У меня есть следующий пакет github, загруженный и установленный точно так, как описано в инструкциях: https://github.com/igaster/laravel_cities
Все это работает так, как должно работать.Проблема в том, что не все города переносятся из файла .txt в базу данных, а только города с определенным размером.Это начальный файл:
class seedGeoFile extends Command
protected $signature = 'geo:seed {country?} {--append}';
protected $description = 'Load + Parse + Save to DB a geodata file.';
private $pdo;
private $driver;
public function __construct() {
$connection = config('database.default');
$this->driver = strtolower(config("database.connections.{$connection}.driver"));
$this->pdo = \DB::connection()->getPdo(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (!\Schema::hasTable('geo'))
$this->geoItems = new geoCollection();
public function sql($sql){
$result = $this->pdo->query($sql);
if($result === false)
throw new Exception("Error in SQL : '$sql'\n".PDO::errorInfo(), 1);
return $result->fetch();
public function buildDbTree($item, $count = 1, $depth = 0){
foreach ($item->getChildren() as $child) {
$count = $this->buildDbTree($child, $count, $depth+1);
return $count;
public function printTree($item){
$levelStr= str_repeat('--', $item->depth);
$this->info(sprintf("%s %s [%d,%d]", $levelStr, $item->getName(),$item->left,$item->right));
foreach ($item->getChildren() as $child)
public function handle() {
$start = microtime(true);
$fileName = $this->argument('country') ? strtoupper($this->argument('country')) : 'allCountries';
$fileName = storage_path("geo/{$fileName}.txt");
$append = $this->option('append');
// Read Raw file
$this->info("Reading File '$fileName'");
$filesize = filesize($fileName);
$handle = fopen($fileName, 'r');
$count = 0;
$progressBar = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar($this->output, 100);
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
// ignore empty lines and comments
if ( ! $line or $line === '' or strpos($line, '#') === 0) continue;
// Convert TAB sepereted line to array
$line = explode("\t", $line);
// Check for errors
if(count($line)!== 19) dd($line[0],$line[2]);
switch ($line[7]) {
case 'PCLI': // Country
case 'PPLC': // Capital
case 'ADM1':
case 'ADM2':
case 'ADM3':
$this->geoItems->add(new geoItem($line, $this->geoItems));
$progress = ftell($handle)/$filesize*100;
$this->info(" Finished Reading File. $count items loaded</info>");
// Read hierarchy
$fileName = storage_path('geo/hierarchy.txt');
$this->info("Opening File '$fileName'</info>");
$handle = fopen($fileName, 'r');
$filesize = filesize($fileName);
$count = 0;
$progressBar = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar($this->output, 100);
while (($line = fgetcsv($handle, 0, "\t")) !== false) {
$parent = $item=$this->geoItems->findGeoId($line[0]);
$child = $item=$this->geoItems->findGeoId($line[1]);
if( $parent !== null && $child !== null){
$progress = ftell($handle)/$filesize*100;
$this->info(" Hierarcy building completed. $count items loaded</info>");
// Build Tree
$count = 0; $countOrphan = 0;
$sql = 'SELECT MAX("right") as maxRight FROM geo';
$result = $this->sql($sql);
$maxBoundary = isset($result['maxRight']) ? $result['maxRight']+1 : 0;
foreach ($this->geoItems->items as $item) {
if($item->parentId === null){
if($item->data[7] !== 'PCLI'){
// $this->info("- Skiping Orphan {$item->data[2]} #{$item->data[0]}");
$this->info("+ Building Tree for Country: {$item->data[2]} #{$item->data[0]}");
// $this->printTree($item,$output);
$this->info("Finished: {$count} Countries imported. $countOrphan orphan items skiped</info>");
// Empty Table
if (!$append){
$this->info("Truncating 'geo' table...");
// Store Tree in DB
$this->info("Writing in Database</info>");
if ($this->driver == 'mysql') {
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO geo (`id`, `parent_id`, `left`, `right`, `depth`, `name`, `alternames`, `country`, `level`, `population`, `lat`, `long`) VALUES (:id, :parent_id, :left, :right, :depth, :name, :alternames, :country, :level, :population, :lat, :long)");
} else {
$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO geo (\"id\", \"parent_id\", \"left\", \"right\", \"depth\", \"name\", \"alternames\", \"country\", \"level\", \"population\", \"lat\", \"long\") VALUES (:id, :parent_id, :left, :right, :depth, :name, :alternames, :country, :level, :population, :lat, :long)");
$count = 0;
$totalCount = count($this->geoItems->items);
$progressBar = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar($this->output, 100);
foreach ($this->geoItems->items as $item) {
if ( $stmt->execute([
':id' => $item->getId(),
':parent_id' => $item->parentId,
':left' => $item->left,
':right' => $item->right,
':depth' => $item->depth,
':name' => substr($item->data[2],0,40),
':alternames' => $item->data[3],
':country' => $item->data[8],
':level' => $item->data[7],
':population' => $item->data[14],
':lat' => $item->data[4],
':long' => $item->data[5]
]) === false){
throw new Exception("Error in SQL : '$sql'\n".PDO::errorInfo(), 1);
$progress = $count++/$totalCount*100;
$this->info(" Done</info>");
$time_elapsed_secs = microtime(true) - $start;
$this->info("Timing: $time_elapsed_secs sec</info>");
Может кто-нибудь помочь мне, как я могу сохранить все города из файла .txt в базу данных?Или кто-то может узнать, где в коде выделены определенные города?