Я пытаюсь сделать базовое обнаружение столкновений между двумя объектами RectF и не могу заставить его работать. Пока у меня есть объект EnemyCircle1, который перемещается с левой стороны экрана на правую часть экрана и отскакивает от стен и меняет направление, затем у меня есть объект PlayerCircle, который пользователь контролирует, нажав на экран, и я даже не могу получить базовое обнаружение столкновений, чтобы работать, если оба объекта пересекаются друг с другом. Я попробовал почти 10 различных формул столкновения, и ни одна из них не работает. Вот мой класс MainActivity:
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo;
import android.graphics.Point;
//import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.Display;
// Change "extends AppCompatActivity" to just "extends Activity"
public class MainActivity extends Activity
// Declare GLOBAL (CLASS) instance objects || (Do not initialize)
public CustomView1 customView1; // Declare an instance of customView
// Debugging
Handler handler1 = new Handler();
int delayForHandler1 = 5000; // Milliseconds
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Set desired screen orientation
// Get a Display object to access screen details
// Declare and initialize an object of type Display called (display)
//to a chain of two methods
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
// Load the resolution into a Point object
// Declare and initialize an object of type Point called (size) to
//the default constructor
Point size = new Point();
// Get the horizontal and vertical sizes of current device
// Use the "display" and "size" object together and the screen
//resolution is now stored in the "size" object
// Initialize the customView1
// Initialize the customView1 object and pass in the int values of
//screen resolution
customView1 = new CustomView1(this, size.x, size.y);
// Set the ContentView
// Debugging
handler1.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
System.out.println("FPS: " + Globals.AVERAGE_FPS);
System.out.println("Enemy X: " + Globals.ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_X_COORD);
System.out.println("Enemy Y: " + Globals.ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_Y_COORD);
System.out.println("Enemy Width: " + Globals.ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_WIDTH);
System.out.println("Enemy Height: " + Globals.ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_HEIGHT);
System.out.println("PLAYER X: " + Globals.PLAYER_CIRCLE_X_COORD);
System.out.println("PLAYER Y: " + Globals.PLAYER_CIRCLE_Y_COORD);
System.out.println("PLAYER Width: " + Globals.PLAYER_CIRCLE_WIDTH);
System.out.println("PLAYER Height: " + Globals.PLAYER_CIRCLE_HEIGHT);
handler1.postDelayed(this, delayForHandler1);
}, delayForHandler1);
// This method executes when the player starts the game (Or reopens the app)
protected void onResume()
// Call the default version of this method
// Tell the gameView resume method to execute
// This method executes when the player quits the game (Or switches apps)
protected void onPause()
// Call the default version of this method
// Tell the gameView pause method to execute
} // END MainActivity Class
Вот код для моего класса Globals:
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.util.TypedValue;
public class Globals
// Average FPS
public static long AVERAGE_FPS;
// Screen/Canvas Dimensions
public static int GAME_WIDTH_X;
public static int GAME_HEIGHT_Y;
// LIVE X & Y Coordinates of EnemyCircle1
public static float ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_X_COORD;
public static float ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_Y_COORD;
// LIVE X & Y Coordinates of Player Circle
public static float PLAYER_CIRCLE_X_COORD;
public static float PLAYER_CIRCLE_Y_COORD;
// LIVE Width and Heights
public static float ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_WIDTH;
public static float ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_HEIGHT;
public static float PLAYER_CIRCLE_WIDTH;
public static float PLAYER_CIRCLE_HEIGHT;
Вот код моего класса PlayerCircle:
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL;
public class PlayerCircle
// Declare and initialize GLOBAL (CLASS) constants
final int STOPPED = 0;
final int LEFT = 1;
final int RIGHT = 2;
final int UP = 3;
final int DOWN = 4;
// Declare GLOBAL (CLASS) instance objects & variables || (Do not
// initialize)
private RectF rect;
private float xVelocity;
private float yVelocity;
private int color;
private float playerSpeed;
private float length;
// X is the far left of the rectangle which forms our player
// private float x; // x Holds the horizontal position on the screen of the
// player
private float y;
// Declare and initialize GLOBAL (CLASS) objects & variables
private float circleWidth = 100; // Ball width 10px by 10px squared
private float circleHeight = 100; // Ball height 10px by 10px squared
private int playerMoving = STOPPED;
// PlayerCircle NO-Arg Constructor
PlayerCircle(int screenX, int screenY)
// player is 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels high
length = 100; // width
float height = 100; // height
xVelocity = 150;
yVelocity = 150;
// Set starting position of player on x coordinate
// Start player in roughly the screen left
//x = screenX / 4;
x = (Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X / 2) + 400 ;
// Set starting position of bat on y coordinate
// Y is the top coordinate
//y = screenY - 20;
y = (Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y / 2) - 400;
rect = new RectF(x, y, x + length, y + height);
// Set player circle speed
// How fast is the player circle in pixels per second
playerSpeed = 350;
// Set Getters and Setters
// This is a getter method to make the rectangle that
// defines our ball available in BreakoutView class
RectF getRect()
// Return a reference to the rect object (so we can draw it, collision
//detection, ect)
return rect;
// This method will be used to change/set if the player is going left,
//right, up, down, or nowhere
void setMovementState(int state)
// Set playerMoving to passed in "state"
playerMoving = state;
// Reset method is passed in the screen resolutions
void reset()
rect.left = Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y / 6;
rect.top = Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X - 20;
// Places the right and bottom of the ball appropriately to match the
//left/top based on the ball width/height
rect.right = Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y / 2 + circleWidth;
rect.bottom = Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X - 20 - circleHeight;
// This update method will be called once per frame from update in
// It determines if the player needs to move and changes the coordinates
// contained in rect if necessary
void update(long fps) // Pass in the most recent frame rate
if (playerMoving == LEFT)
// Because we are doing this multiple times a second, we must divide
//by fps
x = x - playerSpeed / fps;
if(playerMoving == RIGHT)
// Because we are doing this multiple times a second, we must divide
//by fps
x = x + playerSpeed / fps;
if (playerMoving == UP)
// Because we are doing this multiple times a second, we must divide
//by fps
y = y - playerSpeed / fps;
if (playerMoving == DOWN)
// Because we are doing this multiple times a second, we must divide
//by fps
y = y + playerSpeed / fps;
// Update position of player to the rect object
rect.left = x;
rect.right = x + length;
rect.bottom = y;
rect.top = y + length;
Вот код для моего EnemyCircle1 Class:
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
public class EnemyCircle1
// Declare and initialize GLOBAL (CLASS) constants
final int STOPPED = 0;
final int LEFT = 1;
final int RIGHT = 2;
// Declare GLOBAL (CLASS) instance objects & variables || (Do not
private RectF rect; // Ball object for drawing, collision
//detection, and location
private float xVelocity; // Horizontal velocity/speed of the ball ( -
//x = ball going left, +x = ball going right)
//private float yVelocity; // Vertical velocity/speed of the ball ( -
//y = ball going up, +y - ball going down)
private float length;
// private float height;
private int color;
private float enemySpeed;
// X is the far left of the rectangle which forms our bar
private float xCoordinate;
// Y is the top coordinate of the bar
private float yCoordinate;
// Declare and initialize GLOBAL (CLASS) objects & variables
private float ballWidth = 100; // Ball width 10px by 10px squared
private float ballHeight = 100; // Ball height 10px by 10px squared
private int enemyMoving = STOPPED;
// Ball NO-Arg Constructor
// player is 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels high
length = 100;
float height = 100;
xVelocity = 300;
//yVelocity = 0;
// Set starting position of player on x coordinate
xCoordinate = Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X / 2;
// Set starting position of bat on y coordinate
yCoordinate = (Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y / 2) - 50;
rect = new RectF(xCoordinate, yCoordinate, xCoordinate + length,
yCoordinate + height);
// Set enemy speed in pixels per second
enemySpeed = 150;
// Set Getters and Setters
RectF getRect()
// Return a reference to the rect object (so we can draw it, collision
//detection, ect)
return rect;
// Reverse the direction of the ball in the X direction
void reverseXVelocity()
// Reverse X Direction
xVelocity = -xVelocity;
// ClearObstacleY method is passed y and is used to reset the top and bottom
// positions of the ball
void clearObstacleY(float y)
rect.bottom = y;
rect.top = y - ballHeight;
// ClearObstacleY method is passed x and is used to reset the left and right
// positions of the ball
void clearObstacleX(float x)
rect.left = x;
rect.right = x + ballWidth;
// Reset method is passed in the screen resolutions
void reset()
rect.left = Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y / 2;
rect.top = Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X - 20;
// Places the right and bottom of the ball appropriately to match the
//left/top based on the ball width/height
rect.right = Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y / 2 + ballWidth;
rect.bottom = Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X - 20 - ballHeight;
void setMovementState(int state)
// Set playerMoving to passed in "state"
enemyMoving = state;
// Update method is passed the time the previous frame took
public void update(long fps)
if (enemyMoving == LEFT)
xCoordinate = xCoordinate - xVelocity / fps;
if (enemyMoving == RIGHT)
xCoordinate = xCoordinate + xVelocity / fps;
// Update rect.left and rect.top by adding (velocity divided by fps)
rect.left = rect.left + (xVelocity / fps);
rect.right = rect.left + ballWidth;
И, наконец, вот код для моего класса CustomView1:
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
public class CustomView1 extends SurfaceView implements Runnable
private Thread gameThread = null;
// Game is paused at the start, only used internally inside the thread
private boolean paused = true;
// We will see it in action in the draw method soon.
private SurfaceHolder ourHolder;
private volatile boolean playing;
private Canvas canvas;
private Paint paint;
// How wide and high is the screen?
private int screenX;
private int screenY;
// This variable tracks the game frame rate
private long fps;
// This is used to help calculate the fps, stores the result of each
private long timeThisFrame;
// Main Game Objects
// Player Circle Object
private PlayerCircle player;
// Enemy Circle 1 Object
private EnemyCircle1 enemyCircle1;
// Enemy Circle 2 Object
//private EnemyCircle2 enemyCircle2;
public CustomView1(Context context, int x, int y)
// Initialize ourHolder and paint objects
ourHolder = getHolder();
paint = new Paint();
// Initialize screenX and screenY because x and y are the passed
//variables from constructor
screenX = x;
screenY = y;
// Set the Global Screen Size Variables
Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X = screenX;
Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y = screenY;
// Player Circle Object
player = new PlayerCircle(screenX, screenY);
// Enemy Circle 1 Object
enemyCircle1 = new EnemyCircle1();
// Enemy Circle 2 Object
//enemyCircle2 = new EnemyCircle2();
// Restart the game (to reset all positions)
// Runs when the OS calls "onPause" on BreakoutActivity method
public void pause()
// Set playing to false
playing = false;
// Attempt to stop the gameThread
// End the gameThread
// If operation fails, throw error in Logs
catch (InterruptedException e)
Log.e("Error:", "joining thread");
// Runs when the OS calls "onResume" on BreakoutActivity method
public void resume()
// Set playing to true
playing = true;
// Initialize the gameThread
gameThread = new Thread(this);
// Start the gameThread (Run Method begins to execute)
public void run()
// Only continue if "playing" is true
while (playing)
// Capture the current time in milliseconds and set it to
long startFrameTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Update the frame, only if "paused" is false
// Draw the frame
// Calculate the fps for this frame, We can then use the result to
// time animations and more.
timeThisFrame = System.currentTimeMillis() - startFrameTime;
// Check whether "timeThisFrame" is not equal to ZERO
if (timeThisFrame >= 1)
// Get the frame per second that this frame took to execute
fps = 1000 / timeThisFrame;
Globals.AVERAGE_FPS = fps;
// Update game method (Private or Public?)
private void update()
Globals.PLAYER_CIRCLE_X_COORD = (player.getRect().left);
Globals.PLAYER_CIRCLE_Y_COORD = (player.getRect().top);
Globals.PLAYER_CIRCLE_WIDTH = Math.abs(player.getRect().width());
Globals.PLAYER_CIRCLE_HEIGHT = Math.abs(player.getRect().height());
Globals.ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_X_COORD = (enemyCircle1.getRect().left);
Globals.ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_Y_COORD = (enemyCircle1.getRect().top);
Globals.ENEMY_CIRCLE_1_WIDTH = Math.abs(enemyCircle1.getRect().width());
// Check the Player for colliding with canvas boundaries walls
// If the player hits the right hand side of screen
// If the right coordinate of the player is colliding with the
//right of the screen - 20
if (player.getRect().right > Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X - 20)
Log.i("CustomView1.update()","Player Collision with Right" +
"hand side of screen");
// If the player hits the left hand side of screen
// If the left coordinate of the player is colliding with the
//left of the screen + 20
if (player.getRect().left < (0) + 20)
Log.i("CustomView1.update()", "Player Collision with Left" +
"hand side of screen");
// If the player hits the bottom hand side of screen
// If the bottom coordinate of the player is colliding with the
//bottom of the screen + 20
if (player.getRect().bottom > Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y - 200)
System.out.println("Player Collision with Bottom handside" +
"of screen");
// If the player hits the top hand side of screen
// If the top coordinate of the player is colliding with the top
//of the screen + 20
if (player.getRect().top < (0) + 410)
System.out.println("Player Collision with Top handside of" +
// Check if the Player is colliding with Objects
// Check if the player is colliding with enemyCircle1
if (RectF.intersects(player.getRect(),
System.out.println("Detected collision!!!");
// Check the Enemy Circle One Object for colliding with walls
// If the ball hits right wall bounce
// If the right coordinate of the ball is colliding with the
//right of the screen - 10
// (Because the ball is 10 pixels wide so it measures from left
//to right)
if(enemyCircle1.getRect().right > Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X - 10)
// Reverse the ball's X velocity so it turns around and goes
//the other way
// Clears the Y Obstacle and bumps the ball XX pixels away
//so the ball doesn't get caught in a loop
enemyCircle1.clearObstacleX(Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X - 120);
System.out.println("EnemyCircle1 hit right hand side of" +
"screen, reversing direction to go left.");
// Clears the Y Obstacle and bumps the ball 22 pixels away
//so the ball doesn't get caught in a loop
//enemyCircle1.clearObstacleX(Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_X - 22);
// If the ball hits left wall bounce
// If the left coordinate of the ball is colliding with the left
//of the screen
if(enemyCircle1.getRect().left < 0)
// Reverse the ball's X velocity so it turns around and goes
//the other way
// Clears the Y Obstacle and bumps the ball XX pixels away
//so the ball doesn't get caught in a loop
System.out.println("EnemyCircle1 hit left hand side of"+
"screen, reversing direction to go right.");
// Clears the Y Obstacle and bumps the ball 2 pixels away so
//the ball doesn't get caught in a loop
// Restart game method
void restart()
//enemyCircle2.reset(screenX, screenY);
private void draw()
// Make sure our drawing surface is valid or game will crash
if (ourHolder.getSurface().isValid())
// Lock the canvas and prepares it to be ready to be drawn upon
canvas = ourHolder.lockCanvas();
// Draw the background color and clears/sets the screen to a full
//color (white)
canvas.drawColor(Color.argb(255, 255, 255, 255));
// Draw everything and all objects to the screen
// Choose the brush color for drawing the first object(name of
//object) (white)
// Draw the User's Player Circle
canvas.drawRect(player.getRect(), paint);
// Choose the brush color for drawing the Enemy One (orange)
paint.setColor(Color.argb(255, 249, 129, 0));
// Draw the Enemy Circle One Object
canvas.drawRect(enemyCircle1.getRect(), paint);
// After everything is drawn to screen...
// Show everything we have drawn
// The SurfaceView class implements onTouchListener
// So we can override this method and detect screen touches.
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent motionEvent)
switch (motionEvent.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK)
// User has touched the screen
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
// FIRST Un-pause the update method
paused = false;
// Check to see if coordinates of touch are on the very
//right hand side of screen
if((motionEvent.getX() > (Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X / 2) + 300))
System.out.println("User touched the very right hand" +
"side of screen.(Wants the player to go right.)");
// Check if Player is colliding with right hand side of
//walls before continuing
if (player.getRect().right > Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X - 20)
// Check to see if coordinates of touch are on the very left
//hand side of screen
else if ((motionEvent.getX() < (Globals.GAME_WIDTH_X / 2) -
System.out.println("User touched the very left hand" +
"side of screen.(Wants the player to go left.)");
// Check if Player is colliding with right hand side of
//walls before continuing
if (player.getRect().left < (0) + 20)
// Check to see if coordinates of touch are on the very
//bottom side of screen
else if ((motionEvent.getY() > (Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y / 2) +
System.out.println("User touched the very bottom side"+
"of screen.(Wants the player to go down.)");
// Check if Player is colliding with bottom hand side of
//walls before continuing
if (player.getRect().bottom > Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y -
// Check to see if coordinates of touch are on the very top
//side of screen
else if ((motionEvent.getY() < (Globals.GAME_HEIGHT_Y / 2) +
System.out.println("User touched the very top side" +
"of screen.(Wants the player to go up.)");
// Check if Player is colliding with top hand side of
//walls before continuing
if (player.getRect().top < (0) + 410)
// User has removed finger from screen
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
System.out.println("User lifted their finger from the " +
// Stop the player from moving
return true;
} // END onTouchEvent Method
} // END CustomView1 Class
Извините, если есть какая-то путаница, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, форматировщик для этого сайта сбил с толку, и я знаю, что у меня есть много комментариев в моем коде: D