Есть ли способ установить TransitRadius на точки маршрута RouteWaypoints?
, описанные на https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing/topics/resource-param-type-waypoint.html
/* Initialize a CoreRouter */
CoreRouter coreRouter = new CoreRouter();
/* Initialize a RoutePlan */
mRoutePlan = new RoutePlan();
* Initialize a RouteOption.HERE SDK allow users to define their own parameters for the
* route calculation,including transport modes,route types and route restrictions etc.Please
* refer to API doc for full list of APIs
RouteOptions routeOptions = new RouteOptions();
/* Other transport modes are also available e.g Pedestrian */
routeOptions.setTransportMode( RouteOptions.TransportMode.TRUCK );
/* Disable highway in this route. */
routeOptions.setHighwaysAllowed( false );
/* Calculate the shortest route available. */
routeOptions.setRouteType( RouteOptions.Type.FASTEST );
/* Calculate 1 route. */
routeOptions.setRouteCount( 1 );
/* Finally set the route option */
mRoutePlan.setRouteOptions( routeOptions );
/* Define waypoints for the route */
/* START: 4350 Still Creek Dr */
RouteWaypoint startPoint = new RouteWaypoint(new GeoCoordinate(49.259149, -123.008555));
/* END: Langley BC */
RouteWaypoint destination = new RouteWaypoint(new GeoCoordinate(49.073640, -122.559549));
/* Add both waypoints to the route plan */
mRoutePlan.addWaypoint( startPoint );
mRoutePlan.addWaypoint( destination );