Мне нужно получить достоверную оценку прогнозов, сделанных Spacy NER.
CSV файл
Text,Amount & Nature,Percent of Class
"T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.","28,223,360 (1)",8.7% (1)
100 E. Pratt Street,Not Listed,Not Listed
"Baltimore, MD 21202",Not Listed,Not Listed
"BlackRock, Inc.","21,871,854 (2)",6.8% (2)
55 East 52nd Street,Not Listed,Not Listed
"New York, NY 10022",Not Listed,Not Listed
The Vanguard Group,"21,380,085 (3)",6.64% (3)
100 Vanguard Blvd.,Not Listed,Not Listed
"Malvern, PA 19355",Not Listed,Not Listed
FMR LLC,"20,784,414 (4)",6.459% (4)
245 Summer Street,Not Listed,Not Listed
"Boston, MA 02210",Not Listed,Not Listed
import pandas as pd
import spacy
with open('/path/table.csv') as csvfile:
reader1 = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
data1 =[["Text","Amount & Nature","Prediction"]]
for row in reader1:
AmountNature = row["Amount & Nature"]
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
doc1 = nlp(row["Text"])
for ent in doc1.ents:
#output = [ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_]
label1 = ent.label_
text1 = ent.text
my_df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1)
my_df1.columns = my_df1.iloc[0]
my_df1 = my_df1.drop(my_df1.index[[0]])
my_df1.to_csv('/path/output.csv', index=False, header=["Text","Amount & Nature","Prediction"])
Выход CSV
Text,Amount & Nature,Prediction
"T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.","28,223,360 (1)",ORG
100 E. Pratt Street,Not Listed,FAC
"Baltimore, MD 21202",Not Listed,CARDINAL
"BlackRock, Inc.","21,871,854 (2)",ORG
55 East 52nd Street,Not Listed,LOC
"New York, NY 10022",Not Listed,DATE
The Vanguard Group,"21,380,085 (3)",ORG
100 Vanguard Blvd.,Not Listed,FAC
"Malvern, PA 19355",Not Listed,DATE
FMR LLC,"20,784,414 (4)",ORG
245 Summer Street,Not Listed,CARDINAL
"Boston, MA 02210",Not Listed,GPE
Здесь, на вышеприведенных выходных данных, можно ли получить уверенный счет по предисловию Spacy NER. Если да, то как мне этого добиться?
Может кто-нибудь помочь мне в этом?