Поиск минимума Tic-Tac-Toe с альфа / бета-обрезкой в ​​питоне - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 23 сентября 2019

Я очень плохо знаком с Python, и у меня возникают проблемы с реализацией функции обрезки альфа / бета.Я разместил свой код функции альфа / бета-отсечения ниже, я думаю, что большинство из них работает точно, кроме самой важной части:

def makeCompMove(self):
    def minimax(self, depth, nodeIndex, maximizingPlayer, values, alpha, beta):
    # Terminating condition. i.e leaf node is reached

        if depth == self.boardSize:
            return values[nodeIndex]

        if maximizingPlayer:
            best = self.MIN

        # Recur for left and right children
        for i in range(0, 2):
            val = minimax(depth + 1, nodeIndex * 2 + i, False, values, alpha, beta)
            best = max(best, val)
            alpha = max(alpha, best)

        # Alpha Beta Pruning
            if beta <= alpha:
            return best

            best = self.MAX

        # Recur for left and right children
            for i in range(0, 2):
                val = minimax(depth + 1, nodeIndex * 2 + i, True, values, alpha, beta)
                best = min(best, val)
                beta = min(beta, best)
            # Alpha Beta Pruning
                if beta <= alpha:
                return best 
        minimax(0, 0, True, self.marks, self.MIN, self.MAX)
        print("Computer chose: "+str(row)+","+str(col))

В настоящее время программа принимает правильный ввод пользователя и возвращает правильную маркировку наКрестики-нолики с крестиком. Я пытаюсь заставить программу искать лучший контрудар, но просто просит пользователя сделать следующий шаг.

Я пытался найти предыдущие посты, чтобы выяснить мою проблему, но я не уверен, что моя функция просто неверна или насколько я близок.Я надеюсь, что кто-то может помочь, по крайней мере, направить меня в правильном направлении.Я впервые экспериментирую с написанием функций альфа / бета-обрезки, поэтому любые советы будут полезны.

Вот весь код программы:

#Gen-Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax Search with alpha/beta pruning
import numpy as np
import math

# self class is responsible for representing the game board
class GenGameBoard: 

# Constructor method - initializes each position variable and the board size
def __init__(self, boardSize):
    self.boardSize = boardSize  # Holds the size of the board
    self.marks = np.empty((boardSize, boardSize),dtype='str')  # Holds the mark for each position
    self.marks[:,:] = ' '

# Prints the game board using current marks
def printBoard(self): 
    # Prthe column numbers
    print(' ',end='')
    for j in range(self.boardSize):
        print(" "+str(j+1), end='')

    # Prthe rows with marks
    for i in range(self.boardSize):
        # Prthe line separating the row
        print(" ",end='')
        for j in range(self.boardSize):


        # Prthe row number

        # Prthe marks on self row
        for j in range(self.boardSize):


    # Prthe line separating the last row
    print(" ",end='')
    for j in range(self.boardSize):


# Attempts to make a move given the row,col and mark
# If move cannot be made, returns False and prints a message if mark is 'X'
# Otherwise, returns True
def makeMove(self, row, col, mark):
    possible = False  # Variable to hold the return value
    if row==-1 and col==-1:
        return False

    # Change the row,col entries to array indexes
    row = row - 1
    col = col - 1

    if row<0 or row>=self.boardSize or col<0 or col>=self.boardSize:
        print("Not a valid row or column!")
        return False

    # Check row and col, and make sure space is empty
    # If empty, set the position to the mark and change possible to True
    if self.marks[row][col] == ' ':
        self.marks[row][col] = mark
        possible = True    

    # Prout the message to the player if the move was not possible
    if not possible and mark=='X':
        print("\nself position is already taken!")

    return possible

# Determines whether a game winning condition exists
# If so, returns True, and False otherwise
def checkWin(self, mark):
    won = False # Variable holding the return value

    # Check wins by examining each combination of positions

    # Check each row
    for i in range(self.boardSize):
        won = True
        for j in range(self.boardSize):
            if self.marks[i][j]!=mark:
        if won:

    # Check each column
    if not won:
        for i in range(self.boardSize):
            won = True
            for j in range(self.boardSize):
                if self.marks[j][i]!=mark:
            if won:

    # Check first diagonal
    if not won:
        for i in range(self.boardSize):
            won = True
            if self.marks[i][i]!=mark:

    # Check second diagonal
    if not won:
        for i in range(self.boardSize):
            won = True
            if self.marks[self.boardSize-1-i][i]!=mark:

    return won

# Determines whether the board is full
# If full, returns True, and False otherwise
def noMoreMoves(self):
    return (self.marks!=' ').all()

# TODO - this method should run minimax to determine the value of each move
# Then make best move for the computer by placing the mark in the best spot

# Run alpha beta search here
def makeCompMove(self):
    def minimax(self, depth, nodeIndex, maximizingPlayer, values, alpha, beta):
        # Terminating condition. i.e leaf node is reached

        if depth == self.boardSize:
            return values[nodeIndex]

        if maximizingPlayer:
            best = self.MIN

            # Recur for left and right children
        for i in range(0, 2):
            val = minimax(depth + 1, nodeIndex * 2 + i, False, values, alpha, beta)
            best = max(best, val)
            alpha = max(alpha, best)
            # Alpha Beta Pruning
            if beta <= alpha:
            return best

            best = self.MAX

            # Recur for left and right children
            for i in range(0, 2):
                val = minimax(depth + 1, nodeIndex * 2 + i, True, values, alpha, beta)
                best = min(best, val)
                beta = min(beta, best)
                # Alpha Beta Pruning
                if beta <= alpha:
                return best 
        minimax(0, 0, True, self.marks, self.MIN, self.MAX)
        print("Computer chose: "+str(row)+","+str(col))

LOST = 0
WON = 1
DRAW = 2    
wrongInput = False
boardSize = int(input("Please enter the size of the board n (e.g. n=3,4,5,...): "))

# Create the game board of the given size
board = GenGameBoard(boardSize)

board.printBoard()  # Print the board before starting the game loop

# Game loop
while True:
# *** Player's move ***        

# Try to make the move and check if it was possible
# If not possible get col,row inputs from player    
row, col = -1, -1
while not board.makeMove(row, col, 'X'):
    print("Player's Move")
    row, col = input("Choose your move (row, column): ").split(',')
    row = int(row)
    col = int(col)

# Display the board again

# Check for ending condition
# If game is over, check if player won and end the game
if board.checkWin('X'):
    # Player won
    result = WON
elif board.noMoreMoves():
    # No moves left -> draw
    result = DRAW

# *** Computer's move ***

# Print out the board again

# Check for ending condition
# If game is over, check if computer won and end the game
if board.checkWin('O'):
    # Computer won
    result = LOST
elif board.noMoreMoves():
    # No moves left -> draw
    result = DRAW

# Check the game result and print out the appropriate message
print("GAME OVER")
if result==WON:
    print("You Won!")            
elif result==LOST:
    print("You Lost!")
    print("It was a draw!")     