Я следую инструкции по извлечению текста из изображений по адресу:
Но я не хочу переводить текст, я хочу обнаружить и сохранить текст.
В учебнике реализовано 3 функции:
gcloud beta functions deploy ocr-extract --trigger-bucket [YOUR_IMAGE_BUCKET_NAME] --entry-point processImage
gcloud beta functions deploy ocr-translate --trigger-topic [YOUR_TRANSLATE_TOPIC_NAME] --entry-point translateText
gcloud beta functions deploy ocr-save --trigger-topic [YOUR_RESULT_TOPIC_NAME] --entry-point saveResult
Я просто хочу обнаружить текст и сохранить его, но я не смог удалить часть кода для перевода, приведенную ниже:
* Detects the text in an image using the Google Vision API.
* @param {string} bucketName Cloud Storage bucket name.
* @param {string} filename Cloud Storage file name.
* @returns {Promise}
function detectText (bucketName, filename) {
let text;
console.log(`Looking for text in image ${filename}`);
return vision.textDetection({ source: { imageUri: `gs://${bucketName}/${filename}` } })
.then(([detections]) => {
const annotation = detections.textAnnotations[0];
text = annotation ? annotation.description : '';
console.log(`Extracted text from image (${text.length} chars)`);
return translate.detect(text);
.then(([detection]) => {
if (Array.isArray(detection)) {
detection = detection[0];
console.log(`Detected language "${detection.language}" for ${filename}`);
// Submit a message to the bus for each language we're going to translate to
const tasks = config.TO_LANG.map((lang) => {
let topicName = config.TRANSLATE_TOPIC;
if (detection.language === lang) {
topicName = config.RESULT_TOPIC;
const messageData = {
text: text,
filename: filename,
lang: lang,
from: detection.language
return publishResult(topicName, messageData);
return Promise.all(tasks);
После этого я просто хочу сохранить текст detectec в файл, как показано в коде ниже:
* Saves the data packet to a file in GCS. Triggered from a message on a Pub/Sub
* topic.
* @param {object} event The Cloud Functions event.
* @param {object} event.data The Cloud Pub/Sub Message object.
* @param {string} event.data.data The "data" property of the Cloud Pub/Sub
* Message. This property will be a base64-encoded string that you must decode.
exports.saveResult = (event) => {
const pubsubMessage = event.data;
const jsonStr = Buffer.from(pubsubMessage.data, 'base64').toString();
const payload = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
if (!payload.text) {
throw new Error('Text not provided. Make sure you have a "text" property in your request');
if (!payload.filename) {
throw new Error('Filename not provided. Make sure you have a "filename" property in your request');
if (!payload.lang) {
throw new Error('Language not provided. Make sure you have a "lang" property in your request');
console.log(`Received request to save file ${payload.filename}`);
const bucketName = config.RESULT_BUCKET;
const filename = renameImageForSave(payload.filename, payload.lang);
const file = storage.bucket(bucketName).file(filename);
console.log(`Saving result to ${filename} in bucket ${bucketName}`);
return file.save(payload.text);
.then(() => {
console.log(`File saved.`);