Я написал код для вычисления индекса структурного сходства (SSIM) между двумя изображениями. Я хотел бы получить процентное сходство из этого вычисления. Мой вопрос заключается в том, удовлетворяет ли SSIM математическим свойствам метрики.
Я написал фрагмент кода с комментариями на этот счет
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jun 27 12:47:56 2019
@author: configcar005
import warnings
from scipy.ndimage import imread
import numpy as np
import argparse
from skimage.measure import compare_ssim
from skimage.transform import resize
import cv2
# Globals
# specify resized image sizes
height = 2**10
width = 2**10
def get_histogram(img):
Get the histogram of an image. For an 8-bit, grayscale image, the
histogram will be a 256 unit vector in which the nth value indicates
the percent of the pixels in the image with the given darkness level.
The histogram's values sum to 1.
h, w = img.shape
hist = [0.0] * 256
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
hist[img[i, j]] += 1
return np.array(hist) / (h * w)
def normalize_exposure(img):
Normalize the exposure of an image.
img = img.astype(int)
hist = get_histogram(img)
# get the sum of vals accumulated by each position in hist
cdf = np.array([sum(hist[:i+1]) for i in range(len(hist))])
# determine the normalization values for each unit of the cdf
sk = np.uint8(255 * cdf)
# normalize each position in the output image
height, width = img.shape
normalized = np.zeros_like(img)
for i in range(0, height):
for j in range(0, width):
normalized[i, j] = sk[img[i, j]]
return normalized.astype(int)
def get_img(path, norm_size=True, norm_exposure=False):
Prepare an image for image processing tasks
# flatten returns a 2d grayscale array
img = imread(path, flatten=True).astype(int)
# resizing returns float vals 0:255; convert to ints for downstream tasks
if norm_size:
img = resize(img, (height, width), anti_aliasing=True, preserve_range=True)
if norm_exposure:
img = normalize_exposure(img)
return img
def structural_sim(path_a, path_b):
Measure the structural similarity between two images
{str} path_a: the path to an image file
{str} path_b: the path to an image file
{float} a float {-1:1} that measures structural similarity
between the input images
img_a = get_img(path_a)
img_b = get_img(path_b)
sim, diff = compare_ssim(img_a, img_b, full=True) # if 1 they are similar
return sim
if __name__ == '__main__':
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-i1", "--image_path_first", help="path to the first image file")
ap.add_argument("-i2", "--image_path_second", help="path to the second image file")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
# get the similarity values
structural_sim = structural_sim(args["image_path_first"], args["image_path_second"]) # 1 is perfect structural similarity. A value of -1 indicates no structural similarity
if structural_sim < 0:
print(structural_sim, "the images are not similar")
elif structural_sim > 0:
print(structural_sim, "the images are nearly similar")
Я ожидаю процентного сходства между двумя изображениями.