Как указал lhf, ваш код отлично работает на MacOS.
Все, что вам нужно, это исправление для Windows.
Следующий код написан на чистом Lua; он переопределяет стандартные функции os
/ io
, чтобы они работали в Windows с именами файлов UTF-8.
Обратите внимание, что ваш языковой стандарт Windows должен быть греческим, а все ваши имена файлов должны содержать только символы из греческая кодовая страница Windows . В Windows на чистом Lua вы не можете открыть файл, содержащий в своем имени произвольные символы UTF-8.
if (os.getenv"os" or ""):match"^Windows" then
local map_unicode_to_1253 = {
[0x20AC] = 0x80,
[0x201A] = 0x82,
[0x0192] = 0x83,
[0x201E] = 0x84,
[0x2026] = 0x85,
[0x2020] = 0x86,
[0x2021] = 0x87,
[0x2030] = 0x89,
[0x2039] = 0x8B,
[0x2018] = 0x91,
[0x2019] = 0x92,
[0x201C] = 0x93,
[0x201D] = 0x94,
[0x2022] = 0x95,
[0x2013] = 0x96,
[0x2014] = 0x97,
[0x2122] = 0x99,
[0x203A] = 0x9B,
[0x00A0] = 0xA0,
[0x0385] = 0xA1,
[0x0386] = 0xA2,
[0x00A3] = 0xA3,
[0x00A4] = 0xA4,
[0x00A5] = 0xA5,
[0x00A6] = 0xA6,
[0x00A7] = 0xA7,
[0x00A8] = 0xA8,
[0x00A9] = 0xA9,
[0x00AB] = 0xAB,
[0x00AC] = 0xAC,
[0x00AD] = 0xAD,
[0x00AE] = 0xAE,
[0x2015] = 0xAF,
[0x00B0] = 0xB0,
[0x00B1] = 0xB1,
[0x00B2] = 0xB2,
[0x00B3] = 0xB3,
[0x0384] = 0xB4,
[0x00B5] = 0xB5,
[0x00B6] = 0xB6,
[0x00B7] = 0xB7,
[0x0388] = 0xB8,
[0x0389] = 0xB9,
[0x038A] = 0xBA,
[0x00BB] = 0xBB,
[0x038C] = 0xBC,
[0x00BD] = 0xBD,
[0x038E] = 0xBE,
[0x038F] = 0xBF,
[0x0390] = 0xC0,
[0x0391] = 0xC1,
[0x0392] = 0xC2,
[0x0393] = 0xC3,
[0x0394] = 0xC4,
[0x0395] = 0xC5,
[0x0396] = 0xC6,
[0x0397] = 0xC7,
[0x0398] = 0xC8,
[0x0399] = 0xC9,
[0x039A] = 0xCA,
[0x039B] = 0xCB,
[0x039C] = 0xCC,
[0x039D] = 0xCD,
[0x039E] = 0xCE,
[0x039F] = 0xCF,
[0x03A0] = 0xD0,
[0x03A1] = 0xD1,
[0x03A3] = 0xD3,
[0x03A4] = 0xD4,
[0x03A5] = 0xD5,
[0x03A6] = 0xD6,
[0x03A7] = 0xD7,
[0x03A8] = 0xD8,
[0x03A9] = 0xD9,
[0x03AA] = 0xDA,
[0x03AB] = 0xDB,
[0x03AC] = 0xDC,
[0x03AD] = 0xDD,
[0x03AE] = 0xDE,
[0x03AF] = 0xDF,
[0x03B0] = 0xE0,
[0x03B1] = 0xE1,
[0x03B2] = 0xE2,
[0x03B3] = 0xE3,
[0x03B4] = 0xE4,
[0x03B5] = 0xE5,
[0x03B6] = 0xE6,
[0x03B7] = 0xE7,
[0x03B8] = 0xE8,
[0x03B9] = 0xE9,
[0x03BA] = 0xEA,
[0x03BB] = 0xEB,
[0x03BC] = 0xEC,
[0x03BD] = 0xED,
[0x03BE] = 0xEE,
[0x03BF] = 0xEF,
[0x03C0] = 0xF0,
[0x03C1] = 0xF1,
[0x03C2] = 0xF2,
[0x03C3] = 0xF3,
[0x03C4] = 0xF4,
[0x03C5] = 0xF5,
[0x03C6] = 0xF6,
[0x03C7] = 0xF7,
[0x03C8] = 0xF8,
[0x03C9] = 0xF9,
[0x03CA] = 0xFA,
[0x03CB] = 0xFB,
[0x03CC] = 0xFC,
[0x03CD] = 0xFD,
[0x03CE] = 0xFE,
local char, byte, table_insert, table_concat = string.char, string.byte, table.insert, table.concat
local function utf8_to_unicode(utf8str, pos)
-- pos = starting byte position inside input string (default 1)
pos = pos or 1
local code, size = byte(utf8str, pos), 1
if code >= 0xC0 and code < 0xFE then
local mask = 64
code = code - 128
local next_byte = byte(utf8str, pos + size) or 0
if next_byte >= 0x80 and next_byte < 0xC0 then
code, size = (code - mask - 2) * 64 + next_byte, size + 1
code, size = byte(utf8str, pos), 1
mask = mask * 32
until code < mask
-- returns code, number of bytes in this utf8 char
return code, size
local function utf8_to_1253(utf8str)
local pos, result_1253 = 1, {}
while pos <= #utf8str do
local code, size = utf8_to_unicode(utf8str, pos)
pos = pos + size
code = code < 128 and code or map_unicode_to_1253[code] or byte('?')
table_insert(result_1253, char(code))
return table_concat(result_1253)
local orig_os_rename = os.rename
function os.rename(old, new)
return orig_os_rename(utf8_to_1253(old), utf8_to_1253(new))
local orig_os_remove = os.remove
function os.remove(filename)
return orig_os_remove(utf8_to_1253(filename))
local orig_os_execute = os.execute
function os.execute(command)
if command then
command = utf8_to_1253(command)
return orig_os_execute(command)
local orig_io_open = io.open
function io.open(filename, ...)
return orig_io_open(utf8_to_1253(filename), ...)
local orig_io_popen = io.popen
function io.popen(prog, ...)
return orig_io_popen(utf8_to_1253(prog), ...)
local orig_io_lines = io.lines
function io.lines(filename, ...)
if filename then
filename = utf8_to_1253(filename)
return orig_io_lines(filename, ...)
Как определить кодовую страницу Windows:
local function get_windows_ansi_codepage()
local pipe = assert(io.popen[[reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage /v ACP]])
local codepage = pipe:read"*a":match"%sACP%s+REG_SZ%s+(.-)%s*$"
return codepage -- returns string "1253"