Google Vision Color Extract - PullRequest

Google Vision Color Extract

0 голосов
/ 16 марта 2019

Я пытаюсь прочитать свойства изображения по ссылкам, хранящимся в CSV-файле с Google Vision, и записать результаты обратно в новый столбец.

С помощью адаптированного сценария моего друга мне удалось прочитатьCSV, чтобы загрузить изображение, отправить его в Google, чтобы получить результаты - но не записать их обратно в CSV.

У вас есть предложения?

import sys
import csv
import os
import urllib
import io
from import vision
#from import types

os.environ["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"] = "./CREDENTIALS/tourism-219409-61b527f98297.json"
vision_client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()

# run with "python <csv-file-path> <csv-header-row-url> <image path>"
# example
# python ./destinations2.csv fotolink ./images

# ------------------
# ------------------
def printInLine(data):

def getCsvlHeaderIndexOfUrl(csvPath, csvHeaderRowUrl, delimit):
    index = None
    with open(csvPath, 'r', encoding='UTF8') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=delimit)
        interestingrows = [row for idx, row in enumerate(reader) if idx in (0, 0)]
        for row in interestingrows:
            for i, name in enumerate(row):
                if (name == csvHeaderRowUrl):
                    index = i
        print('found: ' + csvHeaderRowUrl + ' @ position: ' + str(index))
        return index

def getCsvlValueByHeaderindexAndLinenumber(csvPath, headerUrlIndex, lineNumber, delimit):
    value = None
    with open(csvPath, 'r', encoding='UTF8') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=delimit)
        interestingrows = [row for idx, row in enumerate(reader) if idx in (lineNumber, lineNumber)]
        value = interestingrows[0][headerUrlIndex]

        print('found: ' + value + ' @ lineNumber: ' + str(lineNumber))
        return value

def saveLabelsBackToCsvByIndex(csvPath, lineNumber, labelString):
    # print('labelString: ' + labelString + str(lineNumber))
    # with is like your try .. finally block in this case
    with open(csvPath, 'r', encoding='UTF8') as file:
        # read a list of lines into data
        data = file.readlines()
        line = data[lineNumber].strip().replace('\"', '') + labelString + '\n'
        # cleanup string
        # line = line.replace(';', '')

        # print ("Result: " + line)
        data[lineNumber] = line

        # write everything back
        with open(csvPath, 'w', encoding='UTF8') as file:
        print(' --> ' + labelString)

def downloadImage(url, imageStorePath, index):
    cleanUrl = url.replace('\"', '')

    filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(cleanUrl)
    image = imageStorePath + '/' + str(index) + file_extension
    print(' --> ' + image)
        urllib.request.urlretrieve(cleanUrl, image)
        return image
    except Exception:
        print('ERROR: downloadImage -->', url)
        # urllib.request.urlretrieve(cleanUrl, image)
        return None

def sendImageToGoogleVision(path):

    """Detects image properties in the file."""
    from import vision
    client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()

    with, 'rb') as image_file:
        content =

    image = vision.types.Image(content=content)

    response = client.image_properties(image=image)
    props = response.image_properties_annotation

    for color in props.dominant_colors.colors:
        print('fraction: {}'.format(color.pixel_fraction))
        print('\tr: {}'.format(
        print('\tg: {}'.format(
        print('\tb: {}'.format(
        print('\ta: {}'.format(color.color.alpha))
# ------------------
# ------------------

# checking parameters
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    printInLine('parameters not correct (should be 5): --> ')
    printInLine(' ... Quiting app')

# setting parameters if OK
csvPath = sys.argv[1]
csvHeaderRowUrl = sys.argv[2]
imageStorePath = sys.argv[3]
delimit = ';'

# parameters are OK
if (csvPath and csvHeaderRowUrl and imageStorePath):
    print("csvPath: " + csvPath + " csvHeaderRowUrl: " + csvHeaderRowUrl + " imageStorePath: " + imageStorePath)
    print('parameters OK ... starting...')

    # get index (position) of csv-header url
    headerUrlIndex = getCsvlHeaderIndexOfUrl(csvPath, csvHeaderRowUrl, delimit)
    # print('headerUrlIndex: ' + str(headerUrlIndex))
    # start counter with 1 (after header)
    numberOfLines = sum(1 for line in open(csvPath, 'r', encoding='UTF8'))
    # print('numberOfLines: ' + str(numberOfLines))

    # loop over each line in csv
    for i in range(1, numberOfLines):
        # row in csv
        lineNumber = i
        # get url from csv-file
        url = getCsvlValueByHeaderindexAndLinenumber(csvPath, headerUrlIndex, lineNumber, delimit)
        # download image and get path to stored file (filePath)
        filePath = downloadImage(url, imageStorePath, lineNumber)
        if filePath:
            # send image to vision and get colours
            labels = sendImageToGoogleVision(filePath)
            # build list of labels
            labelString = delimit

 #                                                      ------ This is where I need your help......

            saveLabelsBackToCsvByIndex(csvPath, lineNumber, labelString)

    print('parameters missing ... Quiting app')

1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 18 марта 2019

Я наконец-то нашел решение ....

для цвета в props.dominant_colors.colors: labelString = labelString + ('дробное: {}'. Формат (color.pixel_fraction)) + разделитель + ('\ tr: {}'. format ( + delimit + ('\ tg: {}'. format ( + ('\ tb: {}'. format ( + ('\ ta: {}'. format (color.color.alpha))
