Вот мой довольно хакерский способ обойти это. Он работает по умолчанию, если вы не используете строки формата, и должен работать, если вы используете строки формата g и u в имени файла, но не в других.
public class FriendlyFileHandler extends FileHandler {
* In order to ensure the most recent log file is the file this one owns,
* we flush before checking the directory for most recent file.
* But we must keep other log handlers from flushing in between and making
* a NEW recent file.
private static Object[] flushLock = new Object[0];
private String pattern;
public FriendlyFileHandler(String pattern, int maxLogLengthInBytes, int count) throws IOException,
SecurityException {
super(pattern, maxLogLengthInBytes, count);
this.pattern = pattern;
* Finds the most recent log file matching the pattern.
* This is just a guess - if you have a complicated pattern
* format it may not work.
* IMPORTANT: This log file is still in use. You must
* removeHandler() on the logger first, .close() this handler,
* then add a NEW handler to your logger. THEN, you can read
* the file.
* Currently supported format strings: g, u
* @return A File of the current log file, or null on error.
public synchronized File getCurrentLogFile() {
synchronized(flushLock) {
// so the file has the most recent date on it.
final String patternRegex =
// handle incremental number formats
pattern.replaceAll("%[gu]", "\\d*") +
// handle default case where %g is appended to end
final Pattern re = Pattern.compile(patternRegex);
final Matcher matcher = re.matcher("");
// check all files in the directory where this log would be
final File basedir = new File(pattern).getParentFile();
final File[] logs = basedir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(final File pathname) {
// only get files that are part of the pattern
return matcher.find();
return findMostRecentLog(logs);
private File findMostRecentLog(File[] logs) {
if (logs.length > 0) {
long mostRecentDate = 0;
int mostRecentIdx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
final long d = logs[i].lastModified();
if (d >= mostRecentDate) {
mostRecentDate = d;
mostRecentIdx = i;
return logs[mostRecentIdx];
else {
return null;
public synchronized void flush() {
// only let one Handler flush at a time.
synchronized(flushLock) {