<th id="th-es-rb"><div class="dt-th"> </div></th>
<th id="th-es-ed"><div class="dt-th"><span class="th-divider"> </span>Event date<br/>Time (local)</div></th>
<th id="th-es-en"><div class="dt-th"><span class="th-divider"> </span>Event name<br/>Venue</div></th>
<th id="th-es-ti"><div class="dt-th"><span class="th-divider"> </span>Tickets<br/>listed</div></th>
<th id="th-es-pr"><div class="dt-th es-lastCell"><span class="th-divider"> </span>Price<br/>range</div></th>
Ваша программа работает нормально. Обратите внимание, что в строке:
<th id="th-es-rb"><div class="dt-th"> </div></th>
у вас нет значений. Если вы измените свой ввод для ex.
<th id="th-es-rb"><div class="dt-th"> My new column </div></th>
Это будет нормально работать.
In [146]: df.columns
Index(['My new cole', 'Event date Time (local)', 'Event name Venue',
'Tickets listed', 'Price range'],
В [145]: df
My new cole Event date Time (local) \
0 NaN Thu, 10/11/2018 8:20 p.m.
1 NaN Thu, 10/11/2018 8:21 p.m.
Event name Venue Tickets listed \
0 Philadelphia Eagles at New York Giants MetLif... 6655
1 PARKING PASSES ONLY Philadelphia Eagles at New... 929
Price range
0 $134.50 to $2,222.50
1 $20.39 to $3,602.50