Я получаю эту ошибку в терминале:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "inference.py", line 277, in <module>
answers = process_questions(question)[0]
File "inference.py", line 238, in process_questions
answers_list = inference_helper(prepared_questions)
File "inference.py", line 163, in start_inference
inference_object = do_start_inference(out_dir, hparams)
File "inference.py", line 37, in do_start_inference
AttributeError: module 'nmt' has no attribute 'add_arguments'
Я пытаюсь импортировать файл nmt.py из nmt_chatbot / nmt / nmt в файл inference.py. Как показано на встроенном изображении, файлы inference.py и nmt.py находятся в одной папке.
Я получил эту строку в файле inference.py:
импорт нмт
Это изображение показывает, как организованы мои папки и файлы
Это полный код файла inference.py ниже:
import sys
импорт ОС
sys.path.append (os.path.realpath (os.path.dirname ( файл )))
sys.path.append (os.path.realpath (os.path.dirname ( file )) + "/ nmt")
импорт argparse
из setup.settings импортируйте hparams, out_dir, предварительную обработку
импорт НМТ
импортировать тензор потока как тф
Из core.tokenizer импортируйте токены, детокенизируйте, apply_bpe, apply_bpe_load
из core.sentence import score_answers, replace_in_answers
импортная колорама
current_stdout = Нет
Запуск логического вывода "двигатель"
def do_start_inference (out_dir, hparams):
# Silence all outputs
#os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
global current_stdout
current_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
# Modified autorun from nmt.py (bottom of the file)
# We want to use original argument parser (for validation, etc)
nmt_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# But we have to hack settings from our config in there instead of commandline options
flags, unparsed = nmt_parser.parse_known_args(['--'+k+'='+str(v) for k,v in hparams.items()])
# And now we can run TF with modified arguments
#tf.app.run(main=nmt.main, argv=[os.getcwd() + '\nmt\nmt\nmt.py'] + unparsed)
# Add output (model) folder to flags
flags.out_dir = out_dir
# Make hparams
hparams = nmt.create_hparams(flags)
## Train / Decode
if not tf.gfile.Exists(flags.out_dir):
nmt.utils.print_out("# Model folder (out_dir) doesn't exist")
# Load hparams from model folder
hparams = nmt.create_or_load_hparams(flags.out_dir, hparams, flags.hparams_path, save_hparams=True)
# Choose checkpoint (provided with hparams or last one)
if not flags.ckpt:
flags.ckpt = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(flags.out_dir)
# Create model
if not hparams.attention:
model_creator = nmt.inference.nmt_model.Model
elif hparams.attention_architecture == "standard":
model_creator = nmt.inference.attention_model.AttentionModel
elif hparams.attention_architecture in ["gnmt", "gnmt_v2"]:
model_creator = nmt.inference.gnmt_model.GNMTModel
raise ValueError("Unknown model architecture")
infer_model = nmt.inference.model_helper.create_infer_model(model_creator, hparams, None)
return (infer_model, flags, hparams)
def do_inference (infer_data, infer_model, flags, hparams):
# Disable TF logs for a while
# Workaround for bug: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/12414
# Already fixed, available in nightly builds, but not in stable version
# Maybe that will stay here to silence any outputs
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
global current_stdout
if not current_stdout:
current_stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
# Spawn new session
with tf.Session(graph=infer_model.graph, config=nmt.utils.get_config_proto()) as sess:
# Load model
loaded_infer_model = nmt.inference.model_helper.load_model(infer_model.model, flags.ckpt, sess, "infer")
# Run model (translate)
infer_model.src_placeholder: infer_data,
infer_model.batch_size_placeholder: hparams.infer_batch_size
# calculate number of translations to be returned
num_translations_per_input = max(min(hparams.num_translations_per_input, hparams.beam_width), 1)
answers = []
while True:
nmt_outputs, _ = loaded_infer_model.decode(sess)
if hparams.beam_width == 0:
nmt_outputs = nmt.inference.nmt_model.np.expand_dims(nmt_outputs, 0)
batch_size = nmt_outputs.shape[1]
for sent_id in range(batch_size):
# Iterate through responses
translations = []
for beam_id in range(num_translations_per_input):
if hparams.eos: tgt_eos = hparams.eos.encode("utf-8")
# Select a sentence
output = nmt_outputs[beam_id][sent_id, :].tolist()
# If there is an eos symbol in outputs, cut them at that point
if tgt_eos and tgt_eos in output:
output = output[:output.index(tgt_eos)]
# Format response
if hparams.subword_option == "bpe": # BPE
translation = nmt.utils.format_bpe_text(output)
elif hparams.subword_option == "spm": # SPM
translation = nmt.utils.format_spm_text(output)
translation = nmt.utils.format_text(output)
# Add response to the list
except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
# bug workaround end
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '0'
sys.stdout = current_stdout
current_stdout = None
return answers
Необычный способ начать все с первого вызова () вызова
def start_inference (вопрос):
global inference_helper, inference_object
# Start inference, set global tuple with model, flags and hparams
inference_object = do_start_inference(out_dir, hparams)
# First inference() call calls that method
# Now we have everything running, so replace inference() with actual function call
inference_helper = lambda question: do_inference(question, *inference_object)
# Load BPE join pairs
if preprocessing['use_bpe']:
# Rerun inference() call
return inference_helper(question)
Модель, флаги и хпарамы
inference_object = Нет
Помощник вызова функции (вызывает start_inference при первом вызове, затем do_inference)
inference_helper = start_inference
Основная функция логического вывода
логический вывод (вопросы, include_blacklisted = True):
# Process questions
answers_list = process_questions(questions, include_blacklisted)
# Return (one or more?)
if len(answers_list) == 1:
return answers_list[0]
return answers_list
Функция внутреннего вывода (для прямого вызова)
def inference_internal (вопросы):
# Process questions and return
return process_questions(questions)
Получить индекс и получить лучший ответ
def get_best_score (answers_score, include_blacklisted = True):
index = answers_score.index(1)
score = 1
index = None
if index is None and include_blacklisted:
index = answers_score.index(0)
score = 0
index = 0
score = -1
if index is None:
index = 0
score = -1
return (index, score)
Обработка вопроса или списка вопросов
def process_questions (вопросы, include_blacklisted = True):
# Make a list
if not isinstance(questions, list):
questions = [questions]
# Clean and tokenize
prepared_questions = []
for question in questions:
question = question.strip()
prepared_questions.append(apply_bpe(tokenize(question)) if question else '##emptyquestion##')
# Run inference
answers_list = inference_helper(prepared_questions)
# Process answers
prepared_answers_list = []
for index, answers in enumerate(answers_list):
answers = detokenize(answers)
answers = replace_in_answers(answers)
answers_score = score_answers(answers)
best_index, best_score = get_best_score(answers_score, include_blacklisted)
if prepared_questions[index] == '##emptyquestion##':
prepared_answers_list.append({'answers': answers, 'scores': answers_score, 'best_index': best_index, 'best_score': best_score})
return prepared_answers_list
интерактивный режим
если имя == " main ":
# Input file
if sys.stdin.isatty() == False:
# Process questions
answers_list = process_questions(sys.stdin.readlines())
# Print answers
for answers in answers_list:
# Interactive mode
print("\n\nStarting interactive mode (first response will take a while):")
# QAs
while True:
question = input("\n> ")
answers = process_questions(question)[0]
if answers is None:
print(colorama.Fore.RED + "! Question can't be empty")
for i, _ in enumerate(answers['scores']):
print("{}- {}{}".format(colorama.Fore.GREEN if answers['scores'][i] == 1 else colorama.Fore.YELLOW if answers['scores'][i] == 0 else colorama.Fore.RED, answers['answers'][i], colorama.Fore.RESET))