Миграция WildFly 13 - Доступ к UserTransaction разрешен только для сеансовых и управляемых сообщениями компонентов с разграничением управляемых компонентом транзакций. - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 25 июня 2018

У меня есть класс "XAManager", который я использую для компонента JCA внутри WildFly 13.

В standalone-full.xml рассматриваемый адаптер ресурсов определяется следующим образом:


<resource-adapter id="myTest.ear#LuceneConnector-ra-impl-0.1.0.rar">
        <connection-definition class-name="com.impl.LuceneManagedConnectionFactory" jndi-name="java:jboss/eis/LuceneConnector" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" pool-name="LuceneConnection" use-ccm="true">


Этот класс используется в классе ManagedConnection JCA и возвращается в методе getXAResource ():

публичный XAResource getXAResource () выдает ResourceException {

if (this.xaResource == null) {
    this.xaResource = new LuceneXAManager(this);

if (LuceneManagedConnection.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
    LuceneManagedConnection.LOGGER.debug("XAResource=" + this.xaResource);

return this.xaResource;


Определение класса выглядит следующим образом:

публичный класс LuceneXAManager реализует XAResource {

static final String _CVS = "$Revision: 1.12 $";

private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(IndexWriter.class);

private LuceneManagedConnection lmc = null;

// private final CACClientLocal cacClientLocal = null;
// private final CACCommunityLocal cacCommunityLocal = null;

public LuceneXAManager(final LuceneManagedConnection lmc) {
    this.lmc = lmc;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void commit(final Xid xid, final boolean arg1)
    throws XAException {

    if (LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.debug("commit transaction : " + xid + "  int " + arg1);

    List<LuceneDocumentTransferWrapper> tasks = this.lmc.getLuceneDocumentTransferWrapper(xid.getGlobalTransactionId());

    if (tasks != null) {
        TransactionManager tm = null;
        Transaction tx = null;
        try {
            InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
            tm = (TransactionManager)ctx.lookup("java:jboss/TransactionManager");
            tx = tm.suspend();
            UserTransaction ut = (UserTransaction)ctx.lookup("java:jboss/UserTransaction");

            for (LuceneDocumentTransferWrapper wrapper : tasks) {
                String operation = wrapper.getCommand();
                Object dataObject = wrapper.getDataObject();
                IndexWriter writer = null;

                if (wrapper.getCommunityId() != null) {

                    if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_RECREATE_INDEX.equals(operation)) {
                    } else {
                        writer = IndexWriterManager.getVNWriterFor(wrapper.getCommunityId());
                        if (writer == null) {
                            writer = IndexWriterManager.getVNWriterFor(this.loadCommunity(wrapper.getCommunityId()));


                    if (writer == null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to get index writer for community " + wrapper.getCommunityId());

                } else if (wrapper.getClientId() != null) {

                    if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_RECREATE_INDEX.equals(operation)) {
                    } else {
                        writer = IndexWriterManager.getWriterFor(wrapper.getClientId());
                        if (writer == null) {
                            writer = IndexWriterManager.getWriterFor(this.loadClient(wrapper.getClientId()));

                    if (writer == null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to get index writer for client " + wrapper.getClientId());

                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Have no clientId or communityId");

                if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_DELETE_DOCUMENTS.equals(operation)) {

                    List<Long> documentIds = (List<Long>)dataObject;
                } else if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_INDEX_DOCUMENT.equals(operation)) {
                    Document document = (Document)dataObject;

                } else if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_UPDATE_INDEX.equals(operation)) {
                    Document document = (Document)dataObject;

                    if (Document.DOCUMENT_STATUS_ACTIVE.equals(document.getStatus())
                        || Document.DOCUMENT_STATUS_WAITING.equals(document.getStatus())
                        || Document.DOCUMENT_STATUS_OUTDATED.equals(document.getStatus())) {
                        writer.updateDocument(document, null);
                    } else {

                } else if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_INDEX_CONTAINER.equals(operation)) {
                    Container container = (Container)dataObject;


                } else {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(" Wrong command " + operation);



        } catch (Exception e) {
            LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.error("Failed to handle commit for transaction " + xid, e);

            HashSet<Long> failedDocuments = new HashSet<Long>();

            for (LuceneDocumentTransferWrapper wrapper : tasks) {

                if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_DELETE_DOCUMENTS.equals(wrapper.getCommand())) {
                } else if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_INDEX_DOCUMENT.equals(wrapper.getCommand())) {
                } else if (LuceneManagedConnection.DO_UPDATE_INDEX.equals(wrapper.getCommand())) {

                for (Long id : failedDocuments) {
                    LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.error("Possible Lucene index corruption - failed to '" + wrapper.getCommand() + "' document (id=" + id
                        + ")");

            throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_RMFAIL);

        } finally {
            try {
                if (tm != null && tx != null) {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.error("Error while close resume session", e);


 * {@inheritDoc}
public void end(final Xid xid, final int arg1)
    throws XAException {
    if (LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.debug("end transaction : " + xid);

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void forget(final Xid xid)
    throws XAException {
    if (LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.debug("forget transaction : " + xid);


 * {@inheritDoc}
public int getTransactionTimeout()
    throws XAException {
    return 0;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isSameRM(final XAResource arg0)
    throws XAException {
    return false;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public int prepare(final Xid xid)
    throws XAException {

    if (LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.debug("prepare transaction : " + xid);

    List<LuceneDocumentTransferWrapper> tasks = this.lmc.getLuceneDocumentTransferWrapper(xid.getGlobalTransactionId());

    List<Long> clientWriter = new ArrayList<Long>();
    List<Long> communityWriter = new ArrayList<Long>();

    if (tasks != null) {
        for (LuceneDocumentTransferWrapper wrapper : tasks) {
            if (wrapper.getCommunityId() != null) {
                if (!communityWriter.contains(wrapper.getCommunityId())) {
            } else {
                if (!clientWriter.contains(wrapper.getClientId())) {

    TransactionManager tm = null;
    try {

        InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
        tm = (TransactionManager)ctx.lookup(CACBean.JDNI_TX_MANAGER);
        UserTransaction ut = (UserTransaction)ctx.lookup(CACBean.JDNI_USERTRANACTION);

        for (Long clientId : clientWriter) {
            IndexWriter writer = IndexWriterManager.getWriterFor(clientId);
            if (writer == null) {
                if (IndexWriterManager.getWriterFor(this.loadClient(clientId)) == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to get index writer for client " + clientId);

        for (Long communityId : communityWriter) {
            IndexWriter writer = IndexWriterManager.getVNWriterFor(communityId);
            if (writer == null) {
                if (IndexWriterManager.getVNWriterFor(this.loadCommunity(communityId)) == null) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to get index writer for community " + communityId);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.error("Failed to handle prepare for transaction " + xid, e);
        throw new XAException(XAException.XAER_RMFAIL);
    } finally {
        // try {
        // if (tm != null && tx != null) {
        // tm.resume(tx);
        // }
        // } catch (Exception e) {
        // LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.warn("Error while close resume session", e);
        // }

    return XAResource.XA_OK;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public Xid[] recover(final int arg0)
    throws XAException {
    return null;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void rollback(final Xid xid)
    throws XAException {

    if (LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.debug("rollback transaction : " + xid);


 * {@inheritDoc}
public boolean setTransactionTimeout(final int arg0)
    throws XAException {
    return false;

 * {@inheritDoc}
public void start(final Xid arg0, final int arg1)
    throws XAException {
    if (LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LuceneXAManager.LOGGER.debug("start transaction : " + arg0 + "  int " + arg1);

private Client loadClient(final Long clientId)
    throws RemoteException, CreateException, NamingException, CACException {


    return client;

private Community loadCommunity(final Long communityId)
    throws RemoteException, CreateException, NamingException, CACException {

    return community;
* *} Тысяча двадцать-один

У меня проблема в том, что при попытке получить UserTransaction через JNDI я получаю Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: UserTransaction [Root exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: WFLYEJB0137: Only session and message-driven beans with bean-managed transaction demarcation are allowed to access UserTransaction]

Я пытался пометить свой класс с помощью @Stateless и @TransactionManagement(TransactionManagementType.BEAN), чтобы обойти эту проблему, но безрезультатно. Я также пытался внедрить UserTransaction через @Inject UserTransaction, но в этом случае UserTransaction имеет значение null.

Есть идеи?
