После инициирования движения искусственного интеллекта в крестики-нолики (в настоящее время оно написано только для оценки того, может ли miniMax успешно работать), для завершения в firefox или chrome требуется около 1–1,5 минут. Другие минимаксные функции игры в крестики-нолики запускаются на моем компьютере за короткое время.
Регистрация результатов не привела к приближению к решению. Убедитесь, что все состояния терминала возвращают счет. Здесь есть очевидная ошибка?
$(document).ready(function() {
var state = {
status: "inProgress",
turn: "human", //can be human or AI
game: 1,
turnSwitch: function() {
if (this.turn == "human") {
return (this.turn = "AI");
} else if (this.turn == "AI") {
return (this.turn = "human");
//AI will use minimx algorithm to determine best possible move
function player(name, symbol) {
this.name = name;
this.symbol = symbol;
var human = new player("human", "X");
var AI = new player("AI", "O");
var board = {
board: [],
createBoard: function() {
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
return this.board;
resetBoard: function() {
this.board = [];
//checks board for terminal state
terminalTest: function() {
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i += 3) {
if (
this.board[i] == this.board[i + 1] &&
this.board[i] == this.board[i + 2]
) {
if (typeof this.board[i] !== "number") {
return this.board[i];
for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (
this.board[j] == this.board[j + 3] &&
this.board[j] == this.board[j + 6]
) {
if (typeof this.board[j] !== "number") {
return this.board[j];
if (
(this.board[0] == this.board[4] && this.board[0] == this.board[8]) ||
(this.board[2] == this.board[4] && this.board[2] == this.board[6])
) {
if (typeof this.board[4] !== "number") {
return this.board[4];
//checks for possible moves
findEmptyIndicies: function() {
return this.board.filter(a => typeof a == "number");
function miniMax(boardCurrent, player) {
//store all possible moves
var availableMoves = boardCurrent.findEmptyIndicies();
console.log("available moves length " + availableMoves.length);
//if terminal state, return score
var terminalCheck = boardCurrent.terminalTest();
if (terminalCheck === "X") {
//console.log(boardCurrent.board + " X wins score: -10")
return human.symbol == "X" ? { score: -10 } : { score: 10 };
} else if (terminalCheck === "O") {
//console.log(boardCurrent.board + " ) wins score: 10")
return human.symbol == "X" ? { score: 10 } : { score: -10 };
} else if (availableMoves.length === 0) {
console.log("availmoves length 0 " + availableMoves.length);
//console.log(boardCurrent.board + " score: 0")
return { score: 0 };
//array to store objects containing index and score through each iteration of available moves
var movesArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < availableMoves.length; i++) {
//create object to store return score from each index branch
var move = {};
move.index = boardCurrent.board[availableMoves[i]];
boardCurrent.board[availableMoves[i]] = player.symbol;
//returned score from leaf node if conditionials at top of function are met
if (player.name == "AI") {
var miniMaxReturn = miniMax(boardCurrent, human);
move.score = miniMaxReturn.score;
console.log("move score " + move.score);
} else {
var miniMaxReturn = miniMax(boardCurrent, AI);
move.score = miniMaxReturn.score;
console.log("move score " + move.score);
boardCurrent.board[availableMoves[i]] = move.index;
var bestMove;
console.log("moves array length " + movesArray.length);
if (player.name === "AI") {
let bestScore = -1000;
for (let i = 0; i < movesArray.length; i++) {
if (movesArray[i].score > bestScore) {
bestScore = movesArray[i].score;
bestMove = i;
} else if (player.name === "human") {
let bestScore = 1000;
for (let i = 0; i < movesArray.length; i++) {
if (movesArray[i].score < bestScore) {
bestScore = movesArray[i].score;
bestMove = i;
return movesArray[bestMove];
/**function AIMove() {
console.log("ai move initiated");
var AIPosition = miniMax(board, AI);
//var index = AIposition.index;
//$("#" + index).html(AI.symbol);
function displayMove() {
if (state.turn == "human") $(this).html(human.symbol);
board.board[this.id] = human.symbol;
state.turn = "AI";
miniMax(board, AI);
console.log("AI move complete");
//on window load create board