Вот мой пример клиента c ++ smtp: https://github.com/breakermind/SslSMTPClient с вложениями и позволяет автоматически получать mx хосты из домена электронной почты получателя, и вам не нужен собственный сервер smtp:
// main - create SSL context and connect
int main(int count, char *strings[])
cout << "C++ ssl smtp send email with STARTTLS\r\n";
// Add attachments to message if you want
vector<string> files;
// files.push_back("file9.jpg");
// files.push_back("filek.pdf");
// Initialize
sslsmtpEx sm;
sm.sslsmtpExSet("localhost", 25);
// EHLO hostname
// Display logs
// sm.showLogs();
// get MX records from dns for recipient
vector<string> mx = sm.getMX("email@gmail.com",0,0);
// Send email to each mx host from recipient domain DNS ( You need send only to one server !!! )
for (int i = 0; i < mx.size(); i++){
// Set hostname from mx dns
sm.sslsmtpExSet(mx.at(i), 25);
cout << "Mx host: " << mx.at(i) << endl;
// send email
int ok = sm.Send("email@domain.pl", "nanomoow@gmail.com", "email@domain.pl", "Smtp client test", "<h1>Smtp test</h1>", "<h1>Smtp test</h1>", files);
cout << "Email has been sent : " << ok << endl;
// if email has been sent, end loop with next mxhost
return 0;