Я пытаюсь понять, как эти 4 части сочетаются друг с другом:
Я не понимаю взаимосвязи между IAsyncMethodBuilder
ожидающим (ями) и конечным автоматом.Если мой методист получает, скажем, 2 ожидающих, почему у машины состояний есть только один ожидающий, на котором он использует результат Get / Set?Я говорю об ожидающих на методологе:
var a= await MyMethod();
var b=await MyMethod();
Где MyMethod
async Task<T> MyMethod(){
await f1() ->don't care about thsese
await f2() -----/-----
await f3() -----/------
Я выложу два фрагмента кода изБлог Диксина https://weblogs.asp.net/dixin/functional-csharp-asynchronous-function:
Пользовательский код:
internal static async Task<T> Async<T>(T value)
T value1 = Start(value);
T result1 = await Async1(value1);
T value2 = Continuation1(result1);
T result2 = await Async2(value2);
T value3 = Continuation2(result2);
T result3 = await Async3(value3);
T result = Continuation3(result3);
return result;
internal static T Start<T>(T value) => value;
internal static Task<T> Async1<T>(T value) => Task.Run(() => value);
internal static T Continuation1<T>(T value) => value;
internal static Task<T> Async2<T>(T value) => Task.FromResult(value);
internal static T Continuation2<T>(T value) => value;
internal static Task<T> Async3<T>(T value) => Task.Run(() => value);
internal static T Continuation3<T>(T value) => value;
Что генерирует компилятор:
private struct AsyncStateMachine<TResult> : IAsyncStateMachine
public int State;
public AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<TResult> Builder;
public TResult Value;
private TaskAwaiter<TResult> awaiter; //Why only one?
void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext()
TResult result;
switch (this.State)
case -1: // Start code from the beginning to the 1st await.
// Workflow begins.
TResult value1 = Start(this.Value);
this.awaiter = Async1(value1).GetAwaiter();
if (this.awaiter.IsCompleted)
// If the task returned by Async1 is already completed, immediately execute the continuation.
goto case 0;
this.State = 0;
// If the task returned by Async1 is not completed, specify the continuation as its callback.
this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaiter, ref this);
// Later when the task returned by Async1 is completed, it calls back MoveNext, where State is 0.
case 0: // Continuation code from after the 1st await to the 2nd await.
// The task returned by Async1 is completed. The result is available immediately through GetResult.
TResult result1 = this.awaiter.GetResult();
TResult value2 = Continuation1(result1);
this.awaiter = Async2(value2).GetAwaiter();
if (this.awaiter.IsCompleted)
// If the task returned by Async2 is already completed, immediately execute the continuation.
goto case 1;
this.State = 1;
// If the task returned by Async2 is not completed, specify the continuation as its callback.
this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaiter, ref this);
// Later when the task returned by Async2 is completed, it calls back MoveNext, where State is 1.
case 1: // Continuation code from after the 2nd await to the 3rd await.
// The task returned by Async2 is completed. The result is available immediately through GetResult.
TResult result2 = this.awaiter.GetResult();
TResult value3 = Continuation2(result2);
this.awaiter = Async3(value3).GetAwaiter();
if (this.awaiter.IsCompleted)
// If the task returned by Async3 is already completed, immediately execute the continuation.
goto case 2;
this.State = 2;
// If the task returned by Async3 is not completed, specify the continuation as its callback.
this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaiter, ref this);
// Later when the task returned by Async3 is completed, it calls back MoveNext, where State is 1.
case 2: // Continuation code from after the 3rd await to the end.
// The task returned by Async3 is completed. The result is available immediately through GetResult.
TResult result3 = this.awaiter.GetResult();
result = Continuation3(result3);
this.State = -2; // -2 means end.
// Workflow ends.
catch (Exception exception)
this.State = -2; // -2 means end.
void IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine asyncStateMachine) =>
Разве у AsyncStateMachine
не должно быть списка ожидающих, приведенных в начале моего примера? Если у меня есть N ожидающих в построителе методов, как машина передает SetResult
всем ожидающим?