Я новичок в зубрах.
Я сделал мой .y файл, но в компиляции я получаю эту ошибку:
предупреждение: 42 сдвига / уменьшения конфликтов [-Wconflicts-sr]
Я открыл созданный файл .output и увидел следующее, но не могу понять и не могу понять, в чем проблема.
Вот часть моего .output файла:
State 63
56 expr_decl: KW_NOT expr_decl . [KW_END, KW_OR, OP_OR, KW_AND, OP_AND, '>', OP_LESSOREQUAL, OP_GREATEROREQUAL, '=', OP_NOTEQUAL, '<', '*', '/', KW_DIV, KW_MOD, ';', ')', '+', '-']
59 | expr_decl . '*' expr_decl
60 | expr_decl . '/' expr_decl
61 | expr_decl . KW_DIV expr_decl
62 | expr_decl . KW_MOD expr_decl
63 | expr_decl . '+' expr_decl
64 | expr_decl . '-' expr_decl
65 | expr_decl . '=' expr_decl
66 | expr_decl . '<' expr_decl
67 | expr_decl . '>' expr_decl
68 | expr_decl . OP_NOTEQUAL expr_decl
69 | expr_decl . OP_LESSOREQUAL expr_decl
70 | expr_decl . OP_GREATEROREQUAL expr_decl
71 | expr_decl . OP_AND expr_decl
72 | expr_decl . KW_AND expr_decl
73 | expr_decl . KW_OR expr_decl
74 | expr_decl . OP_OR expr_decl
'+' shift, and go to state 87
'-' shift, and go to state 88
'+' [reduce using rule 56 (expr_decl)]
'-' [reduce using rule 56 (expr_decl)]
$default reduce using rule 56 (expr_decl)
Conflict between rule 56 and token KW_OR resolved as reduce (KW_OR < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token OP_OR resolved as reduce (OP_OR < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token KW_AND resolved as reduce (KW_AND < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token OP_AND resolved as reduce (OP_AND < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token '>' resolved as reduce ('>' < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token OP_LESSOREQUAL resolved as reduce (OP_LESSOREQUAL < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token OP_GREATEROREQUAL resolved as reduce (OP_GREATEROREQUAL < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token '=' resolved as reduce ('=' < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token OP_NOTEQUAL resolved as reduce (OP_NOTEQUAL < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token '<' resolved as reduce ('<' < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token '*' resolved as reduce ('*' < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token '/' resolved as reduce ('/' < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token KW_DIV resolved as reduce (KW_DIV < KW_NOT).
Conflict between rule 56 and token KW_MOD resolved as reduce (KW_MOD < KW_NOT).
Любая помощь, пожалуйста? Я искал часы и все еще ничего ..
Вот моя часть декларации:
%left KW_OR OP_OR
%left '=' OP_NOTEQUAL '<'
%left '*' '/' KW_DIV KW_MOD
%left cast
%right KW_NOT '!'
Вот мое правило в зубрах:
expr_decl :
| '!' expr_decl { $$ = template("!(%s)", $2); }
| KW_NOT expr_decl { $$ = template("not(%s)", $2); }
| '+' expr_decl %prec POSITIVE { $$ = template("+(%s)", $2); }
| '-' expr_decl %prec NEGATIVE { $$ = template("-(%s)", $2); }
| expr_decl '*' expr_decl { $$ = template("%s * %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl '/' expr_decl { $$ = template("%s / %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl KW_DIV expr_decl { $$ = template("%s div %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl KW_MOD expr_decl { $$ = template("%s mod %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl '+' expr_decl %prec OP_PLUS{ $$ = template("%s + %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl '-' expr_decl %prec OP_MINUS{ $$ = template("%s + %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl '=' expr_decl { $$ = template("%s = %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl '<' expr_decl { $$ = template("%s < %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl '>' expr_decl { $$ = template("%s > %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl OP_NOTEQUAL expr_decl { $$ = template("%s <> %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl OP_LESSOREQUAL expr_decl { $$ = template("%s <= %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl OP_GREATEROREQUAL expr_decl { $$ = template("%s >= %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl OP_AND expr_decl { $$ = template("%s && %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl KW_AND expr_decl { $$ = template("%s and %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl KW_OR expr_decl { $$ = template("%s || %s", $1, $3); }
| expr_decl OP_OR expr_decl { $$ = template("%s or %s", $1, $3); }
| '(' expr_decl ')' { $$ = template("(%s)", $2); }