Работаю над выбором своей приключенческой игры для финального проекта, но я столкнулся с проблемой, когда пытался заставить игрока выбрать класс.Когда игрок выбирает свой класс, я хочу, чтобы оператор switch создал экземпляр нового объекта этого класса, чтобы я мог получить к нему доступ и впоследствии изменил его свойства (т.е. понизил HP при попадании или поднял его при использовании зелья).В данный момент свойства не сохраняются после изменения.
Определение класса игрока:
public class Player
internal int maxPlayerHealth;
internal int currentPlayerHealth;
internal int playerDamage;
internal int playerDef;
internal int playerAgility;
internal int playerStrength;
internal int playerExperience;
public Player()
public Player(int maxHp, int currentHp, int dmg, int def, int agil, int str, int exp)
maxPlayerHealth = maxHp;
currentPlayerHealth = currentHp;
playerDamage = dmg;
playerDef = def;
playerAgility = agil;
playerStrength = str;
playerExperience = exp;
private int MaxPlayerHealth { get => maxPlayerHealth;}
private int CurrentPlayerHealth { get => currentPlayerHealth; set => currentPlayerHealth = value;}
private int PlayerDamage { get => playerDamage;}
private int PlayerDef { get => playerDef; }
private int PlayerAgility { get => playerAgility; }
private int PlayerStrength { get => playerStrength;}
private int PlayerExperience { get => playerExperience;}
public override string ToString()
return "Health: " + currentPlayerHealth;
public int DamageTaken(int monsterDMG)
currentPlayerHealth = currentPlayerHealth - monsterDMG;
return currentPlayerHealth;
Код, позволяющий игроку выбрать свой класс:
using System;
using static System.Console;
namespace _350_final_project
public class Story
static Player chosenClass;
public Player ChooseClass(string choice)
switch (choice.ToLower())
case "warrior":
chosenClass = new Player()
maxPlayerHealth = 150,
currentPlayerHealth = 150,
playerDamage = 35,
playerDef = 120,
playerStrength = 95,
playerAgility = 30,
playerExperience = 0
WriteLine("You have chosen the path of the Warrior. Live by the sword. Die by the sword! \n");
return chosenClass;
case "theif":
chosenClass = new Player()
maxPlayerHealth = 85,
currentPlayerHealth = 85,
playerDamage = 27,
playerDef = 43,
playerStrength = 20,
playerAgility = 125,
playerExperience = 0
WriteLine("You have chosen to lurk in the shadows as a theif \n");
return chosenClass;
case "gunner":
chosenClass = new Player()
maxPlayerHealth = 70,
currentPlayerHealth = 70,
playerDamage = 40,
playerDef = 75,
playerStrength = 60,
playerAgility = 110,
playerExperience = 0
WriteLine("You have chosen the way of the gunner, shoot with your mind not your eye \n");
return chosenClass;
return null;
public void Beginning(string playerName, string playerClass)
WriteLine("Valiant {0}, It is time to begin your journey", playerName);
WriteLine("We begin in the hall of heroes, the queen has tasked you with destorying the dragon \n" +
" that resides at the tower on the edge of the kingdom. To bein your journey pick a direction in which to go. \n" +
"Will you venture north, east or west?");
string directionDecision = ReadLine();
WriteLine("You head {0}, steadily making your way toward {1}", directionDecision, Randomize.RandomizeLocation().Name);
WriteLine("After several long miles you come across a fork in the road with no signs pointing you to your destination. \n " +
"Your map is useless and due to your illpreparedness supplies are running short. Which direction will you go? \n" +
"North, East, or West?:");
directionDecision = ReadLine();
WriteLine("Setting your sights to the {0} you soldier on. As you take a look at your surroundings and you suddenly " +
"notice you're not alone", directionDecision);
Encounter.StartBattle(playerClass, chosenClass);
Код для начала битвы:
using System;
using static System.Console;
using System.Threading;
namespace _350_final_project
public class Encounter
private static int encounterCounter = Randomize.NumberGenerator(1, 10) % 2;
//public static void GenerateEncounter (string playerClass,Player classChosen)
// if (encounterCounter == 0)
// {
// StartBattle(playerClass, classChosen);
// }
public void StartBattle(string playerClass, Player chosenClass)
Monster currentMonster = Randomize.RandomizeMonster();
string action;
WriteLine("AMBUSH! A {0} appears to challenge you adventurer!", currentMonster.Name);
switch (playerClass)
case "warrior":
WriteLine("You quickly draw your greatsword and stand at the ready");
action = "You drag your sword in a great arc!";
EncounterBattle(currentMonster, chosenClass, action);
case "theif":
WriteLine("You swiftly load your gun, eyes glaring over the barrell");
action = "You fire your weapon with extreme accuracy!";
EncounterBattle(currentMonster, chosenClass, action);
case "gunner":
WriteLine("You pull both daggers from your cloak and being to toss them from palm to palm");
action = "You dash forward, daggers a silver blur!";
EncounterBattle(currentMonster, chosenClass, action);
public void EncounterBattle(Monster monster, Player chosenClass, string action)
while (monster.CurrentHp > 0 || chosenClass.currentPlayerHealth > 0)
int monsterHitMissCounter = Randomize.NumberGenerator(1, 10) % 2;
WriteLine("{0}{1}", monster.Name, monster.Attack);
if (monsterHitMissCounter != 0)
WriteLine("{0}'s attack hits, you take {1} damage", monster.Name, monster.MaxDamage);
WriteLine("Your current health is {0}", chosenClass.DamageTaken(monster.MaxDamage));
WriteLine("\n {0} missed!", monster.Name);
int playerHitMissCounter = Randomize.NumberGenerator(1, 10) % 2;
if (playerHitMissCounter != 0)
WriteLine("Your attacked missed!");
} else
WriteLine("You {0}, {1} takes {2} damage", action, monster.Name, chosenClass.playerDamage);
WriteLine("{0}'s current health is {1}", monster.Name, monster.MonsterDamageTaken(chosenClass.playerDamage));