Я только начинаю с Vuex, и у меня есть форма ввода, в которой хранится только одно поле ввода, а не второе.
Я не могу просто понять, что не так.Форма находится на следующей странице компонента
$ cat src/components/AddBar.vue
<div class="action-bar">
placeholder="bar name..."
:class="{ disabled: barCreationPending }"
add bar
import { mapMutations, mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex'
export default {
computed: mapState('bars', [
methods: {
...mapMutations('bars', ['setBarNameToCreate', 'setBarAddressToCreate']),
...mapActions('bars', ['triggerAddBarAction'])
Когда я отправляю форму, я получаю первое поле, но не второе, и никаких ошибок в консоли:
Чего мне не хватает?
Здесь есть некоторая соответствующая структура хранилища файлов:
$ ls -l src/store/bars/
total 20
-rw-r--r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 1400 Jun 24 18:59 bars.actions.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 297 Jun 24 18:59 bars.getters.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 890 Jun 26 21:37 bars.mutations.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 136 Jun 26 21:33 bars.state.js
-rw-r--r-- 1 lsoave lsoave 231 Jun 24 18:59 index.js
и некоторые относительные mapMutations, mapState, mapActions content:
$ cat src/store/bars/index.js
import state from './bars.state'
import mutations from './bars.mutations'
import actions from './bars.actions'
import getters from './bars.getters'
export default {
namespaced: true,
$ cat src/store/bars/bars.mutations.js
export default {
/* Bar input name */
setBarNameToCreate: (state, barNameToCreate) =>
(state.barNameToCreate = barNameToCreate),
/* Bar input address*/
setBarAddressToCreate: (state, barAddressToCreate) =>
(state.barAddressToCreate = barAddressToCreate),
/* Bars */
setBars: (state, bars) => (state.bars = bars),
addBar: (state, bar) => state.bars.push(bar),
removeBarById: (state, barId) => {
const index = state.bars.findIndex(bar => bar.id === barId)
state.bars.splice(index, 1)
/* Bars deletion */
addBarDeletionPending: (state, barId) => state.barDeletionPending.push(barId),
removeBarDeletionPending: (state, barId) => {
const index = state.bars.findIndex(bar => bar.id === barId)
state.barDeletionPending.splice(index, 1)
/* Bar creation */
setBarCreationPending: (state, value) => (state.barCreationPending = value)
$ cat src/store/bars/bars.state.js
export default {
bars: null,
barNameToCreate: '',
barAddressToCreate: '',
barDeletionPending: [],
barCreationPending: false
$ cat src/store/bars/bars.actions.js
import UserBarsDB from '@/firebase/user-bars-db'
export default {
* Fetch bars of current loggedin user
getUserBars: async ({ rootState, commit }) => {
const userBarDb = new UserBarsDB(rootState.authentication.user.id)
const bars = await userBarDb.readAll()
commit('setBars', bars)
* Create a bar for current loggedin user
createUserBar: async ({ commit, rootState }, bar) => {
const userBarDb = new UserBarsDB(rootState.authentication.user.id)
commit('setBarCreationPending', true)
const createdBar = await userBarDb.create(bar)
commit('addBar', createdBar)
commit('setBarCreationPending', false)
* Create a new bar for current loggedin user and reset bar name input
triggerAddBarAction: ({ dispatch, state, commit }) => {
if (state.barNameToCreate === '') return
const bar = { name: state.barNameToCreate }
commit('setBarNameToCreate', '')
dispatch('createUserBar', bar)
* Delete a user bar from its id
deleteUserBar: async ({ rootState, commit, getters }, barId) => {
if (getters.isBarDeletionPending(barId)) return
const userBarsDb = new UserBarsDB(rootState.authentication.user.id)
commit('addBarDeletionPending', barId)
await userBarsDb.delete(barId)
commit('removeBarById', barId)
commit('removeBarDeletionPending', barId)