Неподдерживаемые типы операндов из конкатенации в PHP codeigniter - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 25 июня 2018

Итак, у меня есть эта ошибка «Неподдерживаемые типы операндов», возникающая в результате конкатенации в коде PHP.Ниже приведена конкретная строка, в которой возникает ошибка:

  'full_name'  => ($recipient['firstname'].' '.$recipient['lastname'])

Фрагмент из контейнера массива, показанного ниже:

  $summary = array(
   'full_name'  => ($recipient['firstname'].' '.$recipient['lastname'])

В моем коде нет ничего плохого, но он все равно выдает этоошибка.Он работал раньше, а затем, когда я попытался протестировать его снова, ничего не меняя, появилась ошибка.

В настоящее время я использую Codeigniter для платформы.

[ОБНОВЛЕНО] Нижекод функции до тех пор, пока не возникла ошибка:

public function index_post () {// установить максимальное время выполнения и ограничение по времени для предотвращения истечения времени ожидания из-за интеграции сторонних функций ini_set ('max_execution_time',300);set_time_limit (300);

    // get JSON value post request
    $inputJSON      = file_get_contents( 'php://input' );
    $input_post     = json_decode( $inputJSON, TRUE ); //convert JSON into array

    // verify points if it still enough
    $is_points_enough = $this->verify_member_current_pondo_points($input_post['total_points_to_use']);

    // check if member has enough status. if not, return the error code
    if ( !$is_points_enough['status'] ) {
        $this->response( array(
            'status'   => TRUE,
            'response' => $is_points_enough,
        ), REST_Controller::HTTP_OK );

    // construct data to pass to order verification
    $order_data['items']                            = $input_post['purchase_items']; // items to be redeemed
    $order_data['item_redeem_info']     = $input_post['item_redeem_info']; // information of the redeemer
    $order_data['member_info']              = array( // member account id and email from verifying token
        'account' => $this->user->account_id,
        'email'   => $this->user->email

    // check if stocks are enough to continue the process
    $order = $this->order_transaction->checkout_order( $order_data ); 

    // if order process failed, it will return an error with its specific error message
    if (!$order['status']) {
        $this->response( array(
            'status'   => TRUE,
            'response' => $order,
        ), REST_Controller::HTTP_OK );
    else {
        $items = $order; // these are the list of items already checked

        $recipient = $order_data['item_redeem_info']; // information of the redeemer
        $recipient_address = $order_data['item_redeem_info']['address']; // address of the redeemer

        $delivery_data['recipients'] = array();
        $recipient_data = array(
            'recipient' => array( // recipient's information
      'firstname'    => $recipient['firstname'],
      'lastname'     => $recipient['lastname'],
      'middlename'   => "",
      'contact'      => $recipient['contact'],
      'email'        => $recipient['email'],
      'notification' => 1, // value 1 means notification on
      'address'      => array(
        'country'     => "PH",
        'destination' => $recipient_address['destination'],
        'province'    => $recipient_address['province'],
        'city'        => $recipient_address['city'],
        'barangay'    => $recipient_address['barangay'],
        'street'      => $recipient_address['street'],
                    'landmarks'   => $recipient_address['landmarks']
        array_push($delivery_data['recipients'], $recipient_data);

        // if order has physical items included
        if (count($items['physical_item'][0]) > 0) {

            $address = array( //address of recipient
      'province' => $recipient_address['province'],
      'city'     => $recipient_address['city'],
      'barangay' => $recipient_address['barangay'],
      'street'   => $recipient_address['street']

            // if type is delivery, insert address data
            if ( ($recipient['type'] == "delivery") ) { 
                $address = $this->order_transaction->add_address( $address );
            } else {
                $address = $this->order_transaction->get_branch_address_id( $recipient['branch'] );

            $_items = $items['physical_item']; //physical items list from the order result
            $_recipients = $delivery_data['recipients'][0]['recipient'];
            $packages['packages'] = array();
            $items_for_summary = array();
            $total_item_quantity = 0;
            $item_details = array();

            // set delivery details - package; also set the item summary to be delivered
            for ( $x = 0; $x < count( $_items ); $x++ ) {
                $result = $this->order_transaction->get_product_data_by_id( $_items[ $x ]['purchase_id'] ); //get product data to populate important details
                array_push( $item_details, $result );

                $_package = array(
                    'package' => array(
                        'pouch'       => 'UL',
                        'description' => $result->name,
                        'weight'      => 0,
                        'width'       => 0,
                        'height'      => 0,
                        'length'      => 0,
                        'value'       => 0,
                        'coupon'      => 0,
                        'sfc'         => 0,
                        'reference'   => "",
                        'notes'       => ""
                //this container is for the delivery information
                array_push( $packages['packages'], $_package ); 

                //needed for product shipment information
                $total_item_quantity = $total_item_quantity + $_items[ $x ]['quantity']; 

            $delivery_data['recipients'][0]['recipient']['packages'] = $packages['packages'];

            //verify pondo account points if it is enough
            $is_points_enough = $this->verify_member_current_pondo_points( $input_post['total_points_to_use'] );

            // if points is not enough
            if ( !$is_points_enough['status'] ) { 
                $data['status'] = $is_points_enough;
                $data['error'] = array(
                    'code'    => $this->error_code['E_NOT_ENOUGH_POINTS'],
                    'message' => "Not enough points."
                $this->response( array(
                    'status'   => TRUE,
                    'response' => $data,
                ), REST_Controller::HTTP_OK );
            // if points if enough
            else {
                // points to redeem in pondo
                $redeem_data['points'] = $input_post['total_points_to_use']; 
                // description of redeem info for pondo
                $redeem_data['description'] = "Mineski Infinity item/airtime redeem"; 
                // redeem pondo points
                $is_redeem = $this->redeem_current_pondo_points( $redeem_data ); 

                // if it failed to redeem points
                if ( !$is_redeem ) {
                    $data['status'] = FALSE;
                    $data['error'] = array(
                        'code'    => $this->error_code['E_CANNOT_REDEEM'],
                        'message' => "Cannot redeem points."
                    $this->response( array(
                        'status'   => TRUE,
                        'response' => $data,
                    ), REST_Controller::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST );
                // if it successfully to redeem points
                else {
                    $delivery_data['schedule'] = $this->_get_delivery_date(); //delivery date
                    //send delivery information to xend
                    $booking_info = $this->order_transaction->ship_items( $delivery_data ); 

                    $booking_info = json_decode( $booking_info );
                    $tracking_code = $booking_info->tracking;

                    // $this->order_transaction->empty_cart( $this->user->id ); //empty cart

                    echo gettype($recipient['firstname']);
                    echo gettype($recipient['lastname']);

                    //set data for product shipment information
                    $summary = array( 
          'full_name'             => ($recipient['firstname'].' '.$recipient['lastname']),
          // 'contact'               => $recipient['contact'],
          // 'email'                 => $recipient['email'],
          // 'address_id'            => $address->id,
          // 'branch_id'             => ($recipient-['type'] == "pickup") ? $recipient['branch'] : '',
          // 'shipment_type'         => $recipient['type'],
          // 'total_item_quantity'   => $total_item_quantity,
          // 'member_id'             => $this->user->id,
          // 'date_ordered'          => date( "Y-m-d h:i:s" ),
          // 'tracking_code'         => $tracking_code[0],
          // 'date_received'         => 0,
          // 'delivery_status'       => 'pending',
          // 'date_expected_arrival' => 0,
          // 'remarks'               => (($recipient['remarks'] == NULL) || ($recipient['remarks'] == "")) ? "" : $recipient['remarks']
