Console.log ничего не печатает внутри forEach - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 11 июля 2019

Я играю с Polkadot API, чтобы получить список активных валидаторов в сети и написать этот код:

Открыть в песочнице Polkadot js

// All code is wrapped within an async closure,
// allowing access to api, hashing, types, util.
// (async ({ api, hashing, types, util }) => {
//   ... any user code is executed here ...
// })();

const [chain, nodeName, nodeVersion] = await Promise.all([

console.log(`Connected to chain ${chain} using ${nodeName} v${nodeVersion}`);

// Retrieve active validators
const [validators] = await Promise.all([

if (validators && validators.length > 0) {

  // Map staking stats to validators
  const validatorStaking = await Promise.all( => api.query.staking.ledger(authorityId))

  var rank = 1;
  validators.forEach((authorityId, index) => {

    // Get staking stats for current validator
    var validator = JSON.parse(validatorStaking[index])

    // Get nominators, then print information
    ]).then(nominators => {
      return nominators
    }).then(function(nominators) {

      // Iterate over nominators list
      var total = 0
      var nominatorsList = ''
      nominators[0].others.forEach((nominator, index) => {
        total = total + parseInt(nominator.value)
        nominatorsList += '    [' + (index + 1) + '] ' + nominator.who + ' => ' + parseFloat(nominator.value / 1000000000000000).toFixed(3) + ' DOT\n'

      console.log('\n[ ' + rank + ' ] Validator: ' + authorityId.toString())
      console.log( ' -> Controller: ' + authorityId.toString() )
      console.log( ' -> Stash: ' + validator.stash)
      console.log( ' -> Self bonded: ' + parseFloat( / 1000000000000000).toFixed(3) + ' DOT')
      console.log( ' -> Bonded by nominators: ' + parseFloat(total / 1000000000000000).toFixed(3) + ' DOT' )
      console.log( ' -> Total Bonded: ' + (parseFloat((total) / 1000000000000000) + parseFloat(( / 1000000000000000) ).toFixed(3) + ' DOT' )
      console.log( ' -> Nominators:' )
      console.log( nominatorsList )

    }).catch(err => {

Код запускается, как и ожидалось, в, с выводом некоторой полезной информации о валидаторах.

Я хочу выполнить тот же код в моем полном узле Polkadot, поэтому я изменяю свой код, используя первый пример документации API:

// @ts-check
// Required imports
const { ApiPromise, WsProvider } = require('@polkadot/api');

async function main () {

  // Initialise the provider to connect to the local polkadot node
  const provider = new WsProvider('ws://');

  // Create the API and wait until ready
  const api = await ApiPromise.create(provider);

  // Retrieve the chain & node information
  const [chain, nodeName, nodeVersion] = await Promise.all([

  console.log(`Connected to chain ${chain} using ${nodeName} v${nodeVersion}`);

  // Retrieve active validators
  const [validators] = await Promise.all([

  if (validators && validators.length > 0) {

    // Map staking stats to validators
    const validatorStaking = await Promise.all( => api.query.staking.ledger(authorityId))

    var rank = 1;
    validators.forEach((authorityId, index) => {

      // Get staking stats for current validator
      var validator = JSON.parse(validatorStaking[index])

      // Get nominators, then print information
      ]).then(nominators => {
        return nominators
      }).then(function(nominators) {

        // Iterate over nominators list
        var total = 0
        var nominatorString = ''
        nominators[0].others.forEach((nominator, index) => {
          total = total + parseInt(nominator.value)
          nominatorString += '    [' + (index + 1) + '] ' + nominator.who + ' => ' + parseFloat(nominator.value / 1000000000000000).toFixed(3) + ' DOT\n'

        console.log('\n[ ' + rank + ' ] Validator: ' + authorityId.toString())        
        console.log( ' -> Controller: ' + authorityId.toString() )
        console.log( ' -> Stash: ' + validator.stash)
        console.log( ' -> Self bonded: ' + parseFloat( / 1000000000000000).toFixed(3) + ' DOT')
        console.log( ' -> Bonded by nominators: ' + parseFloat(total / 1000000000000000).toFixed(3) + ' DOT' )
        console.log( ' -> Total Bonded: ' + (parseFloat((total) / 1000000000000000) + parseFloat(( / 1000000000000000) ).toFixed(3) + ' DOT' )        
        console.log( ' -> Nominators:' )
        console.log( nominatorString )

      }).catch(err => {

main().catch(console.error).finally(() => process.exit());

Модифицированный код запускается без проблем, получая информацию от локального узла polkadot. Проблема в том, что console.logs внутри оператора forEach ничего не печатает.

Что я делаю не так? Первый код отлично работает на веб-сайте Polkadot, показывая следующий вывод:

Connected to chain Alexander using parity-polkadot v0.4.4

[ 1 ] Validator: 5GeJHN5EcUGPoa5pUwYkXjymoDVN1DJHsBR4UGX4XRAwK1Ez
 -> Controller: 5GeJHN5EcUGPoa5pUwYkXjymoDVN1DJHsBR4UGX4XRAwK1Ez
 -> Stash: 5DuiZFa184E9iCwbh4WjXYvJ88NHvWJbS8SARY8Ev1YEqrri
 -> Self bonded: 500.000 DOT
 -> Bonded by nominators: 3.384 DOT
 -> Total Bonded: 503.384 DOT
 -> Nominators:
    [1] 5CpSTAh8e8Z8Xq47TDLJz8pn9wTWJ5o47F9bM5McP2kFggf9 => 0.002 DOT
    [2] 5EKv5WtPrm3oE56XojPtAQR8wtiHVNJ9BaM8StPKgzqPPXpG => 0.100 DOT
    [3] 5FeQ1oB2ek2LQGY2SyaHU7UftdwZLT3TNif8ksKvxES1joiD => 0.148 DOT
    [4] 5EEe1QBewqUkVoUT6rmMWtxktcAXcjadFiB6zNwdAgkvM6pw => 0.100 DOT
    [5] 5GryLKn5HrFGXhSQTcgAWEoaFqBGov2voUfawF5nVcsQs8QR => 0.100 DOT
    [6] 5F6is3DBLJreMEpDCN1mDG6RAAHuhGyPx6rzxZ52BfVB9822 => 0.100 DOT
    [7] 5CSopKqGJAyUyAwvxJvwz5NnEZe9eTNTxdXnLDdgSBXrwV36 => 0.148 DOT
    [8] 5Gxn6e7xFYWFS4WZGrHVq7tLkUCTwDVzDJGttweMFAM2s1os => 0.100 DOT
    [9] 5GZBbVudNqkyrwFr1B89N2kCKj5hSwphX8VyvCsWTNg2vb8k => 0.140 DOT
    [10] 5FJArxJ2965RVmBtbUxSLPHMMW2Hkd39akTbRBvRqqffewqk => 0.180 DOT
    [11] 5CHs11e7oWTX7jSW3A6qHJjGdw2BoQGrocoXTzmYoh9aTSZ5 => 0.100 DOT
    [12] 5FCUUyVRBv1M3sjkKhsPEqjmftt43NRyH1fkbiKXswJwRQei => 0.388 DOT
    [13] 5GsZJprFgwyLXiv91XBbNR6xMJU7poEkCCgnKRk8Y7RNa5mY => 0.100 DOT
    [14] 5DqrgoGUigk6GKWE4cnxiqWqBFbDbD1dnEhcSCNBgibsveoS => 0.258 DOT
    [15] 5GDftAqfcQNSnVuKviALyxiDTRP1kSGPKHpdueSz1gLTfgS2 => 0.128 DOT
    [16] 5E7ibdmaVkV1jWbj3HPev2xPstRf17kFjQCjfnGU8iTNWKGq => 1.000 DOT
    [17] 5DfnhKjxZaaUcPW1VYuHfBTuGaE9Fg1mDAnTQera45WCLv8N => 0.018 DOT
    [18] 5CPHNVVLQ5b9esNbT9ZHZiPFvjfw2xbNf83CxP2nmA6yZQDM => 0.000 DOT
    [19] 5FyGYnwUur577KDcdkyyMouprFweXgnQc5KQggJ2QD74MgkC => 0.275 DOT

[ 2 ] Validator: 5DPW1n4q2THUjKGj3QKkcqdh6oxY1bmLsSQ7t8FuiuNtRv4S
 -> Controller: 5DPW1n4q2THUjKGj3QKkcqdh6oxY1bmLsSQ7t8FuiuNtRv4S
 -> Stash: 5DqAzPeXXmBS8p6TjtvjWZPRkqkmeT15KqXoYAg2LShgu9pd
 -> Self bonded: 500.000 DOT
 -> Bonded by nominators: 1.333 DOT
 -> Total Bonded: 501.333 DOT
 -> Nominators:
    [1] 5FHKn8H5L2s5Sar3uhpLoUMqto9J5JWYXNUio7dRKr8E84zu => 0.100 DOT
    [2] 5E4zTNJRPNu9afjsMEjK88MTxVBzXEn55Exf1pW1rW25ysA9 => 0.177 DOT
    [3] 5DPyJoPbVB2PcviCfBxaALj6aj33cS4smAsFz8qPSvKdcVFB => 0.100 DOT
    [4] 5DsS6mvvg3CBxQsvoPFEsSsJB9T9mz13g9GqTnhj4u8KZStV => 0.120 DOT
    [5] 5E9WSxB1YQTJQC7xxirsYKkjMw8vTUffkcLdmWkNPmAPgiA1 => 0.440 DOT
    [6] 5HBbUGki4VmLb8AJ9mHEe8vK9ayiQUfpCanePt21EJchu3oS => 0.295 DOT
    [7] 5ELanwMU5rC4tCGuEdxERA5tdyPnBEC32oLvsLfsWFDsTyK7 => 0.100 DOT

Второй вывод показывает этот вывод только при выполнении с nodejs v10.16.0:

Connected to chain Alexander using parity-polkadot v0.4.4