Я получаю бесконечный цикл при выборе определенной опции
Что не так с кодом ??
/* Misc. strings */
intro: .ascii "Gold rush!\nRules:\n- 20 weeks\n- Each week you can buy a sluice or continue working\n- Panning for gold yields $0 - $25\n- Each sluice yields $0 - $75\n\n\0" # This is quite far over the PEP8 79 column maximum line length.
choice: .ascii "Would you like to (1) go into town to buy a sluice for $100, or (2) continue working?\n\0"
newl: .ascii "\n\0"
wk: .ascii "Week \0"
slcs: .ascii "Sluices: \0"
baln: .ascii "Balance: \0"
/* Sluice strings */
buy: .ascii "You bought a sluice for $100.\n\0"
debt: .ascii "You don't have enough money to buy a sluce. You decide to continue working instead.\n\0"
brk: .ascii "A sluice broke :(\n\0"
/* Profit strings */
profg: .ascii "Profit from panning for gold: \0"
profs: .ascii "Profit from sluice: \0"
proff: .ascii "Weekly food cost: \0"
/* Weekend strings */
tot: .ascii "Total for the week:\n\0"
prof: .ascii "Profit from goldpanning: \0"
/* Final calculation strings */
finish: .ascii "\n\n\n==== GAME OVER ====\n\0"
balfin: .ascii "Final balance: \0"
.global _start
push %rcx
mov $newl, %rcx
call PrintCString
pop %rcx
/* Sets the foreground colour to red. */
push %rcx
mov $1, %rcx
call SetForeColor
pop %rcx
/* Sets the foreground colour to white. */
push %rcx
mov $7, %rcx
call SetForeColor
pop %rcx
* Display the rules, loop over the main week function
* 20 times, then tally result.
/* Since some PC's may use other default terminal foreground/background colours, let's change to white on black. */
mov $0, %rcx
call SetBackColor
mov $7, %rcx
call SetForeColor
# This looks SO weird on my MacBook...
mov $intro, %rcx
call PrintCString
/* Give the user $100 starting money. */
mov $100, %rax
/* Loop over the week function 20 times. */
mov $20, %ecx
push %rcx
/* Display how many weeks it's been. */
call newline
call newline
mov $wk, %rcx
call PrintCString
pop %rcx
push %rcx
neg %rcx
add $21, %rcx
call PrintInt
call newline
/* Display the user's current amount of sluices and money. */
mov $slcs, %rcx
call PrintCString
mov %rbx, %rcx
call PrintInt
call newline
mov $baln, %rcx
call PrintCString
mov %rax, %rcx
call PrintInt
call newline
/* Start the week, then loop to the top */
pop %rcx
call week
loop main
call total
call EndProgram
* Main control for each week. The player decides whether
* or not to buy a sluice. Then, each sluice's output,
* the player's gold panning output, the sluices that may break,
* and the food cost is decided. Profit is output to the screen and
* added to the player's total.
push %rcx # We have to push the loop control counter while using rcx with the library.
mov $choice, %rcx
call PrintCString
call ScanInt
call ClearScreen
cmp $1, %rcx
jne continue
/* Check if the user has enough money, then buy them a sluice. */
cmp $100, %rax
jge enoughmoney
mov $debt, %rcx
call PrintCString
jmp continue
sub $100, %rax
inc %rbx
mov $buy, %rcx
call PrintCString
# Intentional fall-through to continue.
* Control jumps here if the user chose not to buy a sluice, or if the user doesn't have enough money.
* Calculate the amount of money the user earned and determine if any of their sluices broke.
/* Display gold-panning profit. */
mov $profg, %rcx
call PrintCString
mov $25, %rcx
call Random
add %rcx, %rax
call PrintInt
call newline
mov %rbx, %rcx
/* Display profit from each sluice. */
push %rcx
mov $profs, %rcx
call PrintCString
mov $76, %rcx
call Random
add %rcx, %rax
call PrintInt
call newline
pop %rcx
loop sluiceprofit
mov %rbx, %rcx
/* Determine if any sluices have broken. Each have a 10% chance. */
push %rcx
mov $10, %rcx
call Random
cmp $0, %rcx
jne nobreak
/* A sluice broke :( drecrement the sluice counter and tell the user the bad news. */
dec %rbx
call setred
mov $brk, %rcx
call PrintCString
call setwhite
pop %rcx
loop sluicebroke
/* Finally, determine how much money we spent on food this week. */
mov $proff, %rcx
call PrintCString
mov $11, %rcx
call Random
add $10, %rcx
sub %rcx, %rax
call PrintInt
call newline
/* Return the loop control counter to the proper place and return. The week is done. */
pop %rcx
/* Print the final balance and terminate. */
mov $finish, %rcx
call PrintCString
mov $balfin, %rcx
call PrintCString
mov %rax, %rcx
call PrintInt
call newline
call EndProgram
Когда я выбираю (2), чтобы начать работать, начинается бесконечный цикл, который я не могу остановить.