Я работаю с множителем 4 x 4 бита и получаю это сообщение об ошибке "Ошибка (10500): синтаксическая ошибка VHDL в lab_6.vhd (33) рядом с текстом" после "; ожидается") "или", "двадцать раз. Проблема в том, что у меня после "после" есть ")" или "". Вот код:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity lab_6 is
port(x, y :in std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
f :out std_logic_vector(0 to 7));
end lab_6;
architecture lab_6_arch of lab_6 is
signal sigand0, sigand1, sigand2, sigand3, sigand4, sigand5, sigand6, sigand7, sigand8, sigand9, sigand10, sigand11, sigand12, sigand13, sigand14, sigand15: std_logic;
signal sigha0, sigha1, sigha2, sigha3, sigha4, sigha5, sigha6, sigha7: std_logic;
signal sigfa0, sigfa1, sigfa2, sigfa3, sigfa4, sigfa5, sigfa6, sigfa7, sigfa8, sigfa9, sigfa10, sigfa11, sigfa12, sigfa13, sigfa14, sigfa15: std_logic;
component fa is
port( x : in std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
f : out std_logic_vector(0 to 1));
end component;
component a_n_d is
port( x : in std_logic_vector (0 to 1);
f : out std_logic);
end component;
component ha is
port(x :in std_logic_vector(0 to 1);
f :out std_logic_vector(0 to 1));
end component;
module1: a_n_d
port map( x(0) => x(0),
y(0) => x(1),
f => sigand0 after 3 ns);
f(0)<= sigand0;
module2_1: a_n_d
port map( x(1) => x(0),
y(0) => x(1),
f => sigand1 after 3 ns);
module2_2: a_n_d
port map( x(0) => x(0),
y(1) => x(1),
f => sigand2 after 3 ns);
port map( sigand1 => x(0),
sigand2 => x(1),
f(0)=> sigha0 after 4 ns,
f(1)=> sigha1 after 4 ns);
module3_1: a_n_d
port map( x(2) => x(0),
y(0) => x(1),
f => sigand3 after 3 ns);
module3_2: a_n_d
port map( x(1) => x(0),
y(1) => x(1),
f => sigand4 after 3 ns);
module3_3: a_n_d
port map( x(0) => x(0),
y(2) => x(1),
f => sigand5 after 3 ns);
port map( sigand3 => x(0),
sigand4=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigfa0 after 8 ns,
f(1)=> sigfa1 after 8 ns);
port map( sigfa0 => x(0),
sigand5=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigha2 after 4 ns,
f(1)=> sigha3 after 4 ns);
f(2) <= sigha2;
module4_1: a_n_d
port map( x(3) => x(0),
y(0) => x(1),
f => sigand6 after 3 ns);
module4_2: a_n_d
port map( x(2) => x(0),
y(1) => x(1),
f => sigand7 after 3 ns);
module4_3: a_n_d
port map( x(1) => x(0),
y(2) => x(1),
f => sigand8 after 3 ns);
module4_4: a_n_d
port map( x(0) => x(0),
y(3) => x(1),
f => sigand9 after 3 ns);
port map( sigand6 => x(0),
sigand7=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigfa2 after 8 ns,
f(1)=> sigfa3 after 8 ns);
port map( sigand8 => x(0),
sigfa2=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigfa4 after 8 ns,
f(1)=> sigfa5 after 8 ns);
port map( sigfa4 => x(0),
sigand5=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigha4 after 4 ns,
f(1)=> sigha5 after 4 ns);
module5_1: a_n_d
port map( x(3) => x(0),
y(1) => x(1),
f => sigand10 after 3 ns);
module5_2: a_n_d
port map( x(2) => x(0),
y(2) => x(1),
f => sigand11 after 3 ns);
module5_3: a_n_d
port map( x(1) => x(0),
y(3) => x(1),
f => sigand12 after 3 ns);
port map( sigfa3 => x(0),
sigand10=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigha6 after 4 ns,
f(1)=> sigha7 after 4 ns);
port map( sigand11 => x(0),
sigha6=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigfa6 after 8 ns,
f(1)=> sigfa7 after 8 ns);
port map( sigand12 => x(0),
sigfa6=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigfa8 after 8 ns,
f(1)=> sigfa9 after 8 ns);
module6_1: a_n_d
port map( x(3) => x(0),
y(2) => x(1),
f => sigand13 after 3 ns);
module6_2: a_n_d
port map( x(2) => x(0),
y(3) => x(1),
f => sigand14 after 3 ns);
port map( sigand13 => x(0),
sigha7=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigfa10 after 8 ns,
f(1)=> sigfa11 after 8 ns);
port map( sigand14 => x(0),
sigfa9=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigfa12 after 8 ns,
f(1)=> sigfa13 after 8 ns);
module7_1: a_n_d
port map( x(3) => x(0),
y(3) => x(1),
f => sigand15 after 3 ns);
port map( sigand15 => x(0),
sigfa11=> x(1),
f(0)=> sigfa14 after 8 ns,
f(1)=> sigfa15 after 8 ns);
end lab_6_arch;
Я ценю вашу помощь и время.