Вот, пожалуйста:
^(Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card)(([,](Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card))*)$
^(Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card) # Starts with one of the Enums defined
(([,](Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card))*)$ # Optionally contains any numbers of defined enums prefixed by `,` and ends
Если не хотите, чтобы одна и та же строка появлялась дважды:
^(Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card)(,(?!\1)(Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card))?(,(?!\3)(?!\1)(Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card))?$
^(Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card) # Capture group 1, matches one of the defined enums
(, # start of capture group 2, checks for comma
(?!\1) # Negative Lookahead, makes sure it doesn't matches the result of group 1
(Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card) # Capture group 3, matches one of the defined enums
)? # end of capture group 2, make stuff inside it optional
(, # start of capture group 4, checks for comma
(?!\3) # Negative Lookahead, makes sure it doesn't matches the result of group 3
(?!\1) # Negative Lookahead, makes sure it doesn't matches the result of group 1
(Savings Account|Current Account|Credit Card) # Capture group 5, matches one of the defined enums
)?$ # end of capture group 4, make stuff inside it optional