В моем Angular 4 у меня есть этот код.
Я хочу провести модульное тестирование для ngOnInit()
, но не могу найти решение для this.route.firstChild
Отображается ошибка как невозможно прочитать свойство firstChild из неопределенного.
ngOnInit() {
try {
/*Subscription for routing outlet*/
this.route.firstChild.queryParams.takeUntil(this.ngUnsubscribe).subscribe(params => {
if (this.ViewMode == 'single' && params.ViewMode == 'Grid') {
this.grid = (params.ViewMode == 'Grid' ? true : false);
this.ActivaPageNo = 0;
this.GridPagination(this.fdcTreeData, 4, 0, 'Data');
this.ViewMode = params.ViewMode;
this.grid = (this.ViewMode == 'Grid' ? true : false);
if (this.grid == false) {
this.fdcTreeData = this.commonService.FDCMainLocationsForForms;
this.date = new FormControl(new Date());
if (this.date) {
this.commonService.fdcDate = "" + this.date.value.getDate() + (this.date.value.getMonth() + 1) + this.date.value.getFullYear();
} catch (e) {
console.error('Exception in ngOnInit() of FDCGridTemplateComponent at time ' + new Date().toString() + '. Exception is : ' + e);
this.logger.logException(new Error('Exception in ngOnInit() of FDCGridTemplateComponent at time ' + new Date().toString() + '. Exception is : ' + e));
Это мой тестовый пример
description ('FdcgridTemplateComponent', () => {
let Excomponent: FdcgridTemplateComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<FdcgridTemplateComponent>;
let dialog: MatDialog;
let commonservice: CommonService;
let fdcservice: FDCService;
let mockRouter: any;
let mockActivatedRoute: any;
beforeEach(async(() => {
mockRouter = sinon.createStubInstance(Router);
mockActivatedRoute = sinon.createStubInstance(ActivatedRoute);
declarations: [FdcgridTemplateComponent],
imports: [OverlayModule,
HttpModule, RouterTestingModule,
FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule,
BrowserAnimationsModule, MatDialogModule],
providers: [MatDialog, CommonService, Http, ConnectionBackend, ActivitiesService, CollaborationService, FDCService, MessagingService, AppInsightsService,
{ provide: 'instrumentationKey', useValue: '36935597-7d97-4635-ab0b-409a8c6e4223' },
{ provide: 'BASE_URL', useValue: 'http://localhost' },
{ provide: 'BASE_URL', useValue: "http://localhost" },
{ provide: ComponentFixtureAutoDetect, useValue: true },
{ provide: MatDialogRef, useValue: { close: (dialogResult: any) => { } } },
{ provide: MAT_DIALOG_DATA, useValue: [] },
{ provide: ActivatedRoute, useValue: mockActivatedRoute },
{ provide: Router, useValue: mockRouter },
ComponentFactoryResolver, FdcgridTemplateComponent],
dialog = TestBed.get(MatDialog);
beforeEach(inject([FdcgridTemplateComponent], (component) => {
Excomponent = component;
beforeEach(inject([CommonService], Cservice => {
commonservice = Cservice;
beforeEach(inject([FDCService], Fservice => {
fdcservice = Fservice;
describe('#ngOnInit', () => {
it('should ...', () => {
mockActivatedRoute.snapshot = { params: { routeParam1: 'grid', routeParam2: 'Single' } };
mockRouter.currentRouterState = { snapshot: { queryParams: { viewPage: 'Single' } } };