Я создаю игровое приложение с 2 играми.Однако я хочу иметь возможность переключаться с одной игры на другую.Я попробовал if (game == 1), но казалось, что, как только я сопоставлю условие, оно выйдет из цикла, и попытка ввода снова не переключится на вторую игру.Затем я попытался сделать некоторое время, но даже когда я установил свой вход на «2», он все равно запускает игру # 1.Любые предложения о том, что я должен делать?
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class Project2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int min = 1;
int max = 10;
int colmax = 2;
double balance = 2500;
double bet1 = 0;
double bet2 = 0;
String kBet = null;
//Call method gameChoice to allow player to choose what game they want to play.
int game = input.nextInt();
do {
System.out.println("-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-BLACK JACK-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-");
System.out.print("Please choose Black or Red, and a number from 1-10..(Example: Red 4): ");
String color = input.next();
int number = input.nextInt();
//Seperate bets for color and number. Bet1 = color bet, bet2 = number bet
System.out.print("Your available balance is $"+balance+". How much would you like to bet on "+color+"?");
bet1 = input.nextInt();
if(bet1 > balance) {
System.out.print("You dont have enough money to bet $"+bet1+". Please enter a valid bet: $");
bet1 = input.nextInt();
balance -= bet1;
double profit1 = (bet1 * 2) - bet1;
//Bet 2 for number.
System.out.print("Your available balance is $"+balance+". How much would you like to bet on "+number+"?");
bet2 = input.nextInt();
if(bet2 > balance) {
System.out.print("You dont have enough money to bet $"+bet2+". Please enter a valid bet: $");
bet2 = input.nextInt();
balance -= bet2;
double profit2 = (bet2 * 5) - bet2;
//Give bet info
System.out.println("------------------------------BET INFO------------------------------------");
System.out.println("You just bet $"+bet1+" on "+color+" and $"+bet2+" on number "+number);
//Generate random number, Generate random color.
Random rouletteNum = new Random();
int rNum = min + rouletteNum.nextInt(max);
int rCol = min + rouletteNum.nextInt(colmax);
//Only generate 2 numbers between 1-2; 1 is black, 2 is red.
if (rCol == 1) {
System.out.println("The machine landed on Black "+rNum);
else if(rCol != 1) {
System.out.println("The machine landed on Red "+rNum);
//All possible conditions for betting outcomes.
if(rNum == number) {
System.out.println("Congrats, you guessed the right number! You've won $"+profit2);
balance += (bet2 * 5);
else if(rNum != number) {
System.out.println("Sorry!You didnt guess the right number! You've lost $"+bet2);
if(rCol == 1 && color.equals("Black")) {
System.out.println("Congrats, you guessed the right color! You've won $"+profit1);
balance += bet1 * 2 - bet1;
else if(rCol == 2 && color.equals("Red")) {
System.out.println("Congrats, you guessed the right color! You've won $"+profit1);
balance += bet1 * 2 - bet1;
if(rCol == 2 && color.equals("Black")) {
System.out.println("Sorry, you didn't guess the right color. You've lost $"+bet1);
else if(rCol == 1 && color.equals("Red")) {
System.out.println("Sorry, you didn't guess the right color. You've lost $"+bet1);
//Call isBroke method to check if player is bankrupt.
if(isBroke(balance) == true) {
else {
//If player isn't bankrupt, ask if they want to place another bet.
System.out.println("New balance: $"+balance);
game = input.nextInt();
while(game == 1);
do {
int bet = 0;
double start = 1.00;
double crashValue = 1.00;
int stopGame = 1;
double cashout = 0;
System.out.println("-------------------CRASH GAME--------------------------");
System.out.println("Welcome to Crash!");
System.out.print("What number would you like to cashout at?(Ex. 1.15):");
cashout = input.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Your balance is $"+balance+". How much would you like to bet on this round?:");
bet = input.nextInt();
//check if bet amount is greater then the balance.
if(bet > balance) {
System.out.print("You dont have enough money to bet $"+bet+". Please enter a valid bet: $");
bet = input.nextInt();
System.out.println("Round is beginning.........");
for(int i =0; i < stopGame; i++) {
//Do while to keep the numbers generating until i == 1 (until crash)
do {
//Generate random number from 1-100, if the number is less than 98, print the digit (Example : 1.34)
int crash =(int)(Math.random() * 100);
if (crash < 98) {
start += .01;
//if random number from 1-100 is greater than 98, crash the game.
else if(crash > 98) {
crashValue = start;
System.out.print("CRASH! The game crashed at ");
while(i == 0);
//Check if player cashed out before game crashed.
if(cashout < crashValue) {
System.out.println("Congrats! You cashed out at "+cashout+" before the game crashed. You've won $"+bet*cashout);
balance += bet * cashout;
//Player didn't cash out in time, and lost.
else {
System.out.println("Sorry! The game crashed before you could cash out. You've lost $"+bet);
balance -= bet;
//check if player is bankrupt.
if(isBroke(balance) == true) {
else {
//If they arent bankrupt, ask if they want another bet.
System.out.println("New balance: $"+balance);
game = input.nextInt();
while(game == 2);