
actual_patient_id = cur.fetchone()
appointment_doctor_id = cur.execute("SELECT doctor_id FROM doctors WHERE doctor_username =%s", [doctor_username])
actual_doctor_id = cur.fetchone()
appointment_centre_id = cur.execute("SELECT centre_id FROM doctors WHERE doctor_username =%s", [doctor_username])
actual_centre_id = cur.fetchone()
# Check if this doctor has a booking for this time and date
confirmed_booking = cur.execute("SELECT appointment_id FROM appointments WHERE appointment_time =%s AND appointment_date =%s AND doctor_id =%s", (appointment_time, appointment_date, actual_doctor_id.get('doctor_id')))
# If the selected slot is available
if confirmed_booking == 0:
# Execute query
cur.execute("INSERT INTO appointments(appointment_date, appointment_time, patient_id, doctor_id, centre_id) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", (appointment_date, appointment_time, actual_patient_id.get('patient_id'), actual_doctor_id.get('doctor_id'), actual_centre_id.get('centre_id')))
# Making sure the appointment is made for a weekday
if appointment_date.weekday() == 0 or appointment_date.weekday() == 1 or appointment_date.weekday() == 2 or appointment_date.weekday() == 3 or appointment_date.weekday() == 4:
# Commit to DB
# Close connection
flash('Appointment made successfully!', 'success')
return redirect(url_for('addappointment'))
error = 'Sorry, appointments cannot be made for a Saturday/Sunday'
return render_template('/doctor/addappointment.html', error=error, form=form)
error = 'Sorry, appointment unavailable'
return render_template('/doctor/addappointment.html', error=error, form=form)
return render_template('/doctor/addappointment.html', form=form)
Любая помощь будет оценена.