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Обновлено в отношении некоторых замечательных моментов в комментариях от @ pinkfloydx33
public static IEnumerable<(Type Class, PropertyInfo Property)> GetAttributeList<T>(Type type, HashSet<Type> visited = null)
where T : Attribute
// keep track of where we have been
visited = visited ?? new HashSet<Type>();
// been here before, then bail
if (!visited.Add(type))
yield break;
foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())
// attribute exists, then yield
if (prop.GetCustomAttributes<T>(true).Any())
yield return (type, prop);
// lets recurse the property type as well
foreach (var result in GetAttributeList<T>(prop.PropertyType, visited))
yield return (result);
foreach (var result in GetAttributeList<FooAttribute>(typeof(Customer)))
Console.WriteLine($"{result.Class} {result.Property.Name}");
ConsoleApp.Customer Name
ConsoleApp.Account Info