Я создал приложение с помощью ionic с помощью этого урока: http://masteringionic.com/blog/2016-12-15-using-php-and-mysql-with-ionic/ школьная программа
Но когда я хочу выбрать всех своих клиентов, я получаю эту ошибку:
SyntaxError: неожиданный токен <в JSON в позиции 0 в JSON.parse () в XMLHttp…, текст </p>
Мой PHP-скрипт:
// Define database connection parameters
$hn = 'localhost';
$un = 'root';
$pwd = '';
$db = 'equida';
$cs = 'utf8';
// Set up the PDO parameters
$dsn = "mysql:host=" . $hn . ";port=3306;dbname=" . $db . ";charset=" . $cs;
$opt = array(
// Create a PDO instance (connect to the database)
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $un, $pwd, $opt);
$data = array();
// Attempt to query database table and retrieve data
try {
$stmt = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM client');
while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
// Assign each row of data to associative array
$data[] = $row;
// Return data as JSON
echo json_encode($data);
catch(PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
Мой JavaScript:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
selector: 'page-lst-client',
templateUrl: 'lst-client.html'
export class LstClientPage {
* @name items
* @type {Array}
* @public
* @description Used to store returned PHP data
public items : Array<any> = [];
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,
public http : HttpClient)
* Triggered when template view is about to be entered
* Returns and parses the PHP data through the load() method
* @public
* @method ionViewWillEnter
* @return {None}
ionViewWillEnter() : void
* Retrieve the JSON encoded data from the remote server
* Using Angular's Http class and an Observable - then
* assign this to the items array for rendering to the HTML template
* @public
* @method load
* @return {None}
load() : void
.subscribe((data : any) =>
this.items = data;
(error : any) =>
* Allow navigation to the AddTechnologyPage for creating a new entry
* @public
* @method addEntry
* @return {None}
addEntry() : void
* Allow navigation to the AddTechnologyPage for amending an existing entry
* (We supply the actual record to be amended, as this method's parameter,
* to the AddTechnologyPage
* @public
* @method viewEntry
* @param param {any} Navigation data to send to the next page
* @return {None}
viewEntry(param : any) : void
this.navCtrl.push('AddClientPage', param);