Сортировка слиянием генерирует произвольный порядок при реализации со строками - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 06 мая 2019

Я пишу программу для назначения, но когда я попытался адаптировать сортировку слиянием для работы со строкой (для сортировки по алфавиту), она генерирует, казалось бы, случайный порядок названий, как показано ниже. Я задал этот вопрос некоторое время назад и не получил никаких реальных ответов, и поэтому я почувствовал, что мне нужно лучше сформулировать его и включить мой полный код.

По названию по возрастанию

Titanic, 1997 by Paramount, Marvel's The Avengers, 2012 by Disney  
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, 2012 by Warner Brothers  
Furious 7, 2015 by Universal  
Avengers: Age of Ultron, 2015 by Disney  
Avatar, 2009 by Fox  
Star Wars: The Force Awakens, 2015 by Disney  
Jurassic World, 2015 by Universal  
Avengers: Infinity War, 2018 by Disney  
Black Panther, 2018 by Disney  

Я должен расположить в алфавитном порядке, в частности, используя сортировку слиянием, которую я пишу сам, и, хотя я пробовал все виды различных конфигураций оператора сравнения, например:

else if ((a[j].getTitle()).compareTo(a[i].getTitle()) > 0)
else if ((a[i].getTitle()).compareTo(a[j].getTitle()) < 0)
else if ((a[i].getTitle()).compareTo(a[j].getTitle()) > 0)

ни один из них не работает.

 * Write a description of class MovieV3Tester here.
 * @author (your name)
 * @version (a version number or a date)
public class MovieV3Tester
    public static void main(String [] args)
        MovieV3 [] movies = {new MovieV3 ("Avatar", 2009, "Fox"), 
                           new MovieV3 ("Titanic", 1997, "Paramount"), 
                           new MovieV3 ("Star Wars: The Force Awakens", 2015, "Disney"),
                           new MovieV3 ("Avengers: Infinity War", 2018, "Disney"),
                           new MovieV3 ("Jurassic World", 2015, "Universal"),
                           new MovieV3 ("Marvel's The Avengers", 2012, "Disney"),
                           new MovieV3 ("Furious 7", 2015, "Universal"),
                           new MovieV3 ("Avengers: Age of Ultron", 2015, "Disney"),
                           new MovieV3 ("Black Panther", 2018, "Disney"),
                           new MovieV3 ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2", 2012, "Warner Brothers")
    System.out.println("\nBy Title Ascending\n");
    mergeTitle(movies, 0, (movies.length-1));
    mergeTitle(movies, 0, (movies.length-1));
    System.out.println("\nBy Year Ascending\n");
    mergeYear(movies, 0, (movies.length-1));
public static void print(MovieV3 [] movies)
    for(MovieV3 movie : movies)
        System.out.println(movie.getTitle() + ", " + movie.getYear() + " by " + movie.getStudio());
public static void merge( MovieV3[] a, int low, int mid, int high, int compare)
    MovieV3[] temp = new MovieV3[ high - low + 1 ];

    int i = low, j = mid + 1, n = 0;
    if(compare == 1)
    while( i <= mid || j <= high )
        if( i > mid )
            temp[ n ] = a[ j ];
        else if( j > high )
            temp[ n ] = a[ i ];
        else if( a[ i ].getYear() < a[ j ].getYear() )
            temp[ n ] = a[ i ];
            temp[ n ] = a[ j ];
    else if(compare ==2)
        while( i <= mid || j <= high )
        if( i > mid )
            temp[ n ] = a[ j ];
        else if( j > high )
            temp[ n ] = a[ i ];
        else if((a[ j ].getTitle()).compareTo(a[i].getTitle())< 0)
            temp[ n ] = a[ i ];
            temp[ n ] = a[ j ];
        while( i <= mid || j <= high )
        if( i > mid )
            temp[ n ] = a[ j ];
        else if( j > high )
            temp[ n ] = a[ i ];
        else if( a[ i ].getYear() < a[ j ].getYear() )
            temp[ n ] = a[ i ];
            temp[ n ] = a[ j ];
    for( int k = low ; k <= high ; k++ )
        a[ k ] = temp[ k - low ];
} // end of merge
public static void mergeYear(MovieV3[] a, int low, int high)
    if( low == high )

    int mid = ( low + high ) / 2;

    mergeYear( a, low, mid );       // recursive call
    mergeYear( a, mid + 1, high);   // recursive call

    //Debugging Statements 
    //uncomment to print the listings after each pass through the sort
    //System.out.println("\nCurrent list");
    //for(Movie h : a)  
    //    if( h != null) System.out.printf("$%10.2f \n", h.getCost() );

    merge( a, low, mid, high, 1);

public static void mergeTitle(MovieV3[] a, int low, int high)
    if( low == high )

    int mid = ( low + high ) / 2;

    mergeYear( a, low, mid );       // recursive call
    mergeYear( a, mid + 1, high);   // recursive call

    //Debugging Statements 
    //uncomment to print the listings after each pass through the sort
    //System.out.println("\nCurrent list");
    //for(Movie h : a)  
    //    if( h != null) System.out.printf("$%10.2f \n", h.getCost() );

    merge( a, low, mid, high, 2);
public static MovieV3 [] insertionTitle(MovieV3[] source,int compare)
   MovieV3[] dest = new MovieV3[ source.length ];

    for( int i = 0 ; i < source.length ; i++ )
        MovieV3 next = source[ i ];
        int insertIndex = 0;
        int k = i;
        while( k > 0 && insertIndex == 0 )
            if(compare == 1)
            if( next.getTitle().compareTo( dest[k-1].getTitle() ) > 0 )
                insertIndex = k;
                dest[ k ] = dest[ k - 1 ];
            if( next.getTitle().compareTo( dest[k-1].getTitle() ) < 0 )
                insertIndex = k;
                dest[ k ] = dest[ k - 1 ];

        dest[ insertIndex ] = next;

        //Debugging Statements 
        //uncomment to print the listings after each pass through the sort
        //System.out.println("\nPass # " + i);
        //for(MovieV3 h : dest)  
        //    if( h != null) System.out.printf("%-15s \n", h.getCity() );
    } // end of for
    return dest;


Надеюсь, в конечном итоге он выдаст следующее

Avatar, 2009 by Fox, 
Avengers: Age of Ultron, 2015 by Disney, 
Avengers: Infinity War, 2018 by Disney, 
Black Panther, 2018 by Disney, 
Furious 7, 2015 by Universal, 
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, 2012 by Warner Brothers, 
Jurassic World, 2015 by Universal, 
Marvel's The Avengers, 2012 by Disney, 
Star Wars: The Force Awakens, 2015 by Disney, 
Titanic, 1997 by Paramount

Эта программа просто сортирует целые числа, но сортировка по строкам не работает.

Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 08 мая 2019

Небольшая ошибка в методе mergeTitle

public static void mergeTitle(MovieV3[] a, int low, int high)

    mergeYear( a, low, mid );       // recursive call
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> should be mergeTitle    
    mergeYear( a, mid + 1, high);   // recursive call        
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> should be mergeTitle


    merge( a, low, mid, high, 2);
0 голосов
/ 08 мая 2019

Большая часть вашей программы была правильной; было всего несколько мелких ошибок.

Это версия вашего кода с небольшими исправлениями и аннотацией:

public class MovieV3Tester
    public static void main(String[] args)
        MovieV3[] movies = {
            new MovieV3 ("Avatar", 2009, "Fox"), 
            new MovieV3 ("Titanic", 1997, "Paramount"), 
            new MovieV3 ("Star Wars: The Force Awakens", 2015, "Disney"),
            new MovieV3 ("Avengers: Infinity War", 2018, "Disney"),
            new MovieV3 ("Jurassic World", 2015, "Universal"),
            new MovieV3 ("Marvel's The Avengers", 2012, "Disney"),
            new MovieV3 ("Furious 7", 2015, "Universal"),
            new MovieV3 ("Avengers: Age of Ultron", 2015, "Disney"),
            new MovieV3 ("Black Panther", 2018, "Disney"),
            new MovieV3 ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2", 2012, "Warner Brothers")

        System.out.println("\nBy Title Ascending\n");
        mergeTitle(movies, 0, (movies.length-1)); 
        // Removed extra unnecessary call to `mergeTitle()`
        System.out.println("\nBy Year Ascending\n");
        mergeYear(movies, 0, (movies.length-1));

    public static void print(MovieV3[] movies)
        for (MovieV3 movie : movies)
            System.out.println(movie.getTitle() + ", " + movie.getYear() + " by " + movie.getStudio());

    public static void merge(MovieV3[] a, int low, int mid, int high, int compare)
        MovieV3[] temp = new MovieV3[high - low + 1];

        int i = low, j = mid + 1, n = 0;
        // Changed from `compare == 1` to this so that the last `else` block could be 
        // removed, as it was identical to this first block
        if (compare != 2)
            while (i <= mid || j <= high)
                if (i > mid)
                    temp[n] = a[j];
                else if (j > high)
                    temp[n] = a[i];
                else if (a[i].getYear() < a[j].getYear())
                    temp[n] = a[i];
                    temp[n] = a[j];
        else if (compare == 2)
            while (i <= mid || j <= high)
                if (i > mid)
                    temp[n] = a[j];
                else if (j > high)
                    temp[n] = a[i];
                // Changed the operator from `<` to `>` so that the titles are printed 
                // the way you showed in your post
                else if ((a[j].getTitle()).compareTo(a[i].getTitle()) > 0)
                    temp[n] = a[i];
                    temp[n] = a[j];

        for (int k = low ; k <= high ; k++)
            a[k] = temp[k - low];

    } // end of merge

    public static void mergeYear(MovieV3[] a, int low, int high)
        if (low == high)

        int mid = (low + high) / 2;

        mergeYear(a, low, mid);       // recursive call
        mergeYear(a, mid + 1, high);   // recursive call

        merge(a, low, mid, high, 1);

    public static void mergeTitle(MovieV3[] a, int low, int high)
        if (low == high)

        int mid = (low + high) / 2;

        // I'm not sure if it was just a typo but in your code you had called `mergeYear()` 
        // twice instead of `mergeTitle()`, which was causing the sorting to not work
        mergeTitle(a, low, mid);       // recursive call
        mergeTitle(a, mid + 1, high);   // recursive call

        merge(a, low, mid, high, 2);

Несмотря на то, что правки незначительны и у вас в основном был правильный код, надеюсь, это немного поможет.
