Не уверен, правильно ли я понял ваш вопрос, но я полагаю, что у вас нет проблем с сбором данных и составлением ответа для клиента, но возникают проблемы с отображением данных в таблицах данных на стороне клиента.
Вы хотите отправить массив объектов, чтобы таблицы данных могли правильно его отображать.Каждый элемент в этом массиве будет объектом, описывающим полную строку.Вот пример:
// You can use array of objects. Each object will be a row in the table.
// Compose it on the server or client side and give to DataTables for processing.
// Your objects can have many keys. You can tell DataTables which to use. In this
// example, I use allX.id and allX.type, while ignoring allX.color.
var allX = [
{ id: '0', type: 'pencil', color: 'blue' },
{ id: '1', type: 'pen', color: 'orange' },
{ id: '2', type: 'marker', color: 'black' }
var table = $('#allTable').DataTable({
data: allX, // allX here is our array, which contains the data to display in the table
columns: [{
data: 'id', // object key to look for value
title: 'ID' // give a title to your column
data: 'type', // our second column description
title: 'Type'
width: '30%', // our buttons column
orderable: false // we will describe it further in 'columnDefs'
"columnDefs": [{
"targets": -1, // -1 = last column
"data": null, // no data for this column, instead we will show default content, described in 'defaultContent'
"defaultContent": "<button id='submit-btn'>Submit</button> <button id='delete-btn'>Delete</button>"
// catch a button click event
$('#allTable').on('click', 'button', function() {
// create an object from a row data
var rowData = table.row($(this).parents('tr')).data();
// fire a function, based on the button id that was clicked
if (this.id === 'submit-btn') {
} else if (this.id === 'delete-btn') {
function submitData(data) {
// Process your row data and submit here.
// e.g. data === { id: '1', type: 'pen', color: 'orange' }
// Even though your table shows only selected columns, the row data
// will still contain the complete object.
// I would recommend against sending a complete object. In your case,
// with a single data point, perhaps it is fine though. However,
// always send bare minimum. For example, if you want to delete an
// entry on the server side, just send the id of the entry and let
// the server locate it and delete it by id. It doesn't need all other
// fields.
function deleteData(data) {
// Just an example how you can have various buttons on each row.